Encouraged by her managers, rising pop star Mima takes on a recurring role on a popular TV show, when suddenly her handlers and collaborators begin turning up murdered.

Temeljen na stvarnim događajima, film govori o videoigri Tetris koju je sredinom 1980-ih razvio sovjetski programer Aleksej Pajitnov. Amerikanac, Henk Rogers, i ruski stručnjak sklapaju nevjerojatno prijateljstvo dok pokušavaju izbjeći KGB i prokrijumčariti najpoznatiju videoigru na svijetu iz Sovjetskog Saveza.

Smješten u naciju Komanča prije 300 godina, Prey je priča o mladoj ženi, Naru, žestokom i vrlo vještom ratniku. Odgajana je u sjeni nekih od najlegendarnijih lovaca koji lutaju Velikim ravnicama, pa kad joj prijeti opasnost, kreće zaštititi svoj narod. Ispostavilo se da je plijen s kojim vreba i s kojim se u konačnici suočava, visoko evoluirani izvanzemaljski grabežljivac s tehnički naprednim arsenalom, što rezultira opakim i zastrašujućim obračunom dvaju protivnika.

A monumental windstorm and an abused horse's refusal to work or eat signal the beginning of the end for a poor farmer and his daughter.

Sophie reflects on the shared joy and private melancholy of a holiday she took with her father twenty years earlier. Memories real and imagined fill the gaps between miniDV footage as she tries to reconcile the father she knew with the man she didn't.

Frank Serpico is an idealistic New York City cop who refuses to take bribes, unlike the rest of the force. Frank's actions get him shunned by the other officers, and often placed in dangerous situations by his partners. When his superiors ignore his accusations of corruption, Frank decides to go public with the allegations. Although this causes the Knapp Commission to investigate his claims, Frank has also placed a target on himself.

Cinephile slackers Franz and Arthur spend their days mimicking the antiheroes of Hollywood noirs and Westerns while pursuing the lovely Odile. The misfit trio upends convention at every turn, be it through choreographed dances in cafés or frolicsome romps through the Louvre. Eventually, their romantic view of outlaws pushes them to plan their own heist, but their inexperience may send them out in a blaze of glory -- which could be just what they want.

A tale of murder, crime and punishment set in the summer of 1949. Ed Crane, a barber in a small California town, is dissatisfied with his life, but his wife Doris' infidelity and a mysterious opportunity presents him with a chance to change it.

Omnibus od 5 priča čije se radnje događaju u taksiju, istodobno, no u različitim svjetskim gradovima. Ljudi različitog karaktera, zanimanja i namjera sjedaju u taksi te, vozeći se, kroz konverzaciju otkrivaju dio sebe dok kadrovima prolaze gradske vedute, avenije, ulice, svjetleće reklame... Razgovori između taksi vozača i putnika o bitnim i nebitnim stvarima odvijaju se na različitim jezicima u 5 svjetskih metropola: Los Angelesu, New Yorku, Parizu, Rimu i Helsinkiju. I dok je u Los Angelesu večer tek pala, u Helsinkiju već stiže zora. Izvor: www.mojtv.hr

When a theater troupe's master visits his old flame, he unintentionally sets off a chain of unexpected events with devastating consequences. A remake of Ozu's own silent film The Story of Floating Weeds (1934).

Recently paroled from prison, legendary burglar "Doc" Riedenschneider, with funding from Alonzo Emmerich, a crooked lawyer, gathers a small group of veteran criminals together in the Midwest for a big jewel heist.

Sophia is a philosophy professor in Montreal and has lived as a couple with Xavier for 10 years. Sylvain is a carpenter in the Laurentians and must renovate their country house. When Sophia meets Sylvain for the first time, it’s love at first sight. Opposites attract, but can it last?

Monika from Stockholm falls in love with Harry, a young man on holiday. When she becomes pregnant they are forced into a marriage, which begins to fall apart soon after they take up residence in a cramped little flat.

A journalist descends into the dark underbelly of the Iranian holy city of Mashhad as she investigates the serial killings of sex workers by the so called "Spider Killer", who believes he is cleansing the streets of sinners.

Writer Harry Block draws inspiration from people he knows, and from events that happened to him, sometimes causing these people to become alienated from him as a result.

The owner of a seedy small-town Texas bar discovers that one of his employees is having an affair with his wife. A chaotic chain of misunderstandings, lies and mischief ensues after he devises a plot to have them murdered.

Sang-hyun is always struggling from debt, and Dong-soo works at a baby box facility. On a rainy night, they steal the baby Woo-sung, who was left in the baby box, to sell him at a good price. Meanwhile, detectives were watching, and they quietly track them down to capture the crucial evidence.

Smješten u međunarodni svijet klasične glazbe, film se fokusira na Lydiu Tár, koja se smatra jednom od najvećih živućih skladateljica-dirigenata i prvom ženskom glavnom dirigenticom velikog njemačkog orkestra.

Mute Hee-Jin is working as a clerk in a fishing resort in the Korean wilderness; selling baits, food and occasionally her body to the fishing tourists. One day she falls in love with Hyun-Shik, who is on the run from the police, and rescues him with a fish hook when he tries to commit suicide.

Teksas, 1969. Lou Jean Poplin posjećuje svog supruga Clovisa u državnoj kaznionici. No, razlog njezinog posjeta nije samo odanost prema voljenom muškarcu. Lou Jean nagovori Clovisa da pobjegne kako bi zajedno oteli svog sinčića kojeg je država udomila u skrbničkoj obitelji. Clovisov bijeg prođe bez problema, ali se plan Poplinovih zakomplicira kad njihov automobil zaustavi mladi policajac Maxwell Slide. Dvoje bjegunaca otmu zbunjenog čuvara zakona i zajedno s njim krenu policijskim vozilom prema gradiću Sugarlandu gdje se nalazi njihovo dijete. Shvativši da je riječ o otmici, policija predvođena kapetanom Harlinom Tannerom odluči uhvatiti Lou Jean i Clovisa.