Runollinen mustavalkoinen draama kertoo pienen perheen elämästä vuoden ajan syrjäisellä saarella. Setonaikai tarjoaa vähän eväitä ainoiden asukkaidensa elämiseen, sillä juomavesikin pitää tuoda naapurisaarelta. Perheen elämä on taistelua hengissä pysymiseksi, mutta kesän raadannan jälkeen tulee pieni hengähdystauko. Elokuva luottaa kuvaukseen, ja lähes neljäkymmentä minuuttia alussa kulkee ilman dialogia.

Dark Roots of Thrash, is a release documenting Bay Area veterans TESTAMENT’s sold-out headlining performance at the Paramount Theatre, Huntington, New York, USA in February 15th and released on October 11th (Europe) and October 15th (North America) via Nuclear Blast! It captures a total of 19 live tracks with countless cams on stage and high above the audience, plus a special moshpit cam that makes you feel like you’re a part of the show! // Tracklist: 01. Intro 02. Rise Up 03. More Than Meets The Eye 04. Burnt Offerings 05. Native Blood 06. True American Hate 07. Dark Roots Of Earth 08. Into The Pit 09. Practice What You Preach 10. Riding The Snake 11. Eyes Of Wrath 12. Trial By Fire 13. The Haunting 14. The New Order 15. Do Not Resuscitate 16. Three Days In Darkness 17. The Formation Of Damnation 18. Over The Wall 19. Disciples Of The Watch 20. Credits + BONUS: 21. Backstage Footage 22. Native Blood (Video Clip)

Yowamushi Pedal: Re:RIDE compiles the first half of the Inter High arc from the first television anime season with some cuts of new footage added.

Featuring Interviews with Noel Cunningham, Sean S. Cunningham, Kane Hodder and Todd Farmer. Discussions include writing and pre-production, the influence of Scream's success on the film, early concepts for the film, settling on outer space, plot and setting details, shooting 3-perf film, visual effects, ditched concepts, über Jason, audience reaction, and more.

What do you dream of when you're 16-years-old and in a seaside resort in Normandy in the 1980s? A best friend? A lifelong teen pact? Scooting off on adventures on a boat or a motorbike? Living life at breakneck speed? No. You dream of death. Because you can't get a bigger kick than dying. And that's why you save it till the very end. The summer holidays are just beginning, and this story recounts how Alexis grew into himself.

A London journalist returns to Brazil to face one of the demons of his adolescence: the Flour Test. This ridiculous experiment was conducted during the military dictatorship to determine whether army recruits were homosexuals. It consisted of having the men sit naked on flour to measure the circumference of their anus and the integrity of their morals. Unfortunately, this procedure is not limited to the past. Bolsonaro's ultra-homophobic government has attempted to introduce legislation similar to the infamous test.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

Kate Cooperia, entistä myrskynjahtaajaa, piinaa musertava kohtaaminen pyörremyrskyn kanssa opiskeluaikoina, ja joka nyt opiskelee myrskymalleja turvallisesti kuvaruudulta New Yorkissa. Katen ystävä Javi houkuttelee hänet takaisin avoimille tasangoille testaamaan uutta, mullistavaa seurantajärjestelmää. Siellä Kate törmää Tyler Owensiin (Powell), hurmaavaan ja holtittomaan sosiaalisen median supertähteen, joka kukoistaa jakaessaan riehakkaalle ryhmälleen myrskynjahtausseikkailujaan – mitä vaarallisempia, sen parempia.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

In the 1970s, Director Kim is obsessed by the desire to re-shoot the ending of his completed film Cobweb, but chaos and turmoil grip the set with interference from the censorship authorities, and the complaints of actors and producers who can't understand the re-written ending. Will Kim be able to find a way through this chaos to fulfill his artistic ambitions and complete his masterpiece?

Kammottava tarina on tullut julki erään maan suurimman iltapäivälehden kiireisessä toimituksessa. Dwight Renfieldiksi itseään kutsuva outo tyyppi on laskeutunut pienille, syrjäisille lentokentille öisin ja jättänyt jälkeensä monta ruumista. Kaikilla on kammottavat puremajäljet kaulassaan. Opportunistisen lehden päätoimittajan mielestä tämä moderni Dracula on kuumaa kamaa. Hän antaa jutun ykköstoimittajalleen, Richard Deesille, joka on tunteeton ja armoton mies. Tämän kieltäydyttyä juttu annetaan eräälle innokkaalle keltanokalle, Katherine Blairille, joka pyytää Deesiltä neuvoja. Dees pitää Blairia vain tavallisena keltanokkana, joka yrittää etsiä totuutta järjettömien lööppien takaa. Dees kertoo Blairille tarinan hänen edeltäjästään, joka tappoi itsensä...

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

Rahul and Riana meet each other for the first time, get drunk, and awake the next morning to find that they have gotten legally married to each other.

After moving into a cottage together, two young lovers confront horrors of a forgotten childhood.

To improve the morale of the German officers, a train with beautiful girls is arranged to entertain them when on leave.

Avaruusalus syöksyy keskelle Coloradon pikkukaupunkia. Aluksessa olevat Alienit pakenevat ja tappavat Predatorit lukuunottamatta yhtä. Eloon jää myös ensimmäisessä elokuvassa (Alien vs. Predator, 2004) alkunsa saanut Pred-Alien. Kaupungin väki jää jalkoihin kahden hirviölajin välisessä sodassa. Ihminen on todellisessa vaarassa ja pian uhreja on tuhansia. Voiko mikään enää estää ihmiskunnan tuhoa?

This is not an interview, this is a confession. Revelations of the artist in the form of a monologue. Guf about Keti Topuria's betrayal, drugs and a new girl.

Max films his friends having lecherous fun at his own birthday party; unaware of how it will change his life. Just out of high school, by haphazard, he becomes a big porno producer. His father, a principled police major, chases porno makers, not suspecting that one of them lives in his own apartment. Hoodlums and girls from good families, corrupted policemen, petty dealers find themselves in a luring and scary world of porno.