At the beginning of the 1913 Mexican Revolution, greedy bandit Juan Miranda and idealist John H. Mallory, an Irish Republican Army explosives expert on the lam from the British, fall in with a band of revolutionaries plotting to strike a national bank. When it turns out that the government has been using the bank as a hiding place for illegally detained political prisoners -- who are freed by the blast -- Miranda becomes a revolutionary hero against his will.

15.-og siječnja 2009. godine, svijet je svjedočio „Čudu na Hudsonu" kada je pilot "Sully" Sullenberger uspio spasiti živote 155 putnika aviona, kojim je upravljao. Zrakoplov US Airwaysa na letu 1549 poletio je iz newyorške zračne luke LaGuardia za Charlotte u Sjevernoj Karolini, ali je ubrzo nakon polijetanja pilot javio kontroli leta da se zrakoplov sudario s jatom divljih gusaka, što je izazvalo požar u najmanje jednom od motora. Pilot Sullenberger je tada odlučio sletjeti na rijeku Hudson, a putnici su kasnije pričali kako je zrakoplov glatko sletio na površinu vode i ostao plutati jer su zrakoplovu bili ugašeni motori. Međutim, iako je Sully u javnosti bio prikazan kao pilot s izuzetnim sposobnostima, istraga bi mogla pokazati drugačije te mu uništiti reputaciju i karijeru.

This film is released as part of the ongoing 50th anniversary celebration of the Rolling Stones. It tells the story of the Stones' unparalleled journey from blues obsessed teens in the early 60s to their undisputed status as rock royalty. All of the Stones have been newly interviewed and their words form the narrative arc that links together archive footage of performances, news coverage, and interviews, much of it previously unseen. Taking its title from a lyric in "Jumpin' Jack Flash," this film gives the viewer an intimate insight into exactly what it's like to be part of the Rolling Stones as they overcome denunciation, drugs, dissensions, and death to become the definitive survivors. Over a year in the making and produced with the full cooperation and involvement of the Stones, this film is and will remain the definitive story of the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band

Inside the Blue Note nightclub one night in 1959 Paris, an aged, ailing jazzman coaxes an eloquent wail from his tenor sax. Outside, a young Parisian too broke to buy a glass of wine strains to hear those notes. Soon they will form a friendship that sparks a final burst of genius.

Modeli Carl i Yaya pozvani su na luksuzno krstarenje u društvu ultrabogataša - ruskog oligarha, britanskih trgovaca oružjem i ekscentričnog kapetana alkoholičara koji citira Marxa. Isprva sve izgleda savršeno poput Instagrama. No sprema se oluja i luksuznu večeru s kapetanom kvari masovni napad morske bolesti. Dio putnika i posade završava nasukan na pustom otoku. Otkrivši da samo jedno od njih zna kako uloviti ribu, hijerarhija među unesrećenicima najednom se izvrće.

In a dystopian future, a totalitarian regime maintains peace by subduing the populace with a drug, and displays of emotion are punishable by death. A man in charge of enforcing the law rises to overthrow the system.

Obećao je supermodele i jahte. Umjesto toga je isporučio šatore i sendviče sa sirom. Kako je jedan čovjek organizirao katastrofalni glazbeni festival.

France, June 1944. On the eve of D-Day, some American paratroopers fall behind enemy lines after their aircraft crashes while on a mission to destroy a radio tower in a small village near the beaches of Normandy. After reaching their target, the surviving paratroopers realise that, in addition to fighting the Nazi troops that patrol the village, they also must fight against something else.

A dying master sends his last student to check up on five former pupils, who each know a special style of kung-fu.

Ronan, borbeni pilot i Izraleac po 'Zakonu o povratku' (izraelski koji daje pravo Židovima koji nisu iz Izraela i preobraćenima, da dođu i žive u Izrael, te da dobiju izraelsko državljanstvo), srušen je i zarobljen u Siriji nakon misije. S obzirom da je sin američkog senatora, poslana je zajednička američko-izraelska postrojba da spasi Ronana u roku od 36 sati.

French documentary about the life of American actress and New Wave icon Jean Seberg.

Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...

Na 11.000 metara pod morem u mračnim dubinama Marijanske brazde Norah Price dio je posade podvodnih istraživača koji rade na bušilici u dubokom moru. Nakon što navodni potres uništi strukturalni integritet tankih metalnih zidova njihova laboratorija koji ih dijeli od preko 10.000 atmosfera tlaka slane vode, posada se mora boriti kako bi se međusobno zaštitili. Predvođeni kapetanom, preživjeli shvaćaju da im je jedina nada hodati po dnu oceana kako bi stigli do prije korištenog susjednog objekta za koji se nadaju da je netaknut. Ali ubrzo se nađu u borbi za život kad otkriju da ni u ovim dubinama nisu sami.

A psychologist connects her missing brother to the strange case of a mysterious little girl believed to be Sadako reincarnated.

Barcelona, Spain, 1912. The disappearance of a girl from a wealthy family triggers a series of events that will shake the weak foundations of a hypocritical society.

Private Meredith Bixby is so out of step in the Army that his six weeks of planned basic training has now stretched to 17 months. After he loses a tank, WAC Major Shelton, a psychologist, is assigned to make a good soldier out of him. She requests Corporal Dolan and Private Stan Wensalawsky to help with the training. Dolan and Stan both have scores to settle with Bixby and their "guidance" leads to more mishaps. Sergeant Pulley has them shipped out to Morocco. On leave in North Africa, Bixy wanders alone into a bar, has a few Moroccan Delights, which he thinks are malted milks, and becomes convinced that exotic singer-dancer Zita is THE girl for him.

U ranu večer 21. kolovoza 2015. svijet je u zapanjenoj tišini gledao kako mediji izvještavaju o osujećenom terorističkom napadu na vlak Thalys 9364 za Pariz – pokušaj koji su spriječila tri hrabra mlada Amerikanca na putovanju Europom. Film prati tijek života prijatelja, od teškog djetinjstva kroz snalaženja u životu, do niza nevjerojatnih događaja koji su doveli do napada. Tijekom mučnog događaja njihovo prijateljstvo nikad se nije pokolebalo učinivši ga njihovim najvećim oružjem i omogućivši im da spase živote više od 500 putnika u vlaku. Herojski trojac čine Anthony Sadler, oregonski nacionalni gardist Alek Skarlatos i avijatičar prve klase američkog ratnog zrakoplovstva Spencer Stone iz SAD-a koji glume sebe u filmu.

Two young couples in New York-one black and gay, one white and heterosexual-find their lives intertwined as they create new relationship norms, explore sexual identity, and redefine monogamy.

Soon after newlyweds Olga and Michel set foot on the grounds of a notorious women's prison, they're arrested by topless guards and ushered behind bars where the warden quickly dismisses Michel but demands that Olga do a little time.

A maverick New York hedge fund trader with uncanny analytic abilities moves to Hong Kong and orchestrates a mega-deal that swiftly escalates beyond his control.