A sedated young jaguar dispassionately ruminates over his latest victims as well as the object of his affection in this mesmerizing video diary.
Follow Christian and his companions on a great journey from the City of Destruction to the gates of Heaven as they face obstacles large and small, man-made and demon-spawned. Beyond the gripping drama, Bunyan’s powerful allegory teaches us all the hazards and hopes of the Christian life, and it features the triumphant glory that awaits all who faithfully follow the King of kings!
The German soldier Clemens Forel - determined to be reunited with his beloved family - makes a dramatic escape through bitter cold winters, desolate landscapes, and life threatening ventures from a Siberian labor camp after World War II. 8000 miles and three endless years of uncertainty later, he is finally about to reach his destination... An edge of your seat drama that celebrates the power of the human spirit and the force of will, while inspired and impowered by love.
Max and Leo are 8 and 5 years old and have just immigrated to the US with their mother. Their days pass inside a tiny apartment, while they wait for their mother to come back, as they hold on to the hope of traveling to Disney.
Poseidon on aikansa suurin höyrylaiva, jolla vietetään parhaillaan uuden vuoden aattoa iloisissa merkeissä. Musiikki soi, ihmiset tanssivat, kilistelevät lasejaan. Lähistöllä on sattunut vedenalainen maanjäristys, joka on nostattanut valtavan aallon. Aalto kohtaa laivan eikä aluksen kapteeni miehistöineen pysty väistämään aaltoa. Aalto kaataa laivan ylösalaisin ja ainoa tie pelastautua on kivuta “laivan pohjaan” ja yrittää päästä sitä kautta ulos ennen kuin laiva uppoaa. Onko se edes mahdollista selviytyneille juhlijoille. Pohja on paksua terästä.
A bush pilot in nothern Canada who with the aid of modernity thinks he can handle it all & knows it all. After reluctantly agreeing to transport a local indian girl to a medical facility his light plane crashes & they have to survive whilst finding their way back to civilization. Along the journey the man finds a new respect for the native ways as they battle to survive the elements.
Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a child of their own more than anything else in the world. Years of trying, however, have left them with nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in the spare bedroom. When they decide to try adoption, a series of misroutings and chance encounters results in an escaped adult mental patient arriving at their door with adoption papers in hand. P. Tinto and Olivia accept this without question and welcome him in as their son. Can this family arrangement work?
Zooni Ali Beg is a blind Kashmiri girl who travels without her parents for the first time with a dance troupe to Delhi to perform in a ceremony for independence day. On her journey, she meets Rehan Khan, a casanova and tour guide who flirts with her. Although her friends warn Zooni about him, she cannot resist falling in love with him and he takes her on a private tour of New Delhi. But there is more to Rehan than meets the eye and Zooni will have to make a heartbreaking decision.
A young elf mistakes a tiny alien for a Christmas gift, not knowing her new plaything has plans to destroy Earth's gravity — and steal all the presents.
Hauska omaelämäkerrallinen komedia, joka kertoo amerikkalaisen radiotoimittaja Howard Sternin elämästä. Hänen vapaamieliset ohjelmansa ovat jakaneet amerikkalaiset kuulijat kahteen leiriin: toiset ovat hulluina häneen, kun taas toiset eivät voi sietää häntä. Vaikka Howard Stern ärsyttääkin ihmisiä tahallaan, hänestä kertova menestyselokuva on hyvin lämminhenkinen.
In 1934, the second most lucrative business in New York City was running 'the numbers'. When Madam Queen—the powerful woman who runs the scam in Harlem—is arrested, Ellsworth 'Bumpy' Johnson takes over the business and must resist an invasion from a merciless mobster.
Commander Qinglong is the loyal leader of the assassin group that serves the emperor. But when his allies plan a rebellion against the ruler, he finds himself in danger.
Los Angelesin poliisin erikoistutkintajoukko saa tehtäväkseen selvittää neljän henkilön tappoa. Samalla veteraanipoliisi Eldon Perry opastaa joukon keltanokkaa Bobby Keoughia poliisien käyttämän uhkailun ja korruption raakaan todellisuuteen. Luoviessaan tietään läpi myllerryksessä olevan Los Angeles South Centralin heidän on uskallettava kohdata, paitsi kylmäveriset tappajat, myös omat henkilökohtaiset demoninsa - jotka lopulta osoittautuvat armottomammiksi kuin rikolliset, joita he jahtaavat.
Wimpy young executive Michael is about to get pulverized by a jealous boyfriend in a bar when a handsome, mysterious stranger steps in—and then disappears. Later that night, Michael runs into a stranger on a pier, who wheedles his way into Michael's life and turns it upside down.
Maud Bailey, a brilliant English academic, is researching the life and work of poet Christabel La Motte. Roland Michell is an American scholar in London to study Randolph Henry Ash, now best-known for a collection of poems dedicated to his wife. When Maud and Roland discover a cache of love letters that appear to be from Ash to La Motte, they follow a trail of clues across England, echoing the journey of the couple over a century earlier.
Sandy Ricks is sent by his mom to Coral Key, a rustic island in the Florida keys, to spend the summer with his uncle Porter Ricks. Sandy dislikes everything about his new environment until a new friend comes into his life, a dolphin named Flipper, that brings uncle and nephew together and leads Sandy on the summer adventure of a lifetime.
Deaths tells the story of an all-American guy who is murdered each day by horrifying pursuers, only to wake up in slightly different lives to experience the terror of being murdered again.
Terryn elämä näyttää valoisalta uuden rakkauden ja onnistuneen sydänsiirron myötä. Mutta pian sydänoperaation jälkeen rytmihäiriöt ja oudot näyt alkavat piinata miestä. Vastauksia janoava nuori isä tuntee tahdin määräävässä sydämessään, kuka murhasi sen edellisen kantajan.
A cruise ship succumbs to a terrorist act and capsizes on New Year's eve. A rag-tag group of survivors, spearheaded by a priest and a homeland security agent, must journey through the upside down vessel and attempt an escape.
Jack Wosick (Luke Goss) on toisen maailmansodan kapteeni, häpäistyksi joutunut hylkiö, joka saa tilaisuuden tilien tasaamiseen. Wosickia pyydetään johtamaan War Pigs -nimellä tunnettu joukko tappavan taitavia, mutta syystä tai toisesta arvonsa menettäneitä sotilaita vihollislinjan taakse. Salaisen tehtävän tarkoitus on paljastaa ja tuhota natsien kehittämä superase - V3. Kyseessä on massiivinen tykki, joka antaisi saksalaisille ylivoiman ja tarjoaisi tilaisuuden liittoutuneiden tuhoamiseen. Ranskan muukalaislegioonassa palvelevan kapteeni Hans Picaultin (Dolph Lundgren) sekä taisteluiden kovettaman ensimmäisen maailmansodan veteraanin, eversti AJ Reddingin (Mickey Rourke), avulla Jack lähtee kokoamaan ryhmänsä rivejä. Jackin on voitettava miesten kunnioitus, ansaittava näiden luottamus ja treenattava heidät huippuunsa, jotta sekalaisesta sakista hioutuisi yhtenäinen taistelijoiden joukko.