Pogled na misiju Apollo 11 za slijetanje na Mjesec koju predvode zapovjednik Neil Armstrong i pilot Buzz Aldrin.

The story of an impossible love between a woman named Fred and a transgender woman named Laurence who reveals her inner desire to become her true self.

In 1916, a Chicago steel worker accidentally kills his supervisor and flees to the Texas panhandle with his girlfriend and little sister to work harvesting wheat in the fields of a stoic farmer.

Collin must make it through his final three days of probation for a chance at a new beginning. He and his troublemaking childhood best friend, Miles, work as movers, and when Collin witnesses a police shooting, the two men’s friendship is tested as they grapple with identity and their changed realities in the rapidly-gentrifying neighborhood they grew up in.

A young lawyer stumbles upon a vast conspiracy while investigating a brutal murder case.

A young woman left her family for an unspecified reason. The husband determines to find out the truth and starts following his wife. At first, he suspects that a man is involved. But gradually, he finds out more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a possessed love affair.

Trojica tinejdžera nakon slučajna susreta oduševljena je otkrićem da su trojka razdvojena nakon rođenja... sve dok se ne razotkrije njihova prava priča.

A pair of teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania travel to New York City to seek out medical help after an unintended pregnancy.

While on a forgettable first date together in Ohio, a black man and a black woman are pulled over for a minor traffic infraction. The situation escalates, with sudden and tragic results.

Eight months after the death of his wife, Frank Goode looks forward to a reunion with his four adult children. When all of them cancel their visits at the last minute, Frank, against the advice of his doctor, sets out on a road trip to reconnect with his offspring. As he visits each one in turn, Frank finds that his children's lives are not quite as picture-perfect as they've made them out to be.

A father and daughter live a perfect but mysterious existence in Forest Park, a beautiful nature reserve near Portland, Oregon, rarely making contact with the world. But when a small mistake tips them off to authorities, they are sent on an increasingly erratic journey in search of a place to call their own.

Nakon izlaska iz psihijatrijske ustanove, u kojoj je završio uslijed nervnog sloma, romantični i besciljni Anthony Adams (Luke Wilson) pridruži se svojemu starom prijatelju Dignanu (Owen Wilson), koji je osmislio plan kako se brzo obogatiti na nelegalan način, koji uključuje i njegovoga bivšeg šefa, legendarnog gospodina Henryja (James Caan). Uz pomoć patetičnog susjeda Boba (Robert Musgrove), prijatelji izvrše posao te kreću na put, na kojem će svaki od njih pronaći ono za čim najviše žudi - Anthony pravu ljubav, Bob skladnu obitelj, Dignan zločinačku karijeru - ali na način na koji nisu očekivali.

Hunter, a newly pregnant housewife, finds herself increasingly compelled to consume dangerous objects. As her husband and his family tighten their control over her life, she must confront the dark secret behind her new obsession.

When Kylie Bucknell is sentenced to home detention, she's forced to come to terms with her unsociable behaviour, her blabbering mother and a hostile spirit who seems less than happy about the new living arrangement.

At the dawn of the space-race, two radio-obsessed teens discover a strange frequency over the airwaves in what becomes the most important night of their lives and in the history of their small town.

Čudesni park je priča o djevojčici koja u šumi otkriva veličanstveni, zaboravljeni zabavni park. Djevojčica June otkriva da je park isti kao onaj iz njezine mašte i ona ga jedina može spasiti od propadanja, uz pomoć svojih brojnih prijatelja - životinja. Društvo joj čine plavi medo Boomer, čimpanza i maskota parka - Peanut, neustrašiva divlja svinja i mnogi drugi.

A picture-perfect family is torn apart after Tyler finds a cache of disturbing images in his father's possession. He begins to suspect that the man he trusts most in the world may be responsible for the murder of 13 women ten years prior.

An engaged Hollywood agent receives a mysterious letter for an anonymous sexual encounter and becomes ensnared in a sinister world of lying, infidelity, and digital data.

Kineski profesor arheologije Jack udružuje snage s prekrasnom indijskom profesoricom Ashmitom i njezinom asistenticom Kyrom kako bi pokušali pronaći davno izgubljeno blago Magadha. U tibetanskoj ledenoj spilji, oni pronalaze ostatke kraljevske vojske koja je netragom nestala skupa s blagom. Uskoro ih presreće Randall koji se također želi domoći izgubljenog blaga.

In 2176, a Martian police unit is sent to pick up a highly dangerous criminal at a remote mining post. Upon arrival, the cops find the post deserted and something far more dangerous than any criminal — the original inhabitants of Mars, hellbent on getting their planet back.