Adam Ondra has been considered the best climber in the history of climbing for several years now. Even though he is only 19. Despite the fact that he is studying at a demanding grammar school, he is maybe the most traveling and definitely the most watched climber of today. It is almost an impossible task to combine and manage top sporting performances on the rocks, a difficult studying and the never ending carousel of competitions, interviews, festivals and slide-shows. Adam is taking his A level exams in a few weeks. Even though he is a top student, he decides not to go to university. Instead, he and 3 of his friends are setting on a long journey to the unknown north of Europe. Remote areas of Norway and Sweden are hiding some undiscovered climbing and natural treasures. The first really FREE journey beyond the limits of human possibilities may begin...

Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe's deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them, the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.

On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

Hector Valentin returns to France from Canada when he inherits a small sawmill. He has difficulties restarting the run-down operation which has inefficient workers and is hampered by the dirty tactics of its bigger...

In a Mars base, the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe, knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.

The Jews of Jerusalem are driven out by their Syrian rulers. They gather their forces, and return to drive out their oppressors.

A seemingly unremarkable man spends a day taking a bizarre test at a mysterious facility. Through his day he interacts with the odd, detached employees of the facility, guiding him from section to section, obscuring the intentions or duration of the test.

A group of German boys are ordered to protect a small bridge in their home village during the waning months of the second world war. Truckloads of defeated, cynical Wehrmacht soldiers flee the approaching American troops, but the boys, full of enthusiasm for the "blood and honor" Nazi ideology, stay to defend the useless bridge. The film is based on a West German anti-war novel of the same name, written by Gregor Dorfmeister.

Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) slučajno je poslan natrag u 1885. kada ga je pogodio grom. No, uspio je poslati Martyju (Michael J. Fox) pismo, napisavši u gdje se nalazi vremenski stroj. Napisao je kako ne dolazi po njega i da uništi stroj čim se vrati u 1985. Marty počne raditi s Docom iz 1955. i oni iskopavaju De Lorean iz rudnika. Prije nego što su napustili rudnik, otkrivaju nadgrobnu ploču na kojoj piše kako je tu 1885. pokopan Doc. Doca je u leđa upucao Biffov pradjed Buford "Ludi pas" Tannen zbog osamdeset dolara. Marty odlučuje, unatoč Docovim uputama, vratiti se u 1985. kako bi spasio prijatelja.

Test is a multi-screen work using three animated sequences, a person, a teddy bear and the word TEST, whose synchronicity is continually being broken by the destruction of a tower block.

Geremia, an aging tailor/money lender, is a repulsive, mean, stingy man who lives alone in his shabby house with his scornful, bedridden mother. He has a morbid, obsessive relationship with money and he uses it to insinuate himself into other people's affairs, pretending to be the "family friend". One day he is asked by a man to lend him money for the wedding of Rosalba, his daughter. Geremia falls in love at first sight with the bewitching creature and and soon indulges in a "beauty and the beast" relationship...

Controversial hedge fund titan Bill Ackman is on a crusade to expose global nutritional giant Herbalife as the largest pyramid scheme in history while Herbalife execs claim Ackman is a market manipulator out to bankrupt them and make a killing off his billion dollar short.

A detective decides to go undercover and set up a group of robbers, but he may be getting too caught up in the task at hand.

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

Vampire sisters Silvania and Daka try to rescue their baby brother, a half-vampire, from the clutches of the evil vampire queen Antanasia, who wants to crown him as her heir.

Dok u provincijskom američkom gradiću markantni svećenik vjernicima okupljenima u mjesnoj crkvi drži nadahnutu propovijed. Usred mise pojavi se muškarac koji izvuče pušku i prema velečasnom ispali nekoliko hitaca. Ispostavi se da je svećenik zapravo varalica i kriminalac John "Thunderbolt" Doherty (C. Eastwood), kojeg progone nekadašnji kompanjoni. U bijegu mu pomogne mladi kradljivac automobila Lightfoot (J. Bridges), pa se privremeno udruže u bijegu pred Thunderboltovim progniteljima. Sazna da je Thunderbolt s pokojnim suradnikom i dvojicom koja ga progone, Redom Learyjem (G. Kennedy) i Eddiejem Goodyjem (G. Lewis), opljačkao banku u Montani, poslije čega je pokojni suradnik sakrio plijen od pola milijuna dolara. Red i Eddie su uvjereni da ih je Thunderbolt onda prevario.

Chris is the top brain who just wants to party, Mitch is the 15-year-old college wiz kid. Supposedly hard at work on a lab project with a mysterious deadline, they still find time to use their genius to discover new ways to have fun.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.