As the entertainment industry's biggest tabloid draw, Jennifer Lopez has had successful careers in multiple fields. Here, Lopez showcases her career as a pop singer with every one of her music videos to date -- from her debut, "If You Had My Love," to her latest release, "Baby I Love You." J. Lo also enhances the collection by providing personal commentary to each video, including how the ideas came to light and which videos she likes best.

A barber seeks vengeance after his home is burglarized, cryptically telling police his "Lakshmi" has been taken, leaving them uncertain if it's a person or object, jeer at his request until they learn what they're really looking for.

Istorija prasideda nuo bebaimių pomirtinio gyvenimo palydovų - Saugotojų, kurie ruošiasi naujam teismo procesui, 49-ajai lemiamai sielai - Suhongui, dorybių paragono broliui, kuris tapo kerštinga siela Dviejuose Pasauliuose. Karalius Jeomras nenoriai pasižada reinkarnuoti Suhongą kaip ir Havonmaką, Deokčiūną ir jų vadą Ganglimą po tūkstantmetį trūkusių kančių tik tuomet, jei pastarieji du pasiims iš Žemės ten užsibuvusį senelį, o Ganlimas liks spręsti Suhongo bylos vienas.

It's the ultimate showdown. The toughest fighters from "Baki Hanma" and "Kengan Ashura" clash in this unprecedented, hard-hitting martial arts crossover.

Pokario Japonija atsiduria žemiausiame taške, kai iškyla naujas pavojus - milžiniška pabaisa, pakrikštyta siaubinga atominės bombos galia.

Miraculous holders from another world appear in Paris. They come from a parallel universe where everything is reversed: the holders of Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses, Shadybug and Claw Noir, are the bad guys, and the holder of the Butterfly Miraculous, Hesperia, is a superhero. Ladybug and Cat Noir will have to help Hesperia counter the attacks of their evil doubles and prevent them from seizing the Butterfly's Miraculous. Can our heroes also help Hesperia make Shadybug and Claw Noir better people?

Jis – kaskadininkas ir, kaip ir visi kiti kaskadininkai, jam nuolat tenka būti susprogdintam, nušautam, partrenktam, išmetamam pro langus ar paleistam iš didžiausio aukščio – ir visa tai tik dėl žiūrovų pramogos. O dabar, ką tik išgyvenęs nelaimingą atsitikimą, kuris vos nenutraukė jo kaskadininko karjeros, šis herojus gavo užduotį susekti pradingusią kino žvaigždę, išnarplioti keisčiausią sąmokslą ir pamėginti susigrąžinti savo gyvenimo meilę. Argi gali kas nors nutikti ne taip?

Matydama greitą ir bauginantį Hitlerio progresą, britų kariuomenė nusprendžia savo džentelmeniškumą išleisti trumpų atostogų ir suplanuoja beprotiškos drąsos ir įžūlumo reikalaujančią operaciją priešo užnugaryje. Jai vadovauti patikima Gustavui „Gasui“ Marč-Filipsui – puikiam kariui, bet aikštingam, ūmaus būdo ir galimai pora galvos varžtų jau pametusiam vyrukui. Išklausęs planą, Gasas tik linkteli, įkala viskio, surenka kompaktišką tokių pat kaip ir jis išprotėjusių kolegų komandą ir išsiruošia vykdyti užduoties

Lisa, aka Kali, who has nothing left to lose when she finds out her husband has been executed in Rio to cover up a corruption scandal. A former Special Forces recruit, she heads to Brazil with fists, blood and explosives, to Know the truth

In C.E.75, the fighting still continues. There are independence movements, and aggression by Blue Cosmos... In order to calm the situation, a global peace monitoring agency called COMPASS is established, with Lacus as its first president. As members of COMPASS, Kira and his comrades intervene into various regional battles. Then a newly established nation called Foundation proposes a joint operation against a Blue Cosmos stronghold.

In an English village, a reporter and a mechanic listen to a ratcatcher explain his clever plan to outwit his prey.

Set in the golden era of Grand Prix Racing '1' tells the story of a generation of charismatic drivers who raced on the edge, risking their lives during Formula 1's deadliest period, and the men who stood up and changed the sport forever.

A young woman working her first night shift at a remote motel begins to suspect that she is being followed by a dangerous character from her past. As the night progresses and increasingly supernatural events occur, she quickly finds out that nothing is what it appears to be.

A seemingly ordinary girl finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

While on a camping trip in order to reconnect, war veteran Colonel Lee Gunner must save his two sons from a gang of violent bikers when they're kidnapped after accidentally stumbling upon to a massive drug operation.

When a group of rambunctious teens take refuge in Hull House to escape the law, they soon realize their grave error upon meeting Angela.

The lawyer Pio has the personality of an earthworm. The priest assigns him, as a driver, the rather prejudiced Amedeo, rough manners and unlikely clothes. The second will wake up the first.

Talentingasis aktorius Antony Mileris nuolat priverstas kovoti su savo asmeninėmis problemomis ir priklausomybėmis, tačiau filmavimo aikštelėje niekas neabejoja jo talentu. Darbas praskaidrina niūrią Antony kasdienybę, bet neilgam.... Ilgos valandos filmavimo aikštelėje, filmuojant siaubo filmą, neatpažįstamai ima keisti Antony asmenybę. Jo elgesys pakinta, jis dažnai praranda sąmonę, mintys tampa nerišlios, o kūnas išsekęs. Tai, kas pradžioje atrodė, kaip geniali aktoriaus vaidyba, greitai virsta nepaaiškinamu siaubu, kuris stumia vyrą į dar gilesnę tamsą. Nebegalėdamas atskirti realybės nuo vaidmens, Antony praranda kontrolę, o jo dukra Lee susiduria su šiurpiu uždaviniu – surasti būdą, kaip išlaisvinti tėvą nuo jo kūną užvaldžiusios agonijos. Gal tik egzorcizmo apeigos išgelbės tėvo sielą, o gal atskleis tiesą, kuri gali būti baisesnė net už demonišką prakeiksmą.