Athena receives the visit of Phoebus Abel, her older brother and God of the Corona. He informs her that he has come to destroy humanity as punishment for their corruption, just as it was done in ancient times. He dismisses Seiya and the Bronze Saints, as she will now be guarded by Abel's three Corona Saints, Atlas of Carina, Jaow of Lynx and Berenike of Coma Berenices, and the five resurrected Gold Saints who died in the Sanctuary battle: Saga of Gemini, Deathmask of Cancer, Shura of Capricorn, Camus of Aquarius and Aphrodite of Pisces. When Athena rebels against Abel's plan, he attacks her, sending her soul to Elysion, the final resting place from which there is no return. The Bronze Saints immediately rush to the Sanctuary to save her and ultimately overcome Abel.

In Siberia, Hyōga saves a man that is being attacked. Injured, the man manages only to say something about Asgard. Some days later, Saori, Seiya, Shiryū and Shun are wondering about Hyōga and decide to go to Asgard to investigate. At Valhalla, the Lord of Asgard, Dolbar, says he has not heard of any Hyōga and neither has his right hand, Loki. However, at all times Seiya and the others can feel an evil cosmo emanating from Loki and the other Odin Saints called God Warriors. Shiryū, in particular, notices a familiar cosmo coming from Midgard, a mysterious, masked God Warrior. Dolbar makes it clear that he is trying to take control of both Asgard and the Sanctuary, imprisoning Athena in a strange dimension within the giant statue of Odin. Midgard reveals himself as Hyōga and tries to kill Shiryū to prove himself to Dolbar. Thus, it is the task of the Bronze Saints to defeat Dolbar, Loki and the rest of the God Warriors, to save Athena and Hyōga.

The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.

Po penkerių metų nuožmaus ir kruvino karo tarp dviejų įtakingiausių jakudzos šeimų Sano ir Hanabiši Japonijoje įsigali pastaroji. Buvęs jakudzos galva Otomo dabar gyvena Pietų Korėjoje. Jis dirba ponui Čanui, kuris net ir per atstumą turi didžiulę įtaką japonų jakudzos klanui. Palyginti menkas įvykis, kurį sukelia Hanabiši šeimos narys, baigiasi didžiule įtampa tarp pono Čano ir Hanabiši. Augantis konfliktas tampa nebekotroliuojamas, įsižiebia nuožmi kova dėl galios pozicijų pačioje Hanabiši šeimoje. Kai galiausiai kyla pavojus pono Čano gyvybei, atsidavęs jakudza Otomo grįžta į Japoniją „sutvarkyti“ reikalų. Senas vilkas negalėjo išsirinkti geresnio momento, kad visiems laikams baigtų nenudirbtus darbus.

The lives of a frustrated explosives police officer and an anxious anarchist collide around a bomb ready to explode: In a symbolic act, Officer Guzman wants to vent his mundane life while the rebel Ivan wants to test prejudices around terrorism . In the end it is not known which of the two will lose.

A local council worker inspects three homes.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Two travellers are tormented by Satan from inn to inn and eventually experience a buggy ride through the heavens courtesy of the Devil before he takes one of them down to Hell and roasts him on a spit.

Johan is a two-fisted Gothenburg cop who finds himself in a shoot-out with jewel robbers. After the smoke has cleared, one robber, shot by his accomplice, and an innocent bystander, are dead. Three witnesses, including Helen, identify thug extraordinaire Leo Gaut as being the dead crook's trigger-happy colleague. Gaut soon threatens the three witnesses, and only Johan, the badge-wearing hero, can save them.

Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

Angelita continues her journey in finding her real parents.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

A game show where Jo Firestone sets up a cookie tasting in a parking lot to try to make friends. Contestants must ultimately decide between a friendship and $50 cash.

This film is the record of a traumatic reaction to the terrorist acts in the Moscow subway of March 29, 2010.

The chronicles of a degenerate man who loves to masturbate, and his corporate disabled friend.

Four comedic episodes framed within the story of a tyrannical Zen master and his two hapless disciples.

"a colorful poem of the first copy-motion film... the system registers images directly from a color (xerox) duplicator model 6500... an original, versatil, unique system developed by Darino" –Back Stage