The ongoing Murdaugh family saga exposes murders, a suspicious death and a complex labyrinth of corruption. Never-before-seen video footage reveals a deadly boat ride that spurs the toppling of a powerful dynasty.

“Respect for the vanquished”, remarks Steve “is what separates man from beast.” As a champion in Swiss-style wrestling, Steve knows a thing or two about observing codes of combat. But when his family farm faces repossession, he is forced to join hands with his ex-convict brother Joel and enter the lucrative, clandestine world of no-rules fighting.

Based on true events, the movie tells the story of two men who want to start a scooter business but don't have the required collateral for a bank loan. Then one of them runs into a former flat neighbour who offers to lend them the money. The guy turns out to be a thug and starts to extort them. Their life goes downhill from there.

While vacationing without her busy British diplomat husband, a married woman falls for another man.

Set in Delhi/UP/Haryana, SHUKRANU is a comic take on the darkest phases of Indian democracy through the encounters of a would-be groom who is forcefully sterilized just days before his much-awaited marriage.

An aspiring filmmaker goes to shocking extremes to convince Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway to star in his film. First entry in Adrian Țofei's trilogy which includes We Put the World to Sleep and Pure.

December 30, 1941. Vyazma ('Vyazemsky cauldron') is a small detachment of Soviet soldiers, by fatal coincidence, in an unequal battle with a special unit of the Wehrmacht. However, none of them think about giving up. Each of them was ready to sacrifice his life in order to protect his native land. None of these brave people was born a hero. The myth of the red ghost is a heroic deed without a soldier's Soviet soldier in the Great Patriotic War who instilled in the animals, deadly fear of German soldiers. In place of one of the dead hero was inserted another, and the born myth of the invincible Soviet soldier. The film 'Red Ghost' is about the hope that each soldier will have.

След като е напуснала манипулативния си съпруг, Глория живее сама с дъщеря си. Един ден тя отговаря на лична обява в интернет и така се запознава с Мишел. Между тях прехвърчат искри и Глория усеща, че е готова на всичко, за да запази тази невероятна любов. Но Мишел е свикнал да живее, мамейки жените, които среща, чрез обявите си, и скоро това се превръща в проблем със смъртоносни последици. Провокативният и оригинален белгийски режисьор Фабрис дьо Велц отново се гмурка дълбоко в човешката душа в търсене не само на любовта, но и на неудържимата страст и патологичното желание за контрол и притежание.

Hannes is a beer truck driver in Dortmund. His biggest dream is to win the first prize at the International Timetable Contest in Inari (Finland). When his new boss cancels his extra holidays to go there, Hans goes mad… On his journey to Finland by train, followed by the police, he meets lot of folks and the love of his life.

When an American teenager gets bullied at her school in Southeast Asia, she fights back--and gets sent to a reform school. But the "school" is more like a prison, and the young teenager must fend off predatory guards and menacing gangs to survive

Frank, although you have retrieved the Fire element, you are still trapped in the hellish Hotel Inferno. Now you must pass through the Village of the Disease, struggling to survive the frozen horrors that haunt those cursed passages, until you finally reach the Castle of Screams. There you will find your only ally, The Witch, who is being held captive along with the Ice element. But beware. The Castle is guarded by an army of unspeakable horrors. On this cold journey you will face many infernal atrocities, and as you will discover, the demons are not your only enemies. Fight for your sanity, retrieve the Ice element, and take the second step towards your resurrection.

След завръщането си от мисия военният лекар Елизабет се прибира у дома и не след дълго започва да подозира, че нещо в семейството не е наред. Съпругът й я убеждава, че всичко се дължи на стреса, който е преживяла на бойното поле. Решена на всичко, за да разбере какво се случва скоро с ужас разбира, че това не е нейното семейство.

Following the death of her mother, a young woman returns home to Niagara Falls and becomes entangled in the memory of a kidnapping she claims to have witnessed as a child.

Филип Марс е разумен човек в един неразумен свят. Той се опитва да бъде добър баща, добър бивш съпруг, добър колега, добър брат... Но планетите не са били подредени точно както трябва, за да бъдат в негова полза напоследък. Неговият син става заклет веган, дъщеря му развива патологични учебни амбиции, сестра му рисува и продава огромни картини на голите им родители, а бившата му съпруга заминава в дълга командировка. Всички около нашия предпазлив и благоразумен Филип се държат все по-хаотично и по-хаотично. Но когато неговият колега без да иска му отсича ухото, а след това се премества в неговия апартамент, хаусът преминава в лудост за нашия герой...

A weekend of camping in the mountains becomes an excursion into hell for a young couple, who become pawns in a grotesque plot hatched by deranged locals.

During the 70's, some Komodo Dragon eggs were dumped on an North Carolina island. Somehow, the baby Komodos survived, and twenty years later they have grown up and taken over the island for themselves. Young Patrick has lost his parents and his dog to the lizards, but didn't see them himself, which has left him traumatized. Now, with his therapist Victoria, they return to confront his fears.

At the beginning of "perestroyka", city authorities are getting ready for another event in keeping with the spirit of stagnant times. A director with a rather "unyielding" character is assigned to make a film about the birth of the one millionth inhabitant. However, when he finds the heroine of his story, there is no much "positive" to show as this family hardly suits for advertising happy life...

Нискобюджетен хорър заснет в България. Амбър си мечтае да напусне провинциалното градче, където вече не издържа. Уговаря най-близките си приятели и заедно се отправят към големия град. Колата им аварира и се качват в каросерията на камион, шофиран от подозрителен тип. Когато шофьорът отказва да спре, те започват да усещат, че нещата не са както трябва. Изпадат в панически страх, разкривайки, че са заобиколени от тонове кръв, които превозва камиона. Шофьорът ги стоварва в запустяла къща, чийто обитатели преживяват с човешка кръв, и Амбър и приятелите й са поредните им жертви.

A small town widow (Camille Keaton) faces a grisly confrontation with her would-be extortionists.

A poor young woman prepares to enter music college, but has no piano to practice. Her boyfriend decides to help her crashing into houses that have one so she can plays.