When the Scooby gang visits a dude ranch, they discover that it and the nearby town have been haunted by a ghostly cowboy, Dapper Jack, who fires real fire from his fire irons. The mystery only deepens when it’s discovered that the ghost is also the long lost relative of Shaggy Rogers!

After the death of Shaggy's Uncle Beaureguard, he, Scooby and Scrappy arrive at the late uncle's Southern plantation to collect the inheritance. But as soon as they arrive, they find it is haunted by the ghost of a Confederate soldier. With this spook on their tails while they solve riddles in search of the inheritance, they seek help from the Boo Brothers, a trio of ghost-exterminators to help catch this nasty ghoul.

A teen star ventures out to the Italian countryside for a summer and emerges a new artist.

The toys throw Ken and Barbie a Hawaiian vacation in Bonnie's room.

Lewis, a brilliant young inventor, is keen on creating a time machine to find his mother, who abandoned him in an orphanage. Things take a turn when he meets Wilbur Robinson and his family.

Balto and the other sled dogs are feeling dejected because the mail that used to be delivered by dogsled is now being delivered by airplanes. But when a mail plane crashes in the mountains, the dogs come to the rescue.

When Lady Tremaine steals the Fairy Godmother's wand and changes history, it's up to Cinderella to restore the timeline and reclaim her prince.

Return to the forest and join Bambi as he reunites with his father, The Great Prince, who must now raise the young fawn on his own. But in the adventure of a lifetime, the proud parent discovers there is much he can learn from his spirited young son.

Alexandra "Alex" Delgado, a pairs figure skater, found her career come to an abrupt halt after her partner (on and off the ice) became injured. As their love affair cooled, a heartbroken Alex stopped competing and turned to teaching. Enter James Van Behr the smoldering bad boy of speed skating, who has had fiery Alex in his sights as a skating partner ever since he was banned from speed skating. There aren't many girls who say no to him but she may well be the first. However, he pushes her buttons, challenging her like no one else - and her fighting spirit returns. She agrees to be his partner and they begin a grueling practice regimen fueled (and occasionally derailed) by their own tempestuous relationship, which heats up as they get closer to competition. But will their passion destroy Alex's chance to bring home the gold again?

Lady and Tramp's mischievous pup, Scamp, gets fed up with rules and restrictions imposed on him by life in a family, and longs for a wild and free lifestyle. He runs away from home and into the streets where he joins a pack of stray dogs known as the "Junkyard Dogs." Buster, the pack's leader, takes an instant disliking to the "house-dog" and considers him a rival. Angel, a junkyard pup Scamp's age, longs for the safety and comfort of life in a family and the two become instant companions. Will Scamp choose the wild and free life of a stray or the unconditional love of his family?

Končno se bo Aladin poročil s princeso Jasmine. A ko slavje zmoti 40 razbojnikov, ki skušajo ukrasti čarobni talisman, se mora Aladin odpraviti na nevarno pot, da bi jih ustavil – in pri tem našel svojega izgubljenega očeta. Animirani film prinaša zadnje poglavje v Disneyjevi sagi o "Aladinu in kralju tatov". V deželi se pripravlja veliko slavje, saj se bosta princesa Jasmine in mladi Aladin naposled poročila. Vendar morata še pred tem preprečiti legendarnim 40 razbojnikom, da bi ukradli skrivnostno poročno darilo: vsevidni talisman, ki lastniku prinese nesluteno bogastvo. Tako se pridružimo Aladinu in njegovim prijateljem, Jasmine, Abuju, leteči preprogi in zabavnemu duhu iz svetilke. Medtem ko lovijo 40 razbojnikov, se borijo za ukradeno dragocenost in ob tem ugotovijo, da je Aladinov dolgo izgubljeni oče še vedno živ. Smeh in zabava sta zagotovljena skupaj s kopico nepozabnih napevov.

This time, while building a hideaway in their new home of the Great Valley, Littlefoot and the gang rescue a mysterious egg from two scheming egg-nappers and make a starling surprise - and new friend - when the egg hatches.

Littlefoot and his friends the gang in their next when a swarm of leaf gobblers had destroyed their homes and this forces them to find a new home but yet find an mysterious island.

Dirkalni zvezdnik Strela McQueen in njegov prijatelj Dajz sta spet v akciji. Znajdeta se v svetu spletk in vznemirljivih dirkaških podvigov po vsem svetu.Dirkalni zvezdnik Strela McQueen in njegov prijatelj Dajz nas popeljeta v nove kraje čez lužo, ko se avtomobil udeleži svetovnega prvenstva, kjer se bo izkazalo, kdo je najhitrejši. Pot do naslova prvaka pa je polna ovir, obvozov in neverjetnih presenečenj; medtem ko se Dajz znajde v lastni pustolovščini sredi mednarodnih vohunov. Odločiti se mora, ali bi pomagal prijatelju McQueenu pri vrhunski dirki, ali pa sodeloval v vohunski akciji, ki jo vodi britanski tajni agent, in pri kateri naj bi razkrinkali mednarodno zaroto. Dajza vodi pot po dirkališčih Japonske in Evrope, na očeh vsega sveta. Hitra dirkaška avantura prinaša živopisno zasedbo novih avtomobilskih junakov, neusmiljene nasprotnike in kopico dirkaških tekmecev z vsega sveta.

As a newly crowned princess, Cinderella quickly learns that life at the Palace - and her royal responsibilities - are more challenging than she had imagined. In three heartwarming tales, Cinderella calls on her animal friends and her Fairy Godmother to help as she brings her own grace and charm to her regal role and discovers that being true to yourself is the best way to make your dreams come true.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

When the dinosaur families get trapped in a valley by an ice storm, one family of "spike tail" dinosaurs volunteers to leave since they consume more food than the others. Meanwhile, the young dinos and a new adult dinosaur named Mr. Thicknose, head out to bring back their friend Spike, who has left his friends to be with members of his own species.

Alvin in veverički je animiran film o fiktivni glasbeni skupini treh veveric. Alvin, Simon in Theodore so glasbeno nadarjeni veverički, ki so ostali brez doma. Drevo, na katerem so živeli, so namreč posekali in ga skupaj z njimi poslali v Los Angeles. Tam spoznajo skladatelja Davida Sevilla, ki ga muči ustvarjalna kriza, toda veverički mu rade volje pokažejo svoje glasbene sposobnosti. David hitro spozna, da bi mu Alvin, Simon in Theodore lahko prinesli uspeh, zato vsi skupaj sklenejo, da bodo poslovno sodelovali: David bo pisal pesmi, veverički pa jih bodo izvajali.

‘Like A Lion’ the true story of legendary skier Tanner Hall an Eric Iberg film A documentary feature film about the winningest and most controversial skier of the last decade, LIKE A LION tells a tremendous story of adversity and self-confidence, tragedy and triumph. Following the high-risk, high-adrenaline life of seven-time ESPN X-Games Gold medalist Tanner Hall, LIKE A LION is a film that goes beyond skiing, beyond action sports stardom, beyond the rock-star cliches to examine that special courage that allows the best of us to continually come back from life’s toughest blows.

After the Club Med and skiing, what happened to the Bronzés 27 years later? Early response: the same, and worse.