Fight Club Rush 11 takes place Saturday, February 26, 2022 with 11 fights at Bombardier Arena in Vasteras,Sweden.

Documentary about the milk farmer Bertil Nilsson

Phase Gaye Re Obama is a comedy set against the backdrop of global recession/meltdown that originated in USA. The film traces the journey of OM Shashtri, an American citizen of Indian origin, who loses all his wealth overnight to the global recession & has been asked to vacate his home by the bank unless he pays up $100,000 (mortgaged amount) within 30 days. Seeing no other option Om comes to India to sell a small piece of an ancestral property. But within days of landing in India he is kidnapped by a 'recession-hit' underworld gang those who think that he is still a millionaire. What happens to Om, is he able to save his home, how did the 'poor' gangster cope with their 'poor' catch & what do small town Indian gangsters have to say to President largely forms the rest of the story. The film, showcases how global recession/ meltdown impacted lives from an America based businessman to underworld dons in the dusty plains of small town India.

Essay on the epic story of an ordinary man, a filmmaker, born in the beginning of the Second World War. From 1942 to 2016, his personal story and the world history, the history of his films, of cinema and the images that inspired him. Life and creation entangled, untangled, intertwined, jostled together. From his childhood to his first steps as an artist. From the distant war to the war against everyone, from the dreamed revolution to the consumer society that ruins your dreams like Coca Cola dissolves your bones.

Two friends Marzouk and Barakat, work with street vendor Batta on her cart in the melon trade. Al-Gayiar who works in the trade of stolen cars admires them, they work with him till they become his competitors. He decides to get rid of them after they've become a treat.

A re-edit of the film "Rumah dan Musim Hujan" (2012) by its producers. A provocative demolition of traditional family values, the film tackles a wide range of issues, from gay secrets to marital infidelity. After a dinner to mark the end of Ramadan, we follow three siblings through the rest of the night. Ragil looks after his dad, a doddery patriarch, but has a secret lover who visits when dad's asleep. His sister Ade has a terrible experience on the way home (she's lived with mum since the divorce), but the night has greater shocks in store for her. And the randy elder brother Raga is helping his current girlfriend through a pregnancy scare when his former girlfriend shows up at the door in distress.

Cameron Duncan wrote, directed and starred in this short film, the same year a lump in his knee turned out to be cancerous. Aged only 16, Duncan had already showcased his filmmaking talents on a series of award-winning short pieces made for Fair Go's annual programme devoted to commercials. With DFK6498, he channels his recent experiences into a short, stylishly-shot memoir of incarceration, frustration and freedom lost. The film went on to win a trio of awards at Wanganui's River City Film Festival and win praise from director Peter Jackson.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.

В конце Второй мировой войны нацисты проводят опыты по оживлению мертвецов. В поле их зрения попадает кукольный театр Андре Тулона, который, кажется, открыл страшную тайну…

3 brother return to the village of Bunohan with three very different reasons; they will encounter death, deceit and a very grim revelation.

Upon waking up in a strange forest, a young man questions whether or not the environment around him is real or a figment of his imagination.

Follow the evolution of a small time juvenile delinquent hood to a big time racketeer. Based on the famous 1950 Brinks Robbery in Boston that netted the crooks $2.5 million. The story delves into the psychology of the perpetrators, as well as the intricate mechanics of the hold-up.

Герой этой эксцентричной комедии — начинающий сценарист Яша с большими амбициями, вечно мечтающий о красивых девушках. Благодаря своему уму и чувству юмора, а также способности попадать в нелепые ситуации, он неожиданно оказывается в пучине страстей. Для начала в него влюбляется самая прекрасная девушка. Но это только цветочки! Героя ждут романтические приключения на Крите, сомнения, страдания, падения и взлеты. Яше предстоит хлебнуть все прелести любви: женщины с чувствами буквально окружают его!

В основе фильма — реальный факт из истории обороны Ленинграда. Осенью 1941 года под огнем вражеской артиллерии и налетами авиации небольшой отряд доставил из Кронштадта порох, необходимый для обороны города…

Хиллари Крамер, успешная производительница парфюмерии, разорена. Её управляющий сбежал в Южную Америку со всеми её деньгами и не оставил даже номера телефона. Долги Хиллари превышают её активы даже после продажи фирмы. На руках у неё остаётся гора неоплаченных векселей и контракт с неким Симпатягой Кидом, боксёром — одна из налоговых уловок сбежавшего менеджера. Кид должен Хиллари деньги, на его имущество, включая автошколу, наложен арест, но даже оно не может покрыть долги бывшей парфюмерши. И тогда Хиллари решается на отчаянный шаг — вернуть Кида на ринг, а сама становится его менеджером.

На этот раз мохнатые пришельцы из космоса захватывают дом в Лос-Анджелесе. Они выгоняют на улицу всех его обитателей. Космический Охотник встает на их защиту и сам становится дичью, которую Зубастики преследуют во всех таинственных уголках дома…

Since her parents divorce Allison continues to hold on to her memories and dreams. In doing so, she herself stands in the way of a life in the present.