A poor North Korean fisherman finds himself an accidental defector, and is groomed to be a spy by an ambitious South Korean military officer.
At the start of the First World War, in the middle of Africa’s nowhere, a gin soaked riverboat captain is persuaded by a strong-willed missionary to go down river and face-off a German warship.
Janas, Pėteris ir Julija išgyvena romantiškiausią ir pavojingiausią metą – jaunystę, pilną revoliucinių idealų. Jauni maištautojai nenumaldomai trokšta pakeisti pasaulį. Jie gyvena labai kukliai, sunkiai dirba už mažus atlyginimus ir velniškai nekenčia prabangos pertekusių turtuolių. Jie nori apversti pasaulį, padaryti skurdžius turtingais, o turtingus priversti būti dosniais. Tiesą sakant, jų jaunystės nerūpestinga nepavadinsi. Niokodami svetimus namus ir net užgrobę įkaitą, trijulė kenčia ir nuo širdies problemų: Julija jaučia vienodą palankumą abiem bičiuliams. Ką daryti su įkaitu? Kaip ištrūkti iš meilės trikampio? Viskas labai paprasta – įkaitą paleisti, o gyventi trise – juk tai nuostabu! Kai kurie „Svajotojai“ nesikeičia...
40-year-old Elling, sensitive, would-be poet, is sent to live in a state institution when his mother, who has sheltered him his entire life, dies. There he meets Kjell Bjarne, a gentle giant and female-obsessed virgin, also in his 40s.
Set in ancient China, Zeng Jing is a skilled assassin who finds herself in possession of a mystical Buddhist monk's remains. She begins a quest to return the remains to its rightful resting place, and thus places herself in mortal danger because a team of assassins is in a deadly pursuit to possess the remains which holds an ancient power-wielding secret.
Mr. Hoppy is a shy old man who lives alone in an apartment building. For many years, he has been secretly in love with Mrs. Silver, a woman who lives below him. Mr. Hoppy frequently leans over his balcony and exchanges polite conversation with Mrs. Silver, but he is too shy to disclose how he feels. Mr. Hoppy longs to express his feelings to Mrs. Silver, but he can never bring his lips to form the words. Mrs. Silver has a small pet tortoise, Alfie, whom she loves very much. One morning, Mrs. Silver mentions to Mr. Hoppy that even though she has had Alfie for many years, her pet has only grown a tiny bit and has gained only 3 ounces in weight. She confesses that she wishes she knew of some way to make her little Alfie grown into a larger, more dignified tortoise. Mr. Hoppy suddenly thinks of a way to give Mrs. Silver her wish and win her affection.
After a friend overdoses, Spoon and Stretch decide to kick their drug habits and attempt to enroll in a government detox program. Their efforts are hampered by seemingly endless red tape, as they are shuffled from one office to another while being chased by drug dealers and the police.
A band of medieval mercenaries take revenge on a noble lord who decides not to pay them by kidnapping the betrothed of the noble's son. As the plague and warfare cut a swathe of destruction throughout the land, the mercenaries hole up in a castle and await their fate.
World War I has left golfer Rannulph Junuh a poker-playing alcoholic, his perfect swing gone. Now, however, he needs to get it back to play in a tournament to save the financially ravaged golf course of a long-ago sweetheart. Help arrives in the form of mysterious caddy Bagger Vance.
The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.
Daugumai žmonių Džo yra galingas ir paslaptingas – didžiulė gorila yra mažo Afrikos kaimelio gyventojų saugotojas ir gynėjęs. Savo vienintelei draugei Džil jis yra pagalbininkas ir kompanjonas. Kartu jie yra vieninteliai šeimos nariai nuo tada, kai jų motinos buvo brakonierių nužudytos prieš 20 metų. Kai zoologas Gregas O’Hara, tyrinėjantis Pangani kalnus Centrinėje Afrikoje, susiduria su baugia 5 metrų ūgio gorila, jis ir Džil gelbsti stiprų nekaltą gamtos kūrinį nuo grobikų žmonių išveždami Džo į saugų Kalifornijos gyvūnų draustinį. Kaip bebūtų, Džo yra saugus neilgam. Jis tampa savo praeities priešo taikiniu ... negailestingas medžiotojas nori pagrobti Džo dėl jo neįkainojamas vertės pavojingų gyvūnų juodojoje rinkoje. Sutrikęs ir išsigandęs Džo galiausiai pabėga. Šiai galingai gamtos jėgai bandant prasibrauti pro Los Andželo miestą, Džo kelyle lieka chaoso ir griuvėsių pėdsakai.
Suburban soccer moms find themselves constantly competing against each other in their personal lives as their kids settle their differences on the field.
Freshly graduated from high school, Ana receives a full scholarship to Columbia University. Her very traditional, old-world parents feel that now is the time for Ana to help provide for the family, not the time for college.
When his love interest doesn't show up for a meeting, a man and his friends go to Goa in order to find her, where they discover she loves someone else.
Biopic about 1970s Welsh marijuana trafficker Howard Marks, whose inventive smuggling schemes made him a huge success in the drug trade, as well as leading to dealings with both the IRA and British Intelligence. Based on Marks' biography with the same title.
A 16-year-old girl visits her gay half-brother and ends up seducing his boyfriend, thus wreaking havoc on all of their lives.
25-eri metai po paliudijimo, kad jos brolis yra žmogus, išskerdęs visą jos šeimą, su šia prakeikta moterimi susisiekia slapta organizacija, kuri specializuojasi sudėtingose ir neišspręstose bylose.
Twenty year old Antoine has made enemies of a gang of young thugs, to whom he owes money. Fed up with his scams and petty crimes, his mother and older brother decide to send Antoine to his father's place in Saint-Etienne. The two men haven't seen each other for several years.
After Malukan immigrants engage in a string of corpse mutilations at various New York City hospitals, a doctor and a morgue assistant travel to the Maluku Islands to investigate.
A group of post-apocalyptic survivors, struggle to survive in a world where jungles and forests and primeval wetlands and deserts have obliterated civilization. They staunchly face genetically mutating beasts and mysterious diseases in an attempt to re-establish the human race as masters of Earth.