The evil Darth Sidious enacts his final plan for unlimited power -- and the heroic Jedi Anakin Skywalker must choose a side.

Režiser fantazijske sage Gospodar prstanov nas znova popelje v Srednji svet, v čas pred vojnami za prstan Mogote. Mladi hobit Bilbo uživa življenje v mirnem in zakotnem Šajerskem, ko nekega dne na njegova vrata potrka čarovnik Gandalf. S seboj pripelje druščino trinajstih škratov pod vodstvom neustrašnega Thorina, njihov načrt pa je pohod proti Samotni gori, kjer se želijo spopasti z zlobnim zmajem Smaugom. Bilba premaga radovednost in v nasprotju s hobitsko zapečkarsko tradicijo se odpravi na nepozabno dogodivščino s škrati.

The boy Mowgli makes his way to the man-village with Bagheera, the wise panther. Along the way he meets jazzy King Louie, the hypnotic snake Kaa and the lovable, happy-go-lucky bear Baloo, who teaches Mowgli "The Bare Necessities" of life and the true meaning of friendship.

When young Victor's pet dog Sparky (who stars in Victor's home-made monster movies) is hit by a car, Victor decides to bring him back to life the only way he knows how. But when the bolt-necked "monster" wreaks havoc and terror in the hearts of Victor's neighbors, he has to convince them (and his parents) that despite his appearance, Sparky's still the good loyal friend he's always been.

Neustrašni Dom in njegova ekipa hitrih voznikov živijo v razkošju ukradenega denarja, toda zaradi kriminalne preteklosti se ne morejo vrniti v ZDA. Možnost novega začetka jim ponudi agent Luke, ki želi ujeti tolpo predrznih cestnih divjakov, odgovornih za rop vojaških transportov. V zameno za izbris kazenskih kartotek Dom pristane na sodelovanje in s prijatelji znova sede za volan hitrih dirkalnikov. Toda poleg vratolomnih cestnih obračunov, se mora Dom tokrat soočiti tudi z osebnimi duhovi iz preteklosti.

Po koncu Zalivske vojne se Cameron Poe (N. Cage) vrača v domačo Alabamo, kjer ga nestrpno pričakuje noseča soproga Tricia (M. Potter). Kmalu po prihodu domov se v lokalnem baru zaplete s trojico nasilnežev, pri čemer med pretepom ponesreči usmrti enega od njih in konča v zaporu.

Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Rene Russo in Joe Pesci se vračajo v četrtem delu Smrtonosnega orožja, kjer se jim pridruži še zabavni Chris Rock. Riggs in Murtaugh se tudi tokrat soočita z zanimivim primerom, saj postaneta tarči smrtonosnega kitajskega gangsterja, ki se v Ameriki ukvarja z nezakonitimi posli. Pri preiskovanju primera se jima pridruži mladi Lee Butters, ki je poročen z Murtaughovo nosečo hčerko, le da Murtaugh tega ne ve! In kot da presenečenj še ne bi bilo dovolj, Riggs in Lorna pričakujeta naraščaj, daleč od dogajanja pa ni niti jezični Leo Getz, ki zdaj dela kot zasebni detektiv!

Druščina se znajde v najbolj divjem kraju od vseh: v Afriki. Tam se naše živali, odrasle in vzgojene v živalskem vrtu, prvič srečajo z drugimi svoje vrste. Hitro se izkažejo razlike med betonsko džunglo in osrčjem Afrike.

Ace Ventura, živalski detektiv, se vrne z duhovnega popotovanja, da bi raziskal izginotje redkega belega netopirja, svete živali plemena v Afriki.

This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.

After Gordon Bombay's hockey comeback is cut short he is named coach of Team USA Hockey for the Junior Goodwill Games. Bombay reunites the Mighty Ducks and introduces a few new players, however, he finds himself distracted by his newfound fame and must regather if the Ducks are to defeat tournament favourites Iceland.

Rabbi Avram arrives in Philadelphia from Poland en route to San Francisco where he will be a congregation's new rabbi. An innocent and inexperienced traveller, he is tricked by con men to pay for the trip to go west, then they leave him and his belongings scattered along a deserted road. He is befriended by a stranger, Tommy, who is a bank robber and have many adventures during their journey.

V apokaliptičnem svetu bližnje prihodnosti, kjer stroji pod vodstvom inteligentnega računalniškega omrežja Skynet neusmiljeno iztrebljajo človeštvo, skuša odločni John Connor sprejeti vlogo odrešenika, ki mu je bila usojena. Čeprav med soborci uživa veliko spoštovanje, mu vodje odpora ne zaupajo, vojna z uničujočimi ubijalskimi stroji pa postaja vse bolj brezupna. Za novo negotovost poskrbi skrivnostni Marcus, nekdanji obsojenec na smrt, ki je morda zadnje upanje človeštva, toda svoje poslanstvo lahko opravi šele, ko mu uspe pridobiti zaupanje skeptičnega Johna.

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

A renegade Vulcan with a startling secret hijacks the U.S.S. Enterprise in order to find a mythical planet.

The joke's on absent-minded scientist Wayne Szalinski when his troublesome invention shrinks him, his brother and their wives so effectively that their children think they've completely disappeared. Of course, this gives the kids free rein to do anything they want, unaware that their parents are watching every move.

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?

When loser Marvin Mange is involved in a horrible car accident, he's brought back to life by a deranged scientist as half man and half animal. His newfound powers are awesome -- but their adverse side effects could take over his life. Now, Marvin must fight to control his crazy primal urges around his new squeeze, Rianna, and his rival, Sgt. Sisk, who both think he's one cool cat.

A time-travel experiment in which a robot probe is sent from the year 2073 to the year 1973 goes terribly wrong thrusting one of the project scientists,into a plague ravaged alternate time-line whose war weary inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots from the future.