The invasion of a village in Byelorussia by German forces sends young Florya into the forest to join the weary Resistance fighters, against his family's wishes. There he meets a girl, Glasha, who accompanies him back to his village. On returning home, Florya finds his family and fellow peasants massacred. His continued survival amidst the brutal debris of war becomes increasingly nightmarish, a battle between despair and hope.

A young nurse, Alma, is put in charge of Elisabeth Vogler: an actress who is seemingly healthy in all respects, but will not talk. As they spend time together, Alma speaks to Elisabeth constantly, never receiving any answer.

Када се разочарани шведски витез Антоније Блок враћа кући из крсташких ратова да би нашао своју земљу у загрљају Црне смрти, он изазива Смрт на шаховску утакмицу за свој живот. Мучен вером да Бог не постоји, Блок креће на путовање, сусрећући се са путујућим играчима Јофом и његовом женом Миом, и постајући одлучан да избегне Смрт довољно дуго да изврши једно искупитељско дело док је још жив.

After running away from his negligent parents, committing a violent crime and being sentenced to five years in jail, a hardened, streetwise 12-year-old Lebanese boy sues his parents in protest of the life they have given him.

Прича прати Пола Атреидеса из куће Атреидес, сјајног и надареног младића рођеног за велике ствари, који мора да отпутује на најопаснију планету у свемиру како би осигурао будућност своје породице и свог народа. Када се нађе усред сукоба око ексклузивне дистрибуције најцењенијим ресурсом који постоји, највреднијем елементу галаксије који се налази само на Аракису и који може откључати највећи потенцијал човечанства, у ком ће преживети само они који могу да победе свој страх.

In a Turkish village, five orphaned sisters live under strict rule while members of their family prepare their arranged marriages.

Роберт Мекол налази се код куће у јужној Италији, али открива да су његови пријатељи под контролом локалних криминалних босова. Док догађаји постају смртоносни, Мекол зна шта треба да уради: да постане заштитник својих пријатеља тако што ће се борити против мафије.

This psychedelic tour of life after death is seen entirely from the point of view of Oscar, a young American drug dealer and addict living in Tokyo with his prostitute sister, Linda. When Oscar is killed by police during a bust gone bad, his spirit journeys from the past -- where he sees his parents before their deaths -- to the present -- where he witnesses his own autopsy -- and then to the future, where he looks out for his sister from beyond the grave.

Middle-aged Giulietta grows suspicious of her husband, Giorgio, when his behavior grows increasingly questionable. One night when Giorgio initiates a seance amongst his friends, Giulietta gets in touch with spirits and learns more about herself and her painful past. Slightly skeptical, but intrigued, she visits a mystic who gives her more information -- and nudges her toward the realization that her husband is indeed a philanderer.

Млади пар путује у Шведску да посети сеоски родни град свог пријатеља и присуствује његовом фестивалу средином лета. Оно што започиње као идилично одмарање брзо се претвара у бизарно и насилно такмичење поганског култа.

Једне хладне зимске ноћи, група младих плесача организује пробу у напуштеној школској згради. Забава која траје целу ноћ претвара се у ноћну мору пуну халуцинација када схвате да је у сангрију коју су пили додат ЛСД.

Two desperate people have a wonderful romance, but their political views and convictions drive them apart.

A woman with a mysterious illness is forced into action when a group of terrorists attempt to hijack a transatlantic overnight flight. In order to protect her son she will have to reveal a dark secret, and unleash the inner monster she has fought to hide.

After several Catholic school pupils are murdered, a teacher who is having an affair with one of his students becomes a suspect. When other gruesome murders start occurring shortly thereafter, the teacher suspects that he may be the cause of them.

College freshman Abby tries to distance herself from her dark past while resisting her attraction to bad boy Travis.

By 2017, the global economy has collapsed and U.S. society has become a totalitarian police state, censoring all cultural activity. The government pacifies the populace by broadcasting a number of game shows in which convicted criminals fight for their lives, including the gladiator-style The Running Man, hosted by the ruthless Damon Killian, where “runners” attempt to evade “stalkers” and certain death for a chance to be pardoned and set free.

A young and talented architect comes to his senses after a horrific accident only to find himself in the odd dystopian world. A world that is filled with the memories of all current coma patients. Just like a human memory this world is fragmental, chaotic and unstable. This is COMA: icecaps, rivers and cities can all exist in a space of a single room and laws of physics are no longer laws as they can be bent.

Fresh to Las Vegas with no connections, Nomi Malone takes a job as an exotic dancer. Her talents are quickly noticed by Cristal, a headlining dancer who senses an opportunity to bolster her own act. But Nomi won’t play second fiddle and soon begins her venomous path to the top, ruthlessly backstabbing anyone who gets in her way.

A prehistoric epic that follows a young mammoth hunter's journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his tribe.

After a twist of fate brings their families together for Christmas, Charlotte sets out to prove her old friend Jackie's life is too good to be true.