The Official Golden Harvest tribute to the Master of the Martial Arts Film, Bruce Lee.

Abandoned in the barren wasteland of Kyoto, a savage, enraged orphan does whatever it takes to survive in the wild. When he crosses paths with civilization, he must learn to tame the beast within.

In a far-away village, lived an innocent teenage girl, Sai, who later discovered herself inheriting the curse of Krasue. At night, her head would detach from her body and hunts for flesh and blood. Villagers are terrified by the deaths of their livestocks and that is when the Krasue hunt begins. Jerd, a friend joined the hunt with an unknown reason while Noi, the childhood friend who had just came back to the village decided to stand beside Sai despite knowing the horrifying truth.

The plot follows Mimiko, a bright little girl left alone when her grandmother leaves on a trip. Making a few stops at some local stores, Mimiko comes home to her house in a bamboo grove and finds a baby panda named Panny sleeping on the back doorstep. She quickly makes friends with the little panda, and invites him in for a drink. His father, PapaPanda, soon comes to visit, and they decide to become a family after PapaPanda offers to.

1660 metai. Senovės Kinijoje įsiviešpatavusi Čingo dinastija kategoriškai uždraudžia šalies gyventojams praktikuoti rytų kovos menus, kad apsisaugotų nuo galimo pasikėsinimo į Didžiojo imperatoriaus gyvybę. Valdžios atstovai įstatymo pažeidėjams grasina mirties bausme ir paskiria atlygį už kiekvieno nepaklusnaus kovotojo galvą. Žiaurus ir nedoras generolas Ugninis Vėjas įkuria slaptą smogikų grupuotę ir siekdamas asmeninės naudos negailestingai žudo ne tik kaimuose gyvenančius profesionalius kovotojus, bet ir visiškai nekaltus žmones. Šalyje kyla panika, o gyventojus sukausto baimė. Bet pasitraukęs į šešėlį buvusios valdžios budelis Fu randa drąsos mesti iššūkį žudikų armijai ir į specialų būrį pakviečia keturis profesionalius kovotojus bei du talentingus vietinius savamokslius. Kiekvienas iš septynių drąsuolių gauna po unikalų kardą su skirtingomis galiomis...

Troubled divorcee Mary Kee is tormented by a series of sinister phone calls from a mysterious woman. When the stranger reveals she's calling from the past, Mary tries to break off contact. But the caller doesn't like being ignored, and looks for revenge in a unique and terrifying way...

A teenager is stuck in a time loop that is not quite the same each time. She must uncover the truth but her actions have consequences for herself and others.

Mark 13 is a government-built killing machine programmed with artificial intelligence, able to repair and recharge itself from any energy source. Through a series of coincidences, the cyborg's head ends up in the home of a sculptress as a bizarre Christmas present from her boyfriend. Once inside its new home, the cyborg promptly reconstructs the rest of its body using a variety of household utensils and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage.

Delving into our collective nightmares, this horror-documentary investigates the origins of our most terrifying urban legends and the true stories that may have inspired them.

Po daugelio metų ištikimųjų klastos dvasininkas Cottonas Marcusas (Patrickas Fabianas) jaučia gailėjimąsi ir nusprendžia paviešinti savo chianeriją filmuodamas dokumentinį filmą. Su įgula vilkdamas Marcusas atvyksta į Luizianos pamaldaus Luiso Sweetzerio ūkį, kuris mano, kad jo dukra Nell yra turėta. Kai įprasti triukai žlunga, jis supranta, kad yra akis į akį su tikru blogiu ir turi iškviesti tikrąjį tikėjimą, kad apsaugotų Nellą, kitus ir save nuo demoniškos galios.

William Shatner explores the theory that the U.S. government is involved in a cover-up of visiting alien spacecraft. Based on a book by Erich von Däniken, this documentary contains evidence of extraterrestrial life here on earth. Proof discovered through photographs taken by scientists and evidence of actual voyages found by archaeologists.

Tortured by the ghosts of the demonized insane asylum that killed the crew of GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, film students fight to escape death as their own paranormal investigation goes terribly wrong in this horrifying sequel.

A woman's life is thrown into chaos after a freak car accident sends her husband and brother-in-law into comas. Thrills arrive after the brother-in-law wakes up, thinking he's his brother.

A night in Los Angeles becomes a psychological war for survival when an Uber driver, James, and his passenger, Jessica, pick up Bruno, who is charismatic but manipulative.

Down a seedy city street in her neighborhood, young Enola Penny is obsessed with what appears to be a long abandoned theatre. One night, she sees that the front door is slightly ajar and impulsively decides to sneak inside. But there in the dark, decrepit auditorium, a show unlike any other unfolds before her eyes. Its host is an eerie human puppet named Peg Poett who will introduce Penny to six tales of the bizarre: A couple traveling in a remote part of the French Pyrenees cross paths with a lustful witch; A paranoid lover faces the wrath of a partner who has been pushed to her limit; The Freudian dreams of an unfaithful husband blur the lines between fantasy and reality; The horrors of the real world are interpreted through the mind of a child; A woman addicted to other people's memories gets her fix through the vitreous fluid of her victims' eyeballs; And a perverse obsession with sweets turns sour for a couple in too deep.

In the wake of a horrific car accident that kills her husband, Michael, expectant mother Madeline Matheson discovers that her daughter, Grace, has died in the womb. Ignoring her doctor's warnings that the fetus must be removed from her body, a grief-stricken Matheson demands to carry the child to term -- even if it endangers her own life to do so. Curiously, little Grace emerges undead -- and with a craving for human blood.

Vieną dieną du paaugliai pabėga iš pamokų ir nueina į apleistą psichiatrinę ligonę. Besiausdami jie staiga atranda kambario duris, į kurį jie neturėjo įžengti.

Exposed by his girlfriend through a video on the Internet, Bruno tries to revive his reputation, but all he can do is get into a series of traps (Cilada, in Portuguese). is a comedy about love and betrayal that shows the power of the Internet to transform small intimacies and slips in fame and constraints globalized.

Wracked with guilt over her younger sister's suicide, pretty young karate student Megumi accompanies a group of older friends on a camping trip into the woods, where they're attacked by feces covered undead.