Having defeated the best fighters of the Imperial Japanese army in occupied Shanghai, Ip Man and his family settle in post-war Hong Kong. Struggling to make a living, Master Ip opens a kung fu school to bring his celebrated art of Wing Chun to the troubled youth of Hong Kong. His growing reputation soon brings challenges from powerful enemies, including pre-eminent Hung Gar master, Hung Quan.

Londoni andekaim detektiiv Sherlock Holmes ning tema ustav abiline doktor Watson pole pidanud iialgi seisma silmitsi niivõrd keeruka juhtumiga kui nüüd. Holmes, kes on lisaks enneolematult teravale taibule väga osav ka käsitsivõitluses, peab peatama süngeid saladusi varjava lord Blackwoodi, kelle poolt sepitsetud vandenõu võib hävitada kogu riigi. ”Sherlock Holmes” on tempokas seikluspõnevik, mille nimitegelaseks Arthur Conan Doyle’i poolt loodud legendaarne detektiiv.

Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan who one day decides to become a super-hero, even though he has no powers, training or meaningful reason to do so.

A beautiful felon, sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a policeman, is given a second chance – as a secret political assassin controlled by the government.

Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.

Mikael Blomkvist, publisher of Millennium magazine, has made his living exposing the crooked and corrupt practices of establishment Swedish figures. So when a young journalist approaches him with a meticulously researched thesis about sex trafficking in Sweden and those in high office who abuse underage girls, Blomkvist immediately throws himself into the investigation.

After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.

Pärast Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) pensionile jäämist ei pea agent J (Will Smith) tema tööd samaks: Mõlemad olid osa salaorganismist, mis võitleb tulnukate vastu, kes asustavad ilma ülejäänud surelikud seda teadmata maa. Mustanahaliste meeste missioon, nagu nad on tuntud oma riietuse järgi, on mõnikord korra kehtestamine ja muul ajal võitlus otse nende vastu, kellel on pretensioone planeedi Maa kahjustamiseks. Kuid agent K otsustas oma naise juurde naasmiseks ja normaalse elu elamiseks mälu kaotada. Nüüd pole naist, kuid ta on lahkelt postiagent. Agent J, kes peab K-d oma õpetajaks, igatseb teda väga ega ole päris leplik oma uute kaaslastega. Kuid midagi muudab sündmusi: ohtlik välismaalane nimega Serleena (Lara Flynn Boyle)

The most dangerous former operative of the CIA is drawn out of hiding to uncover hidden truths about his past.

Private investigator Matthew Scudder is hired by a drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and murdered his wife.

A group of cold-blooded killers find themselves trapped on an alien planet to be hunted by extraterrestrial Predators.

Terminal Island, New York: 2020. Overcrowding in the US penal system has reached a breaking point. Prisons have been turned over to a monolithic Weyland Corporation, which sees jails full of thugs as an opportunity for televised sport. Adrenalized inmates, a global audience hungry for violence and a spectacular, enclosed arena come together to form the 'Death Race', the biggest, most brutal event.

Pärast seda, kui maailmakuulus võidulendaja Dusty saab teada, et mootori vea tõttu ei saa ta võibolla enam kunagi võistelda, peab poiss võtma oma elus uue suuna. Dusty liitub... vaprate tuletõrjujatega. Neid juhib vana ja kogenud päästekopter, kelle meeskonda kuulub lisaks õhusõidukitele ka hulk kartmatuid maastikuautosid, kelle jaoks hirmu pole olemas. Üheskoos peab see punt asuma võitlusesse tohutu metsatulekahju kustutamiseks, mida tehes saab Dustyle selgeks, millest on tehtud tõelised kangelased.

200 aastat pärast Ellen Ripley surma valmistatakse tema kloon, osalt inimene, osalt tulnukas. Lisaks sellele kannab ta endas tulnukat. Tänu geneetilisele sidemele tunneb Ripley teiste tulnukate lähedust. Ja seda oskust läheb tal vaja, kui uurimisjaamas kinni hoitud tulnukad vabadusse pääsevad.

Freddy enlists Jason to kill on his behalf on Elm Street, after realizing that he can't haunt dreams because people no longer fear him.

Twin sisters Emma and Sam come up with a scheme to switch places so each can play in the soccer team they prefer.

Oscar Diggs, a small-time circus illusionist and con-artist, is whisked from Kansas to the Land of Oz where the inhabitants assume he's the great wizard of prophecy, there to save Oz from the clutches of evil.

In RoboCop, the year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Overseas, their drones have been used by the military for years, but have been forbidden for law enforcement in America. Now OmniCorp wants to bring their controversial technology to the home front, and they see a golden opportunity to do it. When Alex Murphy – a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit – is critically injured, OmniCorp sees their chance to build a part-man, part-robot police officer. OmniCorp envisions a RoboCop in every city and even more billions for their shareholders, but they never counted on one thing: there is still a man inside the machine.

Six years after being kidnapped by a cult, Jamie tries to escape the clutches of her serial killer uncle, Michael Myers.

Reality programmers at DangerTainment select a group of thrill-seeking teenagers to spend one night in the childhood home of serial killer Michael Myers. Their planned live broadcast turns deadly when Michael decides to crash the party.