As the Trost District is reclaimed from the Titans, Eren is taken under the wing of Captain Levi and his squad, who decide to try and teach him to master his mysterious abilities.

Po enem rednih tatinskih podvigov Osamu in njegov sin Šoto naletita na dekletce, zapuščeno v mrazu. Osamujeva žena je do deklice sprva zadržana, ko pa izve, kako težko je njeno življenje, jo vzame pod svojo streho. Čeprav je Osamujeva družina siromašna in se z drobnimi tatvinami komaj preživlja, so njeni člani srečni v skupnem bivanju. Nato pa nepričakovan dogodek razkrije skrivnost, ki tesne družinske vezi postavi pred resen preizkus. Zlata palma v Cannesu 2018.

The retelling of June 6, 1944, from the perspectives of the Germans, US, British, Canadians, and the Free French. Marshall Erwin Rommel, touring the defenses being established as part of the Reich's Atlantic Wall, notes to his officers that when the Allied invasion comes they must be stopped on the beach. "For the Allies as well as the Germans, it will be the longest day"

"Selma," as in Alabama, the place where segregation in the South was at its worst, leading to a march that ended in violence, forcing a famous statement by President Lyndon B. Johnson that ultimately led to the signing of the Voting Rights Act.

Ko Chun is an extremely talented and well known gambler. On the eve of a big confrontation with a famous Singaporean gambler, Ko walks into a trap set by Knife, an avid but a so-so gambler, meant for an Indian neighbour. Struck on the head, Ko suffers from amnesia and regresses to a child-like state. Knife takes care of Ko and begins to exploit Ko's gambling talents.

A noted professor and his dim-witted apprentice fall prey to their inquiring vampires, while on the trail of the ominous damsel in distress.

Sicario načenja novo poglavje. V vojni proti mamilom ni nobenih pravil; ko ameriška vlada posumi, da so se karteli lotili tihotapljenja teroristov prek meje z ZDA, zvezni agent Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) pokliče skrivnostnega Alejandra (Benicio Del Toro), čigar družino je umoril šef enega od kartelov. Alejandro naj bi vojno zaostril z ne ravno zakonitimi prijemi: ugrabi hčerko šefa kartela, da bi še podžgal spopade med sovražnimi karteli. A ker je dekle pri vsem tem zgolj nedolžna civilna žrtev, je odločitev o njeni usodi v rokah obeh mož, ki začneta dvomiti v upravičenost tega, za kar se bojujeta.

Potem ko ga je okupatorsko angleško cesarstvo razglasilo za "Izobčenega", je Robert Bruce (Chris Pine) ustanovil vojsko škotskih borcev in upornikov. Z zvitostjo in pogumom, v zgodbi polni preobratov, premaga mnogo močnejšo in bolje opremljeno okupacijsko angleško vojsko. Film temelji na resničnih dogodkih v 14 stoletju.

The young swordsman (Nicholas Tse) only for the completion of the master’s last wish before his death – to find ancient Central Plains nine left enduring famous sword, from the north to the Central Plains Penglai. Prior to submission of the court already Martial Shandong, Qingping swordsman and white space Using young swordsman contest Cheat Death, became buried in the court martial of the Black Hand

A martial arts-infused spy thriller set in 1937 Beijing. A time when China was lurching between revolution, prosperity, and chaos.

High school student Ichigo Kurosaki lives an ordinary life, besides being able to see ghosts and the blurry memories of his mother's death under strange circumstances when he was a kid. His peaceful world suddenly breaks as he meets Rukia Kuchiki, a God of Death.

A man becomes involved in a memory manipulation operation to try and regain lost memories. He thinks the exercise may help repair his failed marriage, but accidentally ends up with the mind of a serial killer.

A band of medieval mercenaries take revenge on a noble lord who decides not to pay them by kidnapping the betrothed of the noble's son. As the plague and warfare cut a swathe of destruction throughout the land, the mercenaries hole up in a castle and await their fate.

When the future empress Wu Zetian's two courtiers die in a mysterious fire, she gets Di Renjie, a former detective and rebel, released from prison to solve the mystery of the fire.

After her girlfriend is imprisoned on fraud charges, Chela is forced to face a new reality. Driving for the first time in years, she begins to provide a local taxi service to a group of elderly wealthy ladies. As Chela settles into her new life, she encounters the much younger Angy, forging a fresh and invigorating new connection.

Mila Kunis in Kate McKinnon v akcijski komediji o prijateljicah, ki se zapleteta v mednarodno zaroto, potem ko ena od njiju odkrije, da je njen bivši fant v resnici vohun.

Najbolj nerodni agent njenega veličanstva se vrača na filmska platna. Tudi tokrat so bo v podobi Rowana Atkonsona in oborožen z najnovejšimi vohunskimi izumi podal v vrtoglavi pregon in divje pretepe. Kot vedno pa mu bodo komične katastrofe in nenavadni zapleti za petami na čisto vsakem koraku. Na srečo tudi tokrat proti agentu z licenco za povzročanje zabavnega kaosa nobeden od teroristov ne bo imel možnosti ostati nepoškodovan.

Although new friendships and new love await her, a college freshman discovers that university life is not as simple as she had hoped.

Ko vročeglava mladeniča oropata mafijsko sponzorirano igro pokra, stopita na rep najbolj zločinski svojati New Orleansa. Hladnokrvni izterjevalec Jackie skuša najti odgovorne in pomiriti strasti, toda ko igra postane preveč krvava, za pomoč zaprosi okorelega newyorškega zločinca Mickeyja. Kljub temu dvoličnost vseh vpletenih povzroča vse več zapletov, ki se vedno znova končajo v divjih pretepih, vrtoglavih zasledovanjih in krvavih strelskih obračunih.

Self-destructive teens go skateboarding, use drugs and turn tricks in Paris.