Priča govori o P.T. Barnumu, političaru, showmanu, biznismenu i vizionaru koji je osnovao cirkus nazvan “Barnum and Bailey Circus” a koji je ostao zapamćen kao najveći spektakl koji je osvojio publiku diljem svijeta.

Ove se godine u Hogwartsu održava natjecanje između triju čarobnjačkih škola. Dok Harryja peče ožiljak, što ukazuje na zlu prisutnost Lorda Voldemorta, Plameni pehar odabire posljednjeg sudionika natjecanja - Harryja Pottera.

Fernanda is married to Tom, with whom she has a five-year-old daughter, Joana. The couple is in the midst of wear and tear caused by living together for many years, which generates constant friction. Who helps Fernanda to overcome the crisis is her partner Aníbal, inseparable partner during the arduous journey between saving the marriage or putting an end to it.

After another spat with her kids, Dona Hermínia decides to take some time off from them and hides away in her aunt's house, where she reminisces about her kids in an age when they still needed her.

Ljubavna priča o dvoje mladih čiji se život u potpunosti mijenja nakon prvog susreta. Njih dvoje su crno-bijeli svijet koji se ujedinjuje u prvoj i pravoj ljubavi koja će uskoro biti stavljena na kušnju...

Love is in the air as Zoe and friends go on a quest to find a fabled Maid's Stone. But when rivalry blinds them to danger, it's Raven to the rescue!

Godine su bile milostive prema Zluradoj i Aurori. Njihov odnos, rođen iz boli, osvete i, u konačnici, ljubavi, procvjetao je. Ipak, mržnja između čovjeka i vila još postoji. Aurorin predstojeći brak s princem Phillipom razlog je za slavlje u kraljevini Ulstead i susjednim Vrištinama, dok vjenčanje služi ujedinjenju dvaju svjetova. Kad neočekivani susret dovede do novog moćnog savezništva, Zlurada i Aurora razdvojene su na suprotnim stranama u velikom ratu, što testira njihovu odanost i navede ih da se zapitaju mogu li one zaista biti obitelj.

Two overworked and underpaid assistants come up with a plan to get their bosses off their backs by setting them up with each other.

While trying to prove to her family she can be mature and responsible, teen wizard Alex Russo conjures up a spell to rid herself of her bad qualities, unintentionally creating a Good and Evil Alex. When Evil Alex gets involved in a plan to take over the world by a dark wizard, Good Alex must find a way to save her family, humankind, and ultimately herself in an epic Good vs. Evil battle.

Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their romance from pretend to officially real when another recipient of one of her love letters enters the picture.

When a bestselling celebrity biographer is no longer able to get published because she has fallen out of step with current tastes, she turns her art form to deception.

To prove a point about measuring up and fitting in, Texas teen Willowdean “Dumplin’” Dickson enters a local pageant run by her ex-beauty queen mom.

Animirano - igrani film Petar Zecimir priča nikad prije ispričanu priču o Petru Zecimiru koja počinje tako što Petar i njegova cijela obitelj preuzmu farmu starog gospodina Gregorca te ju počnu uništavati bacajući voće i povrće na sve strane i praveći nered. Kada na farmu po svoje nasljedstvo dođe mlađi gospodin Tomica Gregorec, koji je daleko bistriji i oštroumniji, za Petra to znači samo dodatni izazov, nikako prestanak zabave. No, mladi Gregorec nije samo nevjerojatan neprijatelj, već i potencijalni suparnik. On se naime zaljubljuje u lokalnu slikaricu Bibu koja je ujedno i zekova surogat majka. Sada Petar ima dvostruko više razloga za otjerati uljeza što na koncu rezultira pravom bitkom, kako za farmu, tako i za naklonost lijepe Bibe. Rivalstvo Petra Zecimira i mladog Tomice odvest će ih u veliku avanturu daleko izvan njihove idilične jezerske četvrti ravno u prometnu londonsku podzemnu željeznicu pa sve do opasnih ulica grada i natrag.

Teddy Duncan's middle-class family embarks on a road trip from their home in Denver to visit Mrs. Duncans Parents, the Blankenhoopers, in Palm Springs. When they find themselves stranded between Denver and Utah, they try to hitch a ride to Las Vegas with a seemingly normal older couple in a station wagon from Roswell, New Mexico. It turns out that the couple believes they are the victims of alien abduction. The Duncan's must resort to purchasing a clunker Yugo to get to Utah, have their luggage stolen in Las Vegas, and survive a zany Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Blankenhooper.

Polina is a young dancer from a modest family. After years of ballet academy, she is accepted by the Bolshoi; still, she decides to try and audition of a modern dance company in France. She makes it, but her journey will not end there...

Jessica Rothe predvodi ekipu u nastavku filma punog neočekivanih obrta i zapleta, koji je oduševio publiku 2017. godine. Ovoga puta, naša junakinja, Tree, shvatit će da je umiranje iznova i iznova mnogo lakše od izazova koji tek slijedi i opasnosti koja ih vreba.

Kad mladi prijatelji Sonny i Sam naiđu na staru napuštenu kuću, otvore zaključanu knjigu naslovljenu „Ukleta Noć vještica“ i oslobode sve ono zastrašujuće u vezi s Noći vještica, uključujući vještice, vukodlake i divovske gumene medvjede.

In a small town on Christmas Eve, a snowstorm brings together a group of young people. They soon find their friendships and love lives colliding, and come Christmas morning, nothing will be the same.

For a grieving fiancée, learning to love again requires the help of her late love's three best friends.

Fabio is in love with his colleague Linda, but she has never even seen him until he's mistaken for her boyfriend. Paolo and Mario leave for a luxurious vacation in Rio de Janeiro for Christmas, without knowing that their sons have booked a trip for the same low-cost destination and, for a problem of homonymy between fathers and sons, the two holidays are exchanged.