After a traumatic event, a drug trafficker turns sides and conspires with a dangerously ambitious undercover police officer to bring down the mysterious kingpin of a major drug cartel.

Once a rising star of the rodeo circuit, and a gifted horse trainer, young cowboy Brady is warned that his riding days are over after a horse crushed his skull at a rodeo. In an attempt to regain control of his own fate, Brady undertakes a search for a new identity and what it means to be a man in the heartland of the United States.

When Jonas was 14 he met the charismatic but mysterious Nathan. In addition to guiding him in his sexuality, Jonas soon confronts something dark and even dangerous about his new friend. Now an attractive, sexually assured adult, memories still haunt him. Trying frantically to put the missing pieces together, Jonas becomes determined to break the shackles of the past and finally set himself free.

An unemployed executive is forced to sell his apartment. When he discovers that he still has the keys, he becomes obsessed with the family that now lives there and decides to recover the life he has lost, at any price.

While grieving for the loss of their mother, the Connolly sisters suddenly find they have a crime to cover up, leading them deep into the underbelly of their salty Maine fishing village.

Moteris, sielvartaujanti dėl dukters mirties, praranda realybės suvokimą, kai pradeda galvoti, kad jos dukra vis dar gali būti gyva.

A gang of ruthless highway killers kidnap a wealthy couple traveling cross country only to shockingly discover that things are not what they seem.

Samuel Salomon, a literature professor, has been off work for almost a year after the tragic death of his girlfriend. Samuel has been suffering from a recurring nightmare in which a woman is brutally murdered in a strange ritual. Suddenly, the same woman who appears every night in his dreams is found dead in exactly the same circumstances. Samuel sneaks into the crime scene and there he meets Rachel who has also dreamed about the murder. Together, they will do whatever they can to discover the identity of the mystery woman, entering a terrifying world controlled by the figures who have inspired artists throughout time: the Muses.

Diego is a successful entrepreneur. Rich and not caring for the good of others, no scruples to belittle the next. His attitude turns against him when he forgets in his airport bathroom his latest-generation mobile phone with social profiles, contacts and credit cards.

Jaunasis genijus išranda prietaisą, sukeliantį paranormalius reiškinius bei leidžiantį komunikuoti su mirusiais. Seanso metu prietaisas ne tik sugrąžina mylimuosius, bet ir sukelia piktųjų dvasių rūstybę.

Laimingai vedęs profesorius, žinomas dėl daugybės meilės romanų su studentais, tampa pagrindiniu įtariamuoju, kai jauna moteris dingsta be žinios.

2015-ųjų metų balandį buvo apšvarinta Londono „Hatton Garden“ rajone įsikūrusi asmeninių seifų saugykla. Nukentėjusios kompanijos duomenimis, įsilaužėliai pavogė brangakmenių ir grynųjų pinigų už maždaug 200 milijonų svarų sterlingų. Didžiausia Anglijos istorijoje vagystė kaipmat prikaustė britų dėmesį, tačiau jų laukė dar didesnė nuostaba, kuomet ėmė aiškėti, kas sugalvojo, suplanavo ir įvykdė šią nepaprastą vagystę.

Mirtinai pavojinga profesionali samdoma žudikė Merė dirba garsiausiai miesto gaujai, kuriai vadovauja Benis. Gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis, kai gelbėdama vaiką Merė nušauna neliečiamojo statusą turintį gaujos narį. Jai nelieka kito pasirinkimo, tik pradėti vieną po kito žudyti kriminalinio pasaulio veikėjus pradedant rusų mafijos nariais ir baigiant savo artimiausia aplinka, kurioje - ir buvęs jos mylimasis.

It's 1999 and over the course of one 12-hour shift at an Arkansas hospital, a junkie nurse, her scheming cousin and a group of black market organ-trading criminals start a heist that could lead to their collective demise.

A young woman contracts what she believes to be an STD—but it ends up being a far worse disease.

A psychiatrist tries to put her life back together after a violent attack by seeking to repair the life of a new patient, but he has his own terrifying history.

Beviltiškai trokšdami įžiebti kibirkštį savo griūvančiuose santykiuose, Bryanas ir Keisė pasinaudoja internetine svetaine „WelcomeHome“ ir išsinuomoja pasakiško grožio romantišką vilą Italijos kaime. Netrukus po apsigyvenimo, Keisė susidraugauja su Federiku, maloniu ir išvaizdžiu nepažįstamuoju, kuris gyvena netoliese, gatvės pabaigoje. Nors Bryanui iš karto užkliūva naujojo kaimyno žavesys, tačiau Keisei itin nepatinka Bryano pavydas. Mįslingasis Federikas panaudoja šį pavydą manipuliuodamas poros santykiais. Pamažu jaunoji porelė atsiduria pavojingame, seksualiame ir mistiškame katės ir pelės žaidime... Sunku suvokti, kada ir kur visa tai prasidėjo, o labiausiai baugina šio keisto žaidimo pabaiga.

After an evening of drinking, six men find themselves in front of The God of the Joke. Distressed to find that people aren't laughing anymore, He gives the six friends a mission: to save the world with the Eleven Commandments of the Joke. The men enthusiastically take on their task. They undertake various tests aimed at pushing the limits of stupidity.

Trys nusikaltėliai atsiduria spąstuose sandėlyje, iš kurio ištrūkti bus sunki užduotis...