A poor North Korean fisherman finds himself an accidental defector, and is groomed to be a spy by an ambitious South Korean military officer.

1914 წელი,აღმოსავლეთი აფრიკა.ჯინით გაჟღენთილი კაპიტანი ჩარლი თავის გემით ჩადის სოფელში,სადაც უბრწყინვალესი სემიუელის და მისი გაუთხოვარი დის როზის ქრისტიანული მისიაა.მათ ველურ აფრიკულ ჯუნგლებში თავი ისე უჭირავთ,თითქოს ჯერ კიდევ ინგლისში არიან.მაგრამ ომი აფრიკამდეც მივა. გერმანელი ჯარისკაცები მისიაში შეიჭრებიან და სემიუელს კლავენ.როზა კი გაიქცევა ჩარლისთან ერთად.მუდმივ ურთიერბრძოლაში მყოფი ქედმაღალი მისიონერი ქალი და უდარდელი კაპიტანი სახიფათო და რომანტიკულ თავგადასავლებში გაეხვევიან.

Kevin Smith interacts in Q&A sessions throughout various college stops in the USA.

იანი, პიტერი და ჯული ყველაზე რომანტიკულ და სახიფათო ასაკში არიან, რომელიც სავსეა რევოლუციური იდეალებით. მათ ქვეყნის გადატრიალება სურთ, ღარიბები გაამდიდრონ, მდიდრები კი ხელგაშლილები გახადონ. მოკლედ, უდარდელს მათ ცხოვრების ამ პერიოდს ვერ დაარქმევ. სამეული სახლებს აყაჩაღებს და მძევალიც კი აიყვანეს. მეგობრები სასიყვარულო პრობლემებისგანაც იტანჯებიან: იულია ერთნაირი სინაზით არის განწყობილი ორივე ძმაკაცის მიმართ.

Moscow, 1930s. A prominent writer's works are suddenly censored by the Soviet state and the premiere of his theatrical play about Pontius Pilate is canceled. He's kicked out of the Soviet Writer's Union, and quickly turns into an outcast with no means to survive. Inspired by Margarita - his lover, he begins working on a new novel in which all the characters are satirically reinterpreted from his life. The novel's central character is Woland - a mystical dark force who visits Moscow to revenge all those who caused the writer's downfall. As the Master sinks himself deeper and deeper into his novel, adding himself and Margarita as characters, he gradually stops noticing as the border between reality and his imagination fades away.

Nelson is a man devoted to his advertising career in San Francisco. One day, while taking a driving test at the DMV, he meets Sara. She is very different from the other women in his life. Nelson causes her to miss out on taking the test and later that day she tracks him down. One thing leads to another and Nelson ends up living with her through a November that will change his life forever.

Set in ancient China, Zeng Jing is a skilled assassin who finds herself in possession of a mystical Buddhist monk's remains. She begins a quest to return the remains to its rightful resting place, and thus places herself in mortal danger because a team of assassins is in a deadly pursuit to possess the remains which holds an ancient power-wielding secret.

Mr. Hoppy is a shy old man who lives alone in an apartment building. For many years, he has been secretly in love with Mrs. Silver, a woman who lives below him. Mr. Hoppy frequently leans over his balcony and exchanges polite conversation with Mrs. Silver, but he is too shy to disclose how he feels. Mr. Hoppy longs to express his feelings to Mrs. Silver, but he can never bring his lips to form the words. Mrs. Silver has a small pet tortoise, Alfie, whom she loves very much. One morning, Mrs. Silver mentions to Mr. Hoppy that even though she has had Alfie for many years, her pet has only grown a tiny bit and has gained only 3 ounces in weight. She confesses that she wishes she knew of some way to make her little Alfie grown into a larger, more dignified tortoise. Mr. Hoppy suddenly thinks of a way to give Mrs. Silver her wish and win her affection.

After a friend overdoses, Spoon and Stretch decide to kick their drug habits and attempt to enroll in a government detox program. Their efforts are hampered by seemingly endless red tape, as they are shuffled from one office to another while being chased by drug dealers and the police.

ამერიკა, 20-იანი წლები. გოლფის დიდი ოსტატი ომიდან სხვა ადამიანად ბრუნდება. ტრაგიკულმა მოვლენებმა და ბედის უკუღმართობამ, მის ცხოვრებას აზრი დააკარგინა, გულზე კი ღრმა ჭრილობები დაუტოვა... და მხოლოდ გულითადი მეგობრების დახმარებას და საყვარელი ქალის სინაზეს და სიყვარულს შეუძლია გადაატანინოს ცხოვრებისეული წინააღმდეგობები წარმატების მისაღწევად.

The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.

As a child living in Africa, Jill Young saw her mother killed while protecting wild gorillas from poachers led by Andrei Strasser. Now an adult, Jill cares for an orphaned gorilla named Joe -- who, due to a genetic anomaly, is 15 feet tall. When Gregg O'Hara arrives from California and sees the animal, he convinces Jill that Joe would be safest at his wildlife refuge. But Strasser follows them to the U.S., intent on capturing Joe for himself.

Suburban soccer moms find themselves constantly competing against each other in their personal lives as their kids settle their differences on the field.

Biopic about 1970s Welsh marijuana trafficker Howard Marks, whose inventive smuggling schemes made him a huge success in the drug trade, as well as leading to dealings with both the IRA and British Intelligence. Based on Marks' biography with the same title.

The movie deals with a guy who gets to join the German Bundeswehr involuntarily because a colleague loses his denial papers in order to get the chance to get down on his girlfriend. When entering the Bundeswehr he acts like a giant idiot and of course gets in one room with some of the biggest losers around. The loser turns out to be a hero and leads his loser-colleagues to win a contest with the local US army squad.

A 1980s-set drama about a teenage girl undergoing her sexual awakening when she learns about her father's infidelities.

After Malukan immigrants engage in a string of corpse mutilations at various New York City hospitals, a doctor and a morgue assistant travel to the Maluku Islands to investigate.

A quaint Australian fishing village is overcome by meteorites that turn its residents into the ravenous undead, leaving a small group of those unharmed to find a way out.

Sherlock Holmes and Watson are on the trail of a criminal and scientific mastermind who seems to control monsters and creations which defy belief.

A group of post-apocalyptic survivors, struggle to survive in a world where jungles and forests and primeval wetlands and deserts have obliterated civilization. They staunchly face genetically mutating beasts and mysterious diseases in an attempt to re-establish the human race as masters of Earth.