Lepnā slavena arhitekta projektētā namā plaukst modernās pilsētvides elites pārstāvju dzīve, savukārt kādā nolaistā puspagraba miteklī savu situāciju apņēmīgi cenšas pārvarēt trūkuma un neveiksmju vajāta ģimene. Kad liktenis piedāvā iespēju šādu cilvēku ceļiem krustoties, ieguvumu un postījumu apmērs nav paredzams.
Francija, 18.gadsimta beigas. Jauna sieviete Eloīze saderinājusies ar vecākās māsas bijušo līgavaini no Milānas. Lai līgavainis varētu redzēt, kāda izskatās viņa gaidāmā sieva, kādam ir jāuzglezno Eloīzes portrets, lai to pirms kāzām viņam nosūtītu. Tomēr Eloīze nevēlas precēties un atsakās no sava portreta gleznošanas.
Teksasas kovboja Rona Vudrūfa dzīvi satricina pēkšņa diagnoze - HIV pozitīvs. Dzīvot viņam atlikušas 30 dienas. Tolaik, 1985.gadā tikai sāka apzināties AIDS izplatību un to, kā cīnīties ar šo vīrusu. Rons, no kura novērsās daudzi viņa kādreizējie draugi, sāk pats meklēt legālus un nelegālus ārstēšanās veidus...
Uzreiz pēc astoņdesmit piektās jubilejas nogalināts detektīvromānu autors un kuplas ģimenes patriarhs Harlans Trombijs. Slepkavības izmeklēšanu uzsāk harizmātiskais un skrupulozais detektīvs Benuā Blanks, kuram acumirklī kļūst skaidrs – slepkavību ir pastrādājis kāds no Trombija plašās ģimenes locekļiem. Bet kurš tieši? Atjautības spēle uz dzīvību un nāvi ir sākusies!
Benjamin, a recent college graduate very worried about his future, finds himself in a love triangle with an older woman and her daughter.
Pēc sava brāļa pēkšņās nāves Lī Čandlers ("Oscar" balvas nominants Keisijs Afleks) kļūst par brāļadēla aizgādni un ir spiests atgriezties dzimtajā miestā, kur viņu jau gaida bijusī sieva (Mišela Viljamsa) un tik rūpīgi slēptā un aizmirstā pagātne…
David Huxley is waiting to get a bone he needs for his museum collection. Through a series of strange circumstances, he meets Susan Vance, and the duo have a series of misadventures which include a leopard called Baby.
A bad day gets worse for young detective Murakami when a pickpocket steals his gun on a hot, crowded bus. Desperate to right the wrong, he goes undercover, scavenging Tokyo’s sweltering streets for the stray dog whose desperation has led him to a life of crime. With each step, cop and criminal’s lives become more intertwined and the investigation becomes an examination of Murakami’s own dark side.
During an unfortunate series of events, a friend of Kung Fury is assassinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time, Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time to Nazi Germany in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all.
Laika aģenta dzīvē pienācis laiks pēdējam uzdevumam: doties ceļojumā laikā, lai panāktu noziedznieku, kuru līdz šim nav izdevies notvert.
A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.
A young woman left her family for an unspecified reason. The husband determines to find out the truth and starts following his wife. At first, he suspects that a man is involved. But gradually, he finds out more and more strange behaviors and bizarre incidents that indicate something more than a possessed love affair.
Vignettes weaving together the stories of six individuals in the old West at the end of the Civil War. Following the tales of a sharp-shooting songster, a wannabe bank robber, two weary traveling performers, a lone gold prospector, a woman traveling the West to an uncertain future, and a motley crew of strangers undertaking a carriage ride.
Ir 1970. gads, Losandželosa. Kādas pabalējušas pornozvaigznes pašnāvība saved kopā izsitēju Džeksonu Heiliju un privātdetektīvu, alkoholiķi Hollandu Mārču. Viņu vienīgā problēma - mirušās meitenes tante ir pārliecināta, ka redzējusi savu māsasmeitu dzīvu pēc medijos plaši atspoguļotā incidenta. Tā kā detektīviem vajag naudu, viņi uzņemas lietu, kas, izrādās, ir saistīta ar augstākajām varas aprindām un slepkavību sazvērestību, kas iesniedzas dziļi ASV auto industrijā.
Former Marine Louanne Johnson lands a gig teaching in a pilot program for bright but underachieving teens at a notorious inner-city high school. After having a terrible first day, she decides she must throw decorum to the wind. When Johnson returns to the classroom, she does so armed with a no-nonsense attitude informed by her military training and a fearless determination to better the lives of her students -- no matter what the cost.
A concentration camp survivor discovers her former torturer and lover working as a porter at a hotel in postwar Vienna. When the couple attempt to re-create their sadomasochistic relationship, his former SS comrades begin to stalk them.
A passionate telling of the story of Sada Abe, a woman whose affair with her master led to an obsessive and ultimately destructive sexual relationship.
Rumored to have been lost, Antrum appears as a cursed film from the 1970s. Viewers are warned to proceed with caution. It’s said to be a story about a young boy and girl who enter the forest in an attempt to save the soul of their recently deceased pet. They journey to “The Antrum,” the very spot the devil landed after being cast out of heaven. There, the children begin to dig a hole to hell.
A detective from Hong Kong teams up with an American gambler to battle against a notorious Chinese criminal.
Laimīgais Lūks atgriežas savā dzimtajā pilsētā Deiztaunā, kur tolaik saimnieko ļaundari Pats Pokers un Billijs Z. Kejs. Tur viņš sastaps savu mīlestību, vietējās tavernas dziedātāju vārdā Bella, kā arī satiksies ar saviem senajiem ienaidniekiem Kelemitiju Džeinu un Džesiju Džeimsu.