The ongoing Murdaugh family saga exposes murders, a suspicious death and a complex labyrinth of corruption. Never-before-seen video footage reveals a deadly boat ride that spurs the toppling of a powerful dynasty.

“Respect for the vanquished”, remarks Steve “is what separates man from beast.” As a champion in Swiss-style wrestling, Steve knows a thing or two about observing codes of combat. But when his family farm faces repossession, he is forced to join hands with his ex-convict brother Joel and enter the lucrative, clandestine world of no-rules fighting.

两个年轻人希望在波兰开办自己的意大利单车工厂,但是却苦于没有金钱,银行又不想他们伸出援手。就在他们准备绝望之际,他们碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友 Gerard,命运也由此改变——起初Gerard答应帮他们度过财政难关,但就在事业发展得好象很顺畅的时候,他们两人突然发现,Gerard正侵吞他们以后的利益,于是断然想拒绝发展。但是,Gerard没有那么容易放过他们,Gerard开始恐吓他们,命令其交还贷款,直到此时他们才知道,原来 Gerard是黑手党的人……


Set in Delhi/UP/Haryana, SHUKRANU is a comic take on the darkest phases of Indian democracy through the encounters of a would-be groom who is forcefully sterilized just days before his much-awaited marriage.

An aspiring filmmaker goes to shocking extremes to convince Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway to star in his film. First entry in Adrian Țofei's trilogy which includes We Put the World to Sleep and Pure.

1941 年冬天,从维亚济马附近的包围圈出来,一小群苏联士兵被迫停在一个废弃的村庄,但他们没有喘息的机会。一支装备精良的德国国防军分遣队在一名党卫军的带领下,正在寻找一名绰号为“红色幽灵”的神秘士兵。巧合的是,两群士兵决定在同一所房子里暂时休整。 “红色幽灵”凭空出现,单枪匹马消灭了侵略者,然后神秘的消失了。德国人甚至没有意识到他们已经处于超级英雄游击队的枪下,苏联士兵即将进行生死搏斗。

基于小说《孤独之心杀手》(The Lonely Hearts Killers)的可怕案例改编,该小说讲述1940年代被谋杀的20多名妇女,因此Alleluia不适合胆小者。

Hannes is a beer truck driver in Dortmund. His biggest dream is to win the first prize at the International Timetable Contest in Inari (Finland). When his new boss cancels his extra holidays to go there, Hans goes mad… On his journey to Finland by train, followed by the police, he meets lot of folks and the love of his life.


Frank, although you have retrieved the Fire element, you are still trapped in the hellish Hotel Inferno. Now you must pass through the Village of the Disease, struggling to survive the frozen horrors that haunt those cursed passages, until you finally reach the Castle of Screams. There you will find your only ally, The Witch, who is being held captive along with the Ice element. But beware. The Castle is guarded by an army of unspeakable horrors. On this cold journey you will face many infernal atrocities, and as you will discover, the demons are not your only enemies. Fight for your sanity, retrieve the Ice element, and take the second step towards your resurrection.

A British Army doctor comes back from a war, thinking that she has PTSD only to discover that there is a more daunting malevolence at work making the life that she knew unfamiliar.


马尔斯(弗朗索瓦·达米昂 François Damiens 饰)是一名名不见经传的小小程序员,按时上班下班,回家吃饭睡觉,他的每一天都在循规蹈矩之中度过。个性非常普通的马尔斯从来都不会给人留下什么深刻的印象,因此在岗位上也很难得到上司的重用。和马尔斯不同,马尔斯的妻子米莉亚姆(蕾雅·德吕盖 Léa Drucker 饰)是一个彻头彻尾的工作狂,整日将全部的精力都挥洒在岗位上,于是,照顾两个孩子沙拉(Jeanne Guittet 饰)和格雷古瓦(Tom Rivoire 饰)的责任就落在了马尔斯的肩上。


During the 70's, some Komodo Dragon eggs were dumped on an North Carolina island. Somehow, the baby Komodos survived, and twenty years later they have grown up and taken over the island for themselves. Young Patrick has lost his parents and his dog to the lizards, but didn't see them himself, which has left him traumatized. Now, with his therapist Victoria, they return to confront his fears.

At the beginning of "perestroyka", city authorities are getting ready for another event in keeping with the spirit of stagnant times. A director with a rather "unyielding" character is assigned to make a film about the birth of the one millionth inhabitant. However, when he finds the heroine of his story, there is no much "positive" to show as this family hardly suits for advertising happy life...

Amber dreams of escaping her small town existence and persuades her friends to accompany her to find an apartment in the big city. When their transportation breaks down, she and her friends gratefully accept a ride in the back of a semi. But when the driver refuses to stop and they discover the cargo is hundreds of cartons of blood, they panic. Their panic turns to terror when the truck disgorges them into a dark, abandoned warehouse where blood-thirsty creatures learn to hunt human prey, which, the friends realize, is what they now are... Written by Svetlio Svilenov

A small town widow (Camille Keaton) faces a grisly confrontation with her would-be extortionists.

A poor young woman prepares to enter music college, but has no piano to practice. Her boyfriend decides to help her crashing into houses that have one so she can plays.