Two employees at a gift shop can barely stand one another, without realising that they are falling in love through the post as each other's anonymous pen pal.
In Hong Kong of 1962, Mrs. Chan and Mr. Chow, a journalist, move into neighbouring apartments on the same day. Their encounters are formal and polite—until a discovery about their respective spouses creates an intimate bond between them.
Mladý novinár Marcello sa pohybuje v najvyšších kruhoch spoločenskej smotánky. Pre slávu a úspech urobí čokoľvek. Po príchode slávnej filmovej hviezdy Sylvii sa zdá, že jeho sen je na dosah. Konečne má šancu dostať sa na vrchol. Aký má ale zmysel utápať svoj život v alkohole, náhodných sexuálnych epizódach a primitívnej divokej zábave? Jednoducho jediný – žiť si svoj „sladký život“.
Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.
Intímny a tragický príbeh Umberta D., penzionovaného úradníka, ktorý zo svojej penzie sotva vládze uživiť sám seba, nieto ešte svojho milovaného psíka Flicka. Dej filmu zachytáva postupné vytláčanie starého a osamelého Umberta na okraj spoločnosti - neustále hádky s jeho domácou, ktorá zvyšuje nájom, choroba, ktorá ho zavedie do nemocnice a nemá na lieky. Keď už nevie, ako ďalej, rozhodne sa dobrovoľne odísť z tohto sveta, no obáva sa o Flicka. Verný psík ho však neopustí a Umberto D. sa tak vďaka nemu vráti do života. Film zachytáva pálčivé sociálne problémy povojnového Talianska, je portrétom súdržnosti chudobných ľudí, ale aj bezcitnosti a povrchnosti zámožnejších vrstiev. Jedno z najvýznamnejších diel talianskeho filmového neorealizmu.
A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.
After the suspicious suicide of a fellow cop, tough homicide detective Dave Bannion takes the law into his own hands when he sets out to smash a vicious crime syndicate.
Chronicles three years of a middle class family seemingly caught up in their daily routines, only troubled by minor incidents. Behind their apparent calm and repetitive existence however, they are actually planning something sinister.
Two farmhands compete for the love of the farmer's daughter.
Beautiful young manicurist Carole suffers from androphobia (the pathological fear of interaction with men). When her sister and roommate, Helen, leaves their London flat to go on an Italian holiday with her married boyfriend, Carole withdraws into her apartment. She begins to experience frightful hallucinations, her fear gradually mutating into madness.
60. roky 19. storočia na juhu Manhattanu. Občianska vojna je v plnom prúde a Amerika stojí na pokraji chaosu. Pre chudobných obyvateľov New Yorku to však nie je jediná vojna. Druhá sa odohráva priamo v uliciach za ich oknami. V tomto období sa odohráva príbeh prisťahovalca Amsterdama. Ten sa po pätnásťročnom pobyte vo väzení vracia do Five Points, aby tu pomstil smrť svojho otca, ktorú má na svedomí mocný šéf protiprisťahovaleckého gangu William Cutting. Problémy sa ale stupňujú, keď sa zoznámi s tajomnou vreckárkou Jenny, ktorou je okamžite očarený jej dokonalou samostatnosťou a neprehliadnuteľným pôvabom. Ona má však aj svoju minulosť, čo nečakane skomplikuje jeho plán. Amsterdamova cesta sa postupne mení na boj o osobné prežitie a nájdenie útočiska pre jeho ľud.
Buster Keaton gets involved in a series of misunderstandings involving a horse and cart. Eventually he infuriates every cop in the city when he accidentally interrupts a police parade.
France, on the eve of the French Revolution. Henriette and Louise have been raised together as sisters. When the plague that takes their parents' lives causes Louise's blindness, they decide to travel to Paris in search of a cure, but they separate when a lustful aristocrat crosses their path.
Botany major Buster mistakenly graduates in electrical engineering and is hired to wire a new home.
After waking from the dream of a theater peopled entirely by numerous Buster Keatons, a lowly stage hand causes havoc everywhere he works.
When Popeye takes the baby for a walk in the stroller, the little one won't be quiet unless he's sleeping. Of course there's no end of noisiness.
Buster clowns around in a blacksmith's shop until he and the smithy get in a fight which sends the smithy to jail. Buster helps several customers with horses, then destroys a Rolls Royce while fixing the car parked next to it.
Buster and Phyllis endure a number of outdoor adventures trying to prove to each other their survival skills. The balloon, which lands Buster in the wilderness, later proves useful as their canoe is about go over a waterfall.
A butterfly collector unwittingly wanders into an Indian encampment while chasing a butterfly, but the tribe has resolved to kill the first white man who enters their encampment because white oil tycoons are trying to force them from their land.
Sheik Ahmed desperately desires feisty British socialite Diana, so he abducts her and carries her off to his luxurious tent-palace in the desert. The free-spirited Diana recoils from his passionate embraces and yearns to be released. Later, allowed to go into the desert, she escapes and makes her way across the sands...