The story of Operation Market Garden—a failed attempt by the allies in the latter stages of WWII to end the war quickly by securing three bridges in Holland allowing access over the Rhine into Germany. A combination of poor allied intelligence and the presence of two crack German panzer divisions meant that the final part of this operation (the bridge in Arnhem over the Rhine) was doomed to failure.

An American writer living in Rome witnesses an attempted murder that is connected to an ongoing killing spree in the city, and conducts his own investigation despite himself and his girlfriend being targeted by the killer.

Nerdy high schooler Ronald Miller rescues cheerleader Cindy Mancini from parental punishment after she accidentally destroys her mother's designer clothes. Ronald agrees to pay for the $1,000 outfit on one condition: that she will act as though they're a couple for an entire month. As the days pass, however, Cindy grows fond of Ronald, making him popular. But when Ronald's former best friend gets left behind, he realizes that social success isn't everything.

Caroline, a French architect in Vilnius, Lithuania, on business, has to spend an extra night in the city due to a delayed work meeting. At the bar of her hotel she meets Jaakko, a Finnish DJ who is in Vilnius for a gig. Caroline lets him understand that she doesn’t speak English, and Jaakko doesn’t speak French. Although they lack a common language, they find themselves enjoying each other’s company...

A small, seemingly innocuous plastic reel of film leads surveillance specialist Tom Welles down an increasingly dark and frightening path. With the help of the streetwise Max, he relentlessly follows a bizarre trail of evidence to determine the fate of a complete stranger. As his work turns into obsession, he drifts farther and farther away from his wife, family and simple life as a small-town PI.

A young and talented architect comes to his senses after a horrific accident only to find himself in the odd dystopian world. A world that is filled with the memories of all current coma patients. Just like a human memory this world is fragmental, chaotic and unstable. This is COMA: icecaps, rivers and cities can all exist in a space of a single room and laws of physics are no longer laws as they can be bent.

In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city.

Uzzinot, ka Deivs ir nolēmis doties uz Maiami, lai bildinātu savu draudzeni, burunduki visiem spēkiem cenšas viņam patraucēt, jo ir norūpējušies, ka gaidāmā pamāte izbojās esošo ģimenes idilli. Taču pēc tam, kad par huligānisku uzvedību lidmašīnā burunduki nonāk lidostas melnajā sarakstā, viņiem pašiem ir jāatrod iespēju nokļūt galapunktā, lai nepieļautu saderināšanos. Burunduki ir gatavi uz visu, lai saglābtu savu ģimeni - pat doties grandiozā burunduļojumā pāri visai Amerikai!

London, England, April 1980. Six terrorists assault the Embassy of Iran and take hostages. For six days, tense negotiations are held while the authorities decide whether a military squad should intervene.

Propelled to the head of the W Group after the death of his adoptive father, Largo Winch decides, to everyone's surprise, to sell it, and use the proceeds to create an ambitious humanitarian foundation. But on the very same day, he finds himself accused of crimes against humanity by a mysterious witness. To prove his innocence, Largo will have to retrace the steps of his past life, in the heart of the Burmese jungle.

Filma balstīta uz patiesiem notikumiem, kuri risinājušies 1959. gadā.2012. gadā grupa studentu dodas uz urālu kalniem, lai sekotu tam pašam maršrutam kuru izvēlējās Dyatlov grupa. Viņu mērķis ir noskaidrot mistisko un joprojām neatrisināto padomju slēpotāju nāves iemeslu.

Romantisks un komisks stāsts, kurā apvienoti četri sākotnēji nesaistīti sižeti, kurus vieno romantikas un slavas līdzāspastāvēšana. Stāsta galveno varoņi ir gan Romas iedzīvotāji, gan nejauši tūristi.

Niks ir parasts picu piegādātājs, kura mierīgā dzīve burtiski vienā mirklī apgriežas kājām gaisā, kad pie viņa ar viltīgu plānu ielaužas divi bandīti, kuri sapņo tikt pie liela laupījuma. Neprātīgais pārītis Niku nolaupa, lai viņam liktu aplaupīt banku. Niks saprot, ka viņam nekādi netikt galā bez labākā drauga Četa. Draugiem kopā jāaptin ap pirkstu nolaupītāji, jācenšas nenokļūt policijas nagos un vēl jātiek galā ar savstarpējām attiecībām, kas nebūt nav ideālas. Lai veiktu šo neiespējamo misiju, draugiem atvēlētas skaitītas stundas.

Otrā pasaules kara beigās, pateicoties slepenai kosmosa programmai, nacistiem ir izdevies aizbēgt uz Mēness tumšo pusi. Tur, 70 gadu laikā, viņi ir uzbūvējuši gigantisku kosmosa cietoksni un attīstījuši kosmosa kuģu floti, lai kādu dienu ar triumfu atgrieztos uz Zemes...

Nick Gunar is a burnt-out, jaded and hard-up former mercenary who is having a difficult time adjusting to civilian life. At the end of his rope, he is hired by the Nitro Mine Corporation to strong-arm the natives of a South China Sea island into giving up their rights to its valuable mineral resources. Nick loathes the thought of another mission, but this seemingly easy job will earn him enough money to get back with his estranged family. He recruits some of his former mercenary buddies to help him with the job. The island people refuse to give up their land and Nick decides to help them fight the greedy corporation that hired him. As greed and treachery begin to unravel, Nick's band of mercenaries choose sides.

A rookie cop is assigned to the 118 Precinct in the same district where he grew up. The Precinct Captain starts receiving letters about two unsolved murders that happened many years ago in the housing projects when the rookie cop was just a kid. These letters bring back bad memories and old secrets that begin to threaten his career and break up his family.

Upon taking her vows to become a nun, Sister Sarah is abused, brainwashed and also drugged into submission by the corrupt clergy. On the verge of her own death from a lethal dose of drugs, Sister Sarah receives a message from God telling her to take vengeance on all those who did wrong to her. Armed with God's will and an arsenal of big guns, she dispenses Judgment Day on her former tormentors. When the church hires the merciless motorcycle gang "Los Muertos" to track down and to kill her they soon realize that this sister is one bad mother.

Due to political pressure from the American public, the Air Force has decided to allow two well-known reporters limited access to the most secretive base on the planet. But when one of the base’s “long-term visitors” exploits this unprecedented visit as a chance to liberate himself and his fellow alien captives, Area 51 turns from a secure government base to a horrifying destination of terror.

A group of friends, spending the weekend in a house in the isolated countryside, are attacked by a swarm of killer horseflies that feed on human flesh like piranhas. The group soon discovers that the only deterrent that can keep the insects away is THC, the main ingredient that makes up cannabis. Their only hope of survival is therefore given by the consumption of grass, with all the consequences that entails.

An alcoholic man is forced to come to grips with a society when he's taken into custody.