Brenner returns to Graz, the city where he grew up. When confronted with his old friends, his former girlfriend and the major sin he committed when he was young, murders and a fateful gunshot to the head result. After Brenner comes out of a coma, he begins to search for the person who tried to kill him - however, everybody claims that he himself is responsible. In the beginning Brenner was at the end of his rope, but he could face a new beginning in the end.

The Barber started cutting the boys hair while watching a Football game on TV.

Discovering that sharks are being hunted to extinction, and with them the destruction of our life support system - activist and filmmaker Rob Stewart embarks on a dangerous quest to stop the slaughter. Following the sharks - and the money - into the elusive pirate fishing industry, Stewart uncovers a multi-billion dollar scandal that makes us all accomplices in the greatest wildlife massacre ever known.

Pienen pohjoisen kylän oma poika Turo, ei välitä kiekosta tai autojen rassaamisesta: vapaa-ajallaan hän on seudun kovimman (ja ainoan) metalliyhtyeen laulaja. Yllättävien sattumusten kautta Turolle ja hänen bändikavereilleen tarjoutuu kaikkien aikojen tilaisuus päästä pois kotikulmilta ja nousta isoille lavoille Norjan kovimmille hevifestareille. Uutinen leviää kuin kulovalkea ja koko kylä riemuitsee poikien puolesta, mutta matkaan ei tietenkään päästä noin vain. Turon sydämen pistää sekaisin kukkakaupan ihana Miia, josta myös kylän kuuluisuus, lipevä iskelmätähti ja Turon arkkivihollinen Jouni Tulkku on kiinnostunut. Matkalla määränpäähän Turon on voitettava lavakammonsa todistaakseen itselleen, bändikavereilleen sekä Miialle olevansa sanojensa mittainen mies. Tämän tavoitteen saavuttaminen hankaloituu, kun bändi aiheuttaa maailmanhistorian ensimmäisen aseellisen konfliktin Suomen ja Norjan välille sekä eksyy viikinkien helvettiin.

Thomas, a blasé young man, spends his nights in clubs and his days in bed. Until his father, Dr. Reinhard, fed up with his son’s escapades, cuts him off completely and forces him to take care of one of his young patients. Mar- cus, 12, was born with a serious congenital disorder. He lives with his mother in the poor suburbs of Paris and spends his days either at the hospital or in a center for sick children. This encounter will disrupt their lives and change them both, profoundly and forever.

While the battle to determine the next king of the demon realm has often been fraught, the rules were always clear. 100 demon children partnered with 100 humans would challenge each other, using 100 magical books. What none of them knew was that there was a 101st magical book, powerful enough to stop any of the others. Gash and Kiyomaro must begin a journey that will take them into the demon realm to confront the mysteries of Gash's past. But will they escape in time to help their friends in a battle with a seemingly unstoppable enemy?

A teenage boy is sent to a juvenile reform facility in the wilderness. As we learn about the tragic events that sent him there, his struggle becomes one for survival with the inmates, counselors, and the retired war colonel in charge.

A young American couple’s Australian holiday takes a terrifying turn when they get lost in the outback. With only one another to rely on, the two are driven to extremes in order to stay alive in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness.

Louis Menkins is five weeks away from being released after 26 years in prison. He is faced with the decision to put his own release at risk in order to protect a young man named Beecher from growing gang controversies.

A cool-headed crusader for the struggling engineers, Raghuvaran faces the powerful and arrogant owner of a construction company Vasundhara Parameswaran, as they engage in a battle to win the corporate game.

Based on one of the most spectacular series of bank robberies in Germany, Zwölf Winter tells the story of Klaus and Mike, two criminals who became friends in prison. When they happen to meet each other again after they have been released they begin to plan the perfect bank robbery, and it seems to work. For twelve years the two keep on robbing banks, always in winter. The police are in the dark for years. But they won't stick to their guns...

During an NBA lockout, a sports agent, Ray Burke, presents his rookie client, Erick Scott, with an intriguing and controversial business opportunity.

Krrish and his father must team up to save the world from a psychokinetic evil man named Kaal and his army of mutants.

Molemmat ovat työmatkalla, kaupungissa, jossa kumpikaan ei asu, miehellä ja naisella on yhden illan juttu. Kuukausien kuluttua he kohtaavat toisensa hotellin ravintolassa ja makaavat yhdessä toisen kerran. Vaikka nainen on naimisissa ja miehellä on naisystävä, he päättävät jatkaa tapaamista. Tässä alkaa odottamaton rakkaus, joka muuttuu todelliseksi parisuhteeksi ja vaikutta kaikkiin asioihin heidän elämässään. Tämä elokuva koostuu erinäisistä tapahtumista – tavanomaisista, syvällisistä, hieman hassuista ja vähän intiimeistä tilanteista – josta koostuu täydellinen tarina parisuhteesta.

Archer champion Lauren Pierce escapes a corrupt juvenile correctional facility with Rebecca, a fierce but alluring inmate. Together they must survive a desperate warden who is bow-hunting his prey to make sure his secret stays buried

With their teen hormones raging, three high school boys help one another explore their curiosity about the opposite sex and love in this raunchy comedy.

Brought together at their childhood home over their dying mother, an estranged family is thrust into a deadly fight for their own survival.

Archaeologist Alabama Channing sets off to uncover the ancient tomb of Quin Shi Haung, which promises riches and answers to family mysteries.

Peter on uhkapeluri ja huijari, jolla rankan työn mukanaan tuoma alkoholiongelma. Nyt hän on kuitenkin pysynyt kuivilla, tämä johtuu kolmen kuukauden vankilareissusta Turkissa. Vaikka Peter on nyt vapaana, hän ei ole vapaa suurista peliveloistaan brittiläiselle gangsteripomolle. Velka on nyt lankeamassa ja Harry keksii rikoskumppaninsa / vaimonsa Harrietin kanssa keinon ansaita suuret rahat. Suunnitelma on tämä: lennetään Los Angelesiin ja varastetaan Peterin ex-vaimon omituisen elokuvaohjaajan tälle ostama suunnattoman arvokas jalokivisormus. Suunnitelma on loistava ja yksinkertainen. Mutta mitä tapahtuu, kun muuttujien määrä moninkertaistuu?