A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Beyond Citizen Kane (1993) is a British documentary film directed by Simon Hartog, produced by John Ellis, and broadcast on Channel 4. It details the dominant position of the Rede Globo media group in the Brazilian society, discussing the group's influence, power, and political connections. Globo's president and founder Roberto Marinho came in for particular criticism, being compared with fictional newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane, created by Orson Welles for the 1941 film Citizen Kane. According to the documentary, Marinho's media group engages in the same Kane wholesale manipulation of news to influence the public opinion.

Le policier Tom Duncan se suicide en laissant une lettre où il révèle la corruption de l'administration de la ville qui est sous la coupe du gangster Mike Lagana. Dave Bannion pense qu'il y a une autre raison au suicide de son collègue. Ses soupçons sont confirmés lorsque Lucy Chapman, une entraîneuse, lui apprend qu'il était en parfaite santé et décidé à divorcer pour elle. Le lendemain, Dave reçoit l'ordre d'abandonner l'enquête, mais ne s'y résout pas...

Un météore s’écrase au Japon, déversant des centaines de créatures arachnides extraterrestres dans Tokyo. L’armée, impuissante face à un tel phénomène, tente de résister autant que possible à l’envahisseur. Mais alors que la panique s’installe, et que ces créatures semblent vouloir installer leur...

Devant l'incapacité des régents, le jeune Ivan décide de se faire couronner. Mais sa tante, qui voudrait voir son fils Vladimir sur le trône, avec la complicité des boyards, fait empoisonner la tsarine. Ivan se retire alors dans un monastère. Le peuple rappelle Ivan.

Ivan veut profiter de son voyage de noces à Rome pour présenter sa jeune épouse Wanda à sa famille et obtenir une audience du Pape. Wanda préfère partir à la rencontre de son idole, le Cheik blanc, héros de romans-photos dont elle suit assidûment les aventures. Elle découvre qu’il n’est qu’un héros de pacotille, lâche et vulgaire. Ne sachant où elle est, Ivan est désespéré et tente de dissimuler sa disparition à sa famille.

Souffre-douleur de la petite ville de Clifton, Scott est méprisé par la population qui le charge des pires corvées. Jusqu'au jour où Talby, un redoutable pistolero, arrive en ville et prend sa défense...

Nursing a piglet back to life because it's the runt of the litter earns Emil a friend for life.

Set in the Clapham district of south London, England, the film is inspired by true events. The paths of several men intersect during a dramatic thirty-six hours in which their lives are changed forever.

Márta, une neurochirurgienne de 40 ans, tombe amoureuse. Elle laisse derrière elle sa brillante carrière américaine et retourne à Budapest pour commencer une nouvelle vie avec cet homme. Mais l'amour de sa vie prétend qu'ils ne se sont jamais rencontrés auparavant.

Sayi and Savithri who are initially at loggerheads but eventually turn out to be the best of friends. However, when their bond goes through a bumpy ride will their friendship sustain?

After years away from home, and receiving news of his parents’ deaths, a disillusioned Occupier is forced from his tent in Zuccotti Park to upper middle class Texas, where he must repair his two sisters, his past, and himself.

A filmmaker attempts to capture paranormal events on camera all while trying to protect his children from the ghost that haunts their house. This is the 6th installment of "The Blackwell Ghost" series.

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.

This documentary chronicles the life of expatriate writer Paul Bowles through archival footage, photos and interviews with the author, who talks about his writing, his friendships with artists such as Tennessee Williams and Aaron Copland and more. Shot in Tangier, Morocco (Bowles's longtime home), this revealing portrait sketches out Bowles's rebellious life story, including his love relationships with men and women, his drug use and his music. - Paul Bowles, Edouard Roditi, Allen Ginsberg

Haunted by childhood memories of his father's murder, Frank Carroll, a private detective/circus clown, sets out on a mission of vengeance. Jingles Carroll, a gentleman in a red nose, was gunned down in cold blood by Max & Fudge, two members of a secret society, as his young son watched in horror. Now, twenty years later, Frank strikes back.