The documentary Merikotkan paluu (Return of the white-tailed eagle), tells the tale of the past and the present of the white-tailed eagle. The second protagonist of the film is the human - the animal that can be blamed for the eagles’ distress but also credited for its rescue.

In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.

A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

An illegal Polish worker on a building site falls from the scaffolding in the Ruhr region. Everyone wants to hush up the accident except the well-educated trainee.

Po krádeži sto miliónov dolárov a úteku z brazílskeho Ria sa tím okolo Dominika roztrúsil po celom svete bez možnosti sa navrátiť domov. Medzitým agent Hobbs sleduje extrémne nebezpečnú organizáciu vodičov za účelom ich dolapenie a odovzdanie spravodlivosti. Ukáže sa, že jediný, kto mu k tomu môže naozaj pomôcť, je Dominikov team, a to výmenou za odpustenie všetkých ich zločinov. Lenže to ešte Dominik netuší, že medzi ľuďmi, po ktorých pôjde, je aj jeho mŕtva partnerka Letty.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Four giants of the tenor saxophone -- including the legendary John Coltrane -- are featured in this collection of rare performances recorded in the '60s. Filmed for the television series Jazz Casual, which was hosted by the great jazz writer Ralph Gleason, John Coltrane: Four Tenors features Coltrane and his group (featuring Elvin Jones and McCoy Tyner) from 1963, Ben Webster (with Jimmy Witherspoon and Vince Guaraldi) from 1962, Charles Lloyd (accompanied by Keith Jarrett and Jack de Johnette) in 1968, and Sonny Rollins (joined by Jim Hall and Ben Riley) in 1962.

A small town in Spain, October 1955. Isabel, a 35-year-old dreamer who feels like a failure because she is not married yet, becomes the new target of a group of soulless pranksters.

The film tells the back story about the characters and events leading up to the explosive oil truck heist in Fast & Furious.

Pred troma rokmi zažil Lenny s priateľmi z detstva Marcusom, Ericom a Kurtom úžasné leto, na ktoré nedokáže zabudnúť, ani keby chcel – a on, pochopiteľne, nechce -, takže asi veľmi neprekvapí, že rozhodnutie dopriať svojim deťom, a tak trochu i sebe, vrchovato podobnej zábavy, nevyhnutne vyústi do rozhodnutia presťahovať sa do rodného mesta! Koniec koncov, čo môže byť lepšie, ako vychovávať deti spolu s kamarátmi, nonstop naladenými na rovnakú vlnovú dĺžku, a ich (dúfajme) rovnako skvelým potomstvom? Nanešťastie sa však relatívne rýchlo ukáže, že život a vytúžené sladké ničnerobenie človeku dokážu poriadne osladiť nečakané komplikácie v podobe tyranov, ktorí vám znepríjemňovali spätne inak vcelku idylicky vyzerajúce obdobie školskej dochádzky, ale i tyranov, ktorí sa o to isté snažia u vašich detí. Za zmienku ale rozhodne stoja i psychopatickí účastníci cestnej premávky, strážcovia zákona pod vplyvom a celá plejáda rôznorodo vyšinutých spoluobčanov.

Master gunslinger Sabata arrives in Hobsonville, a town completely owned by McIntock, a robber baron who is taxing the inhabitants for the cost of future improvements to the town. Or that's what McIntock says he'll do with the money...

Zelda, zlá čarodejnica, sa rozhodla zničiť mierumilovnú krajinu Labutieho jazera a zmocniť sa ukrytého pokladu, ktorý dáva svojmu majiteľovi nekonečnú silu. Unesie princeznú Odetta a za jej vrátenie bude požadovať práve onen bájny poklad.

Playful portrait of a group of men trying to build an impossible object.

A young zoologist interrupts his scientific expedition after learning about the sudden death of his father, a major trade figure. From the notes left behind by his father, the young man discovers with horror that he could not bear the betrayal revealed to him by his closest friend and ally, who also turned out to be his wife’s lover.

Agentka FBI Gracie Hartová sa zúčastnila súťaže Miss USA a stala sa slávnou. Vyrovnať sa s náhlym záujmom verejnosti a médií nie je vždy jednoduché, najmä pre tajnú agentku a preto PR oddelenie v FBI príde s novým projektom. Z Gracie sa stáva štýlová tvár FBI v televíznej talkshow. A postupne sa do novej úlohy vžije až príliš, čo sa nepáči jej kolegyni Sam Fullerovej, podľa ktorej je Gracie na najlepšej ceste stať sa FBI Barbie. Zlom nastáva vo chvíli, keď v Las Vegas unesú Gracinu najlepšiu priateľku Cheryl. Gracie sa namiesto šoubiznisu musí sústrediť na boj so zločinom.... a znovu v prestrojení.

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.

Years after having her newborn child stolen from her, Sam searches a world infested with infected users from the Social Redroom website. After befriending a young girl named Bean, Sam is captured and locked in a facility dedicated to finding a cure for the Redroom Virus. Trapped and tortured, Sam tries to escape the facility before an impending update on the Redroom site hits 100% and unleashes its final phase of the attack.

Úradník v policajnej kartotéke Marvin sníva o tom, že sa stane plnohodnotným policajtom ako jeho otec. Raz v noci zostane Marvin v celej budove sám a prijme tiesňové volanie na čísle 911. Sám sa vyberie na miesto činu, aby zabránil lúpeži. Zlodeji uniknú a Marvin, ktorý ich prenasleduje, má vážnu haváriu v aute. Zachráni ho výstredný doktor Wilder. Vo svojom súkromnom laboratóriu transplantuje Marvinovi rôzne zvieracie orgány. Keď sa mladík vráti ku svojej práci na policajnej stanici, na Wilderov zákrok si vôbec nepamätá. Svojich kolegov však prekvapuje vypracovanými svalmi a zvláštnym zápachom, ktorý ho sprevádza. Navonok pôsobí celkom normálne, ale vo vnútri nikdy nevie, ktorý zvierací inštinkt v ňom práve preváži. Potom, ako vystopuje pašerákov drog na letisku, je vyhlásený za hrdinu. Konečne sa stane právoplatným policajtom. Jeho život sa však začína komplikovať, keď sa zamiluje do Rianny, ktorá pracuje ako dobrovoľníčka v miestnom zvieracom útulku...

What if you had to wake up on the same day over and over? What if that day was the day your family was murdered? Could you stop it?