Priča o ljubavi, boli, prihvaćanju i da, sjajnoj glazbi. Slavljenje Freddijeva talenta i legendarnog rock benda, koji je svojom glazbom i osjećajem za avanturu i specifičnim nastupima prekršio sva pravila tadašnje scene.

Američki iseljenik Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) je u Londonu izgradio visoko profitabilno carstvo marihuane. Kad se pročuje vijest da se zauvijek želi maknuti iz tog posla, pokreće se niz zavjera, urota , podmićivanja i ucjenjivanja u pokušaju da se zauzme njegova pozicija. Ostatak zvjezdane glumačke ekipe čine Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell i Hugh Grant

Otkad je odlučio trajno prenijeti ljudsku svijest u svoje tijelo Avatara i postati novi vođa naroda Na’vi, Jake Sully živi sa svojom obitelji na Pandori. On i Neytiri su osnovali obitelj i dobili djecu. Kolonizirajuće su se snage vratile na Pandoru kako bi završili prvotnu potragu za rijetkim mineralom, prisiljavajući Jakea i Neytiri da pobjegnu iz svog doma, istražujući do tada nepoznate dijelove Pandore gdje će se upoznati s ljudima Metkayine, klanom domorodaca koji žive okruženi morem.

Kad odjednom otmu njegovog najboljeg prijatelja Slavka, Spužva Bob odvede Patricka u ludu misiju daleko od Bikini doline kako bi spasili svoga frenda.

Naš svijet su zauzeli naizgled neranjivi grabežljivci, koji - na najmanji mogući šum - odmah napadaju smrtonosnom silom. Sve se stoga odvija oko jednog bitnog pravila – kreći se pažljivo i nikada ne stvaraj nikakav zvuk, pa čak ni najmanji šum. Jedna je genijalna obitelj uspjela preživjeti u tišini, pažljivo prigušujući svaki mogući zvuk u svakodnevnom životu. U ovom nadnaravnom, napetom horor trileru uz Johna Krasinskog glumi i dobitnica nagrade Zlatni globus® Emily Blunt, Noah Jupe i Millicent Simmonds.

High school student Shun Takahata is bored. Bored with the day-to-day monotony of school and life, he prays for change, for something exciting. Suddenly, he and his classmates are forced to play deadly children's games and facing terrifying creatures from a talking Daruma doll to a sharp-clawed lucky cat.

In a world where families are limited to one child due to overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own.

Živjeti u Barbielandu znači biti savršeno biće na savršenom mjestu. Osim ako nemaš potpunu egzistencijalnu krizu. Ili si Ken. Vodeće uloge imaju nominirani za Oscara Margot Robbie kao Barbie i Ryan Gosling kao Ken. Impresivnu zvjezdanu glumačku postave čine legendarna glumica i oskarovka Helen Mirren, glumice America Ferrara i Kate McKinnon, Michael Cera, Will Ferrell i Emma Mackey. U filmu se, naime, pojavljuje i glazbena zvijezda Dua Lipa koja je u ulozi Mermaid Barbie, dok je Issa Rae President Barbie te mnoge druge slavne osobe iz svijeta showbiza.

The Daywalker known as "Blade" - a half-vampire, half-mortal man - becomes the protector of humanity against an underground army of vampires.

In Colombia just after the Great War, an old man falls from a ladder; dying, he professes great love for his wife. After the funeral, a man calls on the widow - she dismisses him angrily. Flash back more than 50 years to the day Florentino Ariza, a telegraph boy, falls in love with Fermina Daza, the daughter of a mule trader.

Jamie returns to his hometown in search of answers to his wife's murder, which occurred after receiving a weird package containing a ventriloquist dummy named Billy, which may be linked to the legend of ventriloquist Mary Shaw. Destined to find out the truth, Jamie goes to the town of Raven's Fair, where Shaw used to perform and is buried. But Jamie is in for more than he expected.

Two millennial entrepreneurs stage elaborate fake exorcisms on social media until one of their girlfriends becomes possessed by a demon.

An attention-craving mother nearing 50, unemployed and living with her pregnant daughter and son-in-law, suddenly finds herself with child, too...

Dječak (Jacob Tremblay) donosi izvanzemaljska stvorenja na zemlju kada nađe daljinski upravljač svemirskog broda, za koji misli da je igračka. Ubrzo nakon toga se pojavljuju najsmrtonosniji lovci u svemiru – Predatori - sad još snažniji, inteligentniji i smrtonosniji nego ikada prije, genetski unaprijeđeni DNK-om drugih vrsta te ponovno predstavljaju prijetnju čovječanstvu. Samo će tim bivših vojnika i kemičar moći zaustaviti brisanje ljudske vrste.

Carol Anne has been sent to live with her Aunt and Uncle in an effort to hide her from the clutches of the ghostly Reverend Kane, but he tracks her down and terrorises her in her relatives' appartment in a tall glass building. Will he finally achieve his target and capture Carol Anne again, or will Tangina be able, yet again, to thwart him?

After a group of telemarketers get fired by their penny-pinching boss, they take revenge by stealing the company's list of clients to start up their own firm. In the heat of celebration and a few drinks in, they lose the phone which holds the only copy of their future customers. While tracking the lost device on Halloween night, co-workers Amber and Will find themselves trapped in a demented drug addict's house of horrors.

Influenceri koji u ovom nastavku naume oživjeti teksaški grad duhova susretnu se s Kožnim Licem, zloglasnim ubojicom koji nosi masku od ljudske kože.

Prizivanje duhova i pokušaj razgovora s mrtvima česta su i omiljena razbibriga tinejdžera svugdje u svijetu. No, osim nevine igre, znatiželje i dosade, ovakva zabava može imati i sasvim ozbiljne posljedice po živote sudionika u što će se uvjeriti skupina prijatelja nakon što pokušaju stupiti u kontakt s djevojkom koja je umrla pod čudnim okolnostima.

A hybrid creature - half piranha and half anaconda -- attacks a low-budget horror movie crew on location near her nest when her egg is stolen. Now they must outrun and kill the deadly piranhaconda as well as stop the mad scientist who stole the egg - before they all become dinner.

The child survivor of Victorville's most infamous murder case that brutally claimed the life of her mother, Alexis is now turning 21 and the sole heir to the Victorville estate. But when she receives the deed to her old family home, she also receives it's secrets. Making the house her new home yet unable to shake the feeling that evil forces within it are responsible for creepy occurrences, Alexis and her friends investigate the home's history and discover that the dangerous entity may have been responsible for her mother's death and so many more.