Emmi Kurowski, a cleaning lady, is lonely in her old age. Her husband died years ago, and her grown children offer little companionship. One night she goes to a bar frequented by Arab immigrants and strikes up a friendship with middle-aged mechanic Ali. Their relationship soon develops into something more, and Emmi's family and neighbors criticize their spontaneous marriage. Soon Emmi and Ali are forced to confront their own insecurities about their future.
Four high school teachers launch a drinking experiment: upholding a constant low level of intoxication.
Poate Taylor Tomlinson să aibă totul? De la necazurile întâlnirilor la joburi de vis la vorbe murdare inventive, ea împărtășește suișurile și coborâșurile vieții în acest special stand-up comedy.
Imigrantul polonez Karol Karol se trezește fără o căsnicie, un loc de muncă și o țară când soția sa franceză, Dominique, divorțează de el după șase luni din cauza impotenței sale. Forțat să părăsească Franța după ce a pierdut afacerea pe care o dețineau în comun, Karol îl înrolează pe un coleg expatriat polonez Mikolah pentru a-l aduce clandestin înapoi în patria lor.
Onoff is a famous writer, now a recluse. The Inspector is suspicious when Onoff is brought into the station one night, disoriented and suffering a kind of amnesia. In an isolated, rural police station, the Inspector tries to establish the events surrounding a killing, to reach a startling resolution.
Protagoniștii filmului sunt Ryan, un analistul excentric al CIA, și Marko Ramius, un comandant al submarinului sovietic Octombrie Roșu (eng: Red October). Totul pornește de la uciderea de către Ramius a sfătuitorului său politic, după care își arde ordinele și îndreaptă submarinul spre ape americane. CIA-ul crede că Ramius a înnebunit și că plănuiește să pornească un al treilea război mondial. Singurul care nu este de aceeași părere este Jack Ryan și tot el este cel care se va infiltra pe submarin pentru a-și dovedi teoria.
A long love story, seen through the memories of one young couple. The journey through the years of two individuals, united, divided, happy, unhappy, deeply in love, or in love with others, in a single stream of emotions and shades of feeling. Over the course of the film, he learns that love can indeed last, while she learns to live with nostalgia.
În Roma anilor ’70, întâlnirea întâmplătoare dintre Enea și Pietro dintr-un cinematograf se transformă într-o iubire de neuitat, până când destinul îi desparte.
Johnny Jones, jurnalist american pentru New York Globe, este trimis în Europa în 1939 pentru a evalua posibilitatea izbucnirii unui al doilea război mondial. La Londra, îl întâlnește pe Van Meer, un bătrân politician olandez, singurul care cunoaște clauza secretă a unui posibil tratat de alianță. După un atac simulat, Van Meer este răpit de spioni naziști, iar Jones pornește să-l găsească în Olanda, ajutat în asta de Carol, o tânără fată al cărei tată conduce o societate pacifistă...
Young and ambitious Captain Vivés has just been appointed group leader at the Grenoble Criminal Squad when Clara's murder case lands on his desk. Vivés and his team investigate Clara's complex life and relations, but what starts as a professional and methodical immersion into the victim's life soon turns into a haunting obsession.
Un birocrat intervievează cinci suflete pentru a vedea care din ele va primi o viață pe Pământ. În scurt timp se confruntă însă cu o provocare existențială proprie.
Five years after the all-out war between the Sanno and Hanabishi crime families, former yakuza boss Otomo works in South Korea for Mr. Chang, a noted fixer. When tensions rise between Chang and the Hanabishi, and Chang's life is endangered, Otomo returns to Japan to settle things once and for all.
Harper is a cynical private eye in the best tradition of Bogart. He even has Bogie's Baby hiring him to find her missing husband, getting involved along the way with an assortment of unsavory characters and an illegal-alien smuggling ring.
Down-on-his-luck, unemployed Alexandre has two months to prove to his wife he can take care of his two young kids and be financially independent. Now, the thing is, although The Box, a user-friendly startup, wants to hire him on pro- bation, the company’s slogan is “No kids!” and Séverine, his future boss, is a short-tempered “killer”. So if Alexandre wants to land the job, he’s bound to lie... Will his meeting with Arcimboldo, an “entrepreneur of himself” and the king of online odd jobs, help the brave, disoriented Alexandre overcome all those challenges?
Cinicul șef al unei companii de asigurări își invită toți angajații în weekend la casa lui de vacanță, dar aceștia încep să suspecteze un motiv secret al invitației.
Pierre is the highly successful CEO of a large family-owned company. Before signing the deal of the century, he has to settle one last formality: obtain the signature of his cousin Adrien who owns 50% of his firm. This sweet, idealistic dreamer, who makes one blunder after another, is so happy to see Pierre again that he wants to spend time with him and delay the moment of signing. So Pierre has no choice but to take his cousin with him on a turbulent business trip during which his patience will be put to the test.
Princess Charlotte is scheduled to marry a boring duke, but before that event happens, Paul has taken a bet that he can seduce her. He does, profits from his act, and then falls in love with her. Meanwhile, the wedding with the duke is still planned, and it remains to be seen whether Paul will give in and give up.
Gilbert, assigned to incinerate old banknotes at the Bank of France, lives with his wife, Gisèle, and his young son, Thomas. A few years earlier, he had formed a rock band with Serge and Gisèle's brother, Marc. The latter, abusing his naivety, make him believe that he has been robbed of a briefcase containing a million dollars and that, because of his fault, Marc is in danger of dying. The objective is to force Gilbert to put his incinerator out of order to facilitate the bank robbery. Gilbert refuses at first, then gives in. But he discovers that he has been cheated. To get revenge, he tells the police the date and time of the robbery.
Man-eating crocodiles return to the lake as two males and one aggressive female crocodile, which is protecting her nest, wreak havoc on the locals.