The relationship between a band's bassist, their drummer, and the drummer’s roommate and ex-boyfriend, who is a professional violinist.

With the help of the "Dragon Sin of Wrath" Meliodas and the worst rebels in history, the Seven Deadly Sins, the "Holy War", in which four races, including Humans, Goddesses, Fairies and Giants fought against the Demons, is finally over. At the cost of the "Lion Sin of Pride" Escanor's life, the Demon King was defeated and the world regained peace. After that, each of the Sins take their own path.

Daktaro Giro kiborgai Ki-17 ir Ki-18 ateityje siautėja ir jau baigia sumaišyti visą pasaulį su žeme, ateityje po žutbūtinio mūšio visi išskyrus Gohaną ir Tranksą žuvo po kovos su kiborgais. Pasaulis paskendo terore ir nėra nieko kas gali jiems pasipriešinti, žmonės krenta vienas po kito nuo kiborgų rankų. Ar Gohanui ir Tranksui pavyks apsaugoti Žemę?

Not paying attention to his job, a young demon allows the evil cleansing machine to overflow and explode, turning the young demon into the infamous monster Janemba. Goku and Vegeta make solo attempts to defeat the monster, but realize their only option is fusion.

An undercover policewoman tracks seven escaped convicts to the deserted island where they've set up a camp.

After the events of Justice League: War, Ocean Master and Black Manta have declared a war against the surface in retaliation of the aftermath of Apokoliptian-tyrant Darkseid's planetary invasion. Queen Atlanna seeks out her other son, Ocean Master’s half-brother Arthur Curry, a half-human with aquatic powers with no knowledge of his Atlantean heritage, to restore balance. Living with powers he doesn’t understand and seeing the danger around him, Curry takes steps to embrace his destiny, joining the Justice League, and with his new teammates he battles to save Earth from total destruction.

Beribėje ir paslaptingoje Visatoje daug amžių gyvuoja nepaprastų karių brolija. Taikos ir teisingumo saugotojus vadina Žaliųjų Žibintų korpusu. Visi korpuso kariai dėvi žiedą, suteikiantį nepaprastų galių…

The great King Gurumes is searching for the Dragon Balls in order to put a stop to his endless hunger. A young girl named Pansy who lives in the nearby village has had enough of the treachery and decides to seek Muten Rōshi for assistance. Can our heroes save the village and put a stop to the Gurumes Army?

Adamas – atsiskyrėlis jaunuolis, nuo pat mažų dienų kamuojamas Aspergerio sindromo. Šis autistinis sutrikimas pasireiškia bendravimo su kitais žmonėmis problemomis. Tačiau vieną dieną Adamo kaimynystėje apsigyvena gražuolė kosmopolitė Betė, kuri įtikina vaikiną pradėti domėtis aplinkiniu pasauliu. Betės ir Adamo draugystė duos jautrių, juokingų ir kartais netikėtų rezultatų...

The posse meet three cat clerics who worship Lister as their God. Lister vows to help them as they're being hunted by Rodon, the ruthless feral cat leader who has vowed to wipe out all cats who worship anyone but him.

Three friends try to save their mummified friend, Harold, from greedy criminals by returning him to his resting place before midnight on Halloween.

13-year-old Benjamin discovers that his mother didn’t die in an accident as he was led to believe. The trail leads to high-ranking officials in the Danish Secret Service. "Trust no one!", he is told.

Arundhati belongs to Gadwal samsthanam in 1920’s. She is known for her bravery in saving the Samstanam by killing Pasupathi an evildoer. But the spirit of Pasupathi haunts that place. Another girl is born in the same lineage after 3 generations and she is named as Arundhati. The spirit of Pasupati is after Arundhati to take the revenge.

Įvykių centre – mergina, vardu Max (akt. Taissa Farmiga), sunkiai išgyvenanti mamos mirtį. 80-iais jos mama buvo tikra kino žvaigžde. Vieną lemtingą vakarą, bežiūrint filmą, kuriame vaidino merginos mama, ji, drauge su likusiais draugais, netikėtai patenka į šį filmą. Šiurpūs nuotykiai prasideda...

Nuotaikingas animacinis filmas apie linksmąjį lūšiuką Feliksą ir jo draugus: chameleoną Gasą, ožkutę Betę ir sakalę Astartę. Jie susiburia, kad sužlugdytų piktojo medžiotojo planą ir išgelbėtų kitus gyvūnus iš jo nelaisvės. Taip pat jie ruošiasi padėti ekscentriškajam milijonieriui pastatyti Nojaus Arką...

Du skolų išieškotojai atsiduria itin pavojingoje situacijoje, gaudydami kelis nuskurdėlius ir bandydami išvengti kerštingo vadeivos.

Two nine-year-old girls report a flasher to the police even though they never saw him. Three filmmakers meet the only residents of a deserted village - an elderly brother and sister who have not spoken to each other in 16 years. Retired cleaning women are found raped and strangled in a small town. The fiction slowly turns into a documentary.

Years after a mysterious plague has devastated the planet and turned most of humanity into blood-hungry creatures, a rogue drifter on a vengeful hunt stumbles across a band of survivors in an abandoned police station and reluctantly agrees to try to help them defend themselves and escape to the sanctuary they so desperately need.

An imperial guard and his three traitorous childhood friends ordered to hunt him down get accidentally buried and kept frozen in time. 400 years later, they are defrosted continuing the battle they left behind.