Franck is a firefighter in Paris. He saves people. He lives at the station with his wife, who is about to have twins. He’s happy. During a call out to a fire, he puts himself in danger, to save his men. He’s going to have to learn to live again and accept to be the one being saved, this time.
After being bullied for months at school, 16-year-old Jonathan douses himself with gasoline and lights a match. Now, in an induced coma, his body covered in burns, his life is on hold, his parents are in shock and the school is in turmoil.
Ali je slobodný otec, ktorý vychováva svojho päťročného syna a príliš si s ním nevie rady. Stratili domov, žijú na ulici a kradnú jedlo. Situáciu sa Ali rozhodne vyriešiť presťahovaním k sestre, žijúcej na Francúzskej riviére. Tá sa začne o chlapca starať, takže sa mladý otec môže venovať hľadaniu práce. Pri práci vyhadzovača v nočnom klube sa jeho cesta skríži so Stephanie, ktorá trénuje dravé kosatky v zábavnom parku. Potom, čo pri svojej práci utrpí tragické zranenia a príde o obe nohy, prestane Stéphanie komunikovať so svetom a jediného, koho si pustí opäť po čase k telu je ľahkovážny Ali. Ich nepravdepodobný vzťah sa začne pomaly vyvíjať. Ako sa ich príbehy pretínajú a rozchádzajú, ocitajú sa vo svete, v ktorom je možné kúpiť si silu, krásu a mladosť - avšak dôvera, pravda, vernosť a láska tam nie sú na predaj a odvaha má mnoho podôb.
Young and ambitious Captain Vivés has just been appointed group leader at the Grenoble Criminal Squad when Clara's murder case lands on his desk. Vivés and his team investigate Clara's complex life and relations, but what starts as a professional and methodical immersion into the victim's life soon turns into a haunting obsession.
Keď depresívny Bertrand trpiaci krízou stredného veku, odpovie na inzerát, ktorý hľadá nového člena do družstva mužského synchronizovaného plávania (áno, máme na mysli mužské akvabely) netuší, že v amatérskom družstve nájde nielen priateľov, ale i novú chuť do života. Komédia nielen o tom, ako dlho musíte zadržať dych, abyste prežili život.
Film zobrazuje skutočnú katastrofu, ku ktorej prišlo v roku 2000 na palube jadrovej ponorky K-141 Kursk. 154 metrov dlhá jadrová ponorka je „nepotopiteľnou“ pýchou Severného loďstva ruského vojenského námorníctva. Počas námorného cvičenia v auguste 2000 sa na palube nachádzalo 118 členov posádky. 12. augusta otrasú trupom Kurska mohutné explózie, ktoré plavidlo pošlú do hĺbky 108 metrov, na dno arktických vôd Barentsovho mora. Pre námorníkov začína zúfalý boj s časom. Záchrannú operáciu komplikuje zastaralé vybavenie a odmietavý postoj ruskej vlády prijať zahraničnú pomoc.
The result of the small handkerchiefs "Petits mouchoirs", 7 years later. The band, which erupted, is found on the occasion of the anniversary surprise organized for Max.
A true story of Samy, native of La Courneuve, who is out of love for Nadia, decides to climb Mount Everest.
Leonardo Montenegro je bohatý a rozmaznaný playboy, ktorý si celý život len užíval. Ale ako sa hovorí – karma nie je zdarma. Keď z rozmaru odmietne zaplatiť za služby upratovacej služby, netuší, ako mu to osud vráti. Po jednej divokej párty vypadne z jachty a na druhý deň ho nájdu, ako sa bezradne motá v uliciach Oregonu. V nemocnici skonštatujú, že utrpel totálnu stratu pamäte a vyhlásia pátranie po jeho rodine. A vtedy nastupuje na scénu Kate – presne tá, ktorú nedávno tak ponížil. Vybavená širokým úsmevom a falošným sobášnym listom si poňho príde ako zákonitá manželka! Začiatok bude ťažký, ale aj život bežného pracujúceho muža s troma deťmi a úžasnou manželkou má niečo do seba. Ako dlho však dokáže Kate tajiť pred Leom jeho skutočnú identitu a udržať príjemnú idylku?
To spice up a dinner party, old friends agree to share every private message that pops up on their phones -- with disastrous results.
19-year-old Ben Burns unexpectedly returns home to his family's suburban home on Christmas Eve morning. Ben's mother, Holly, is relieved and welcoming but wary of her son staying clean. Over a turbulent 24 hours, new truths are revealed, and a mother's undying love for her son is tested as she does everything in her power to keep him safe.
Mladý chlapec má pred sebou len jeden cieľ - basketbalové finále v Paríži. Práve v ten deň sa však musí starať o svojho dedka Rolanda, ktorý je veľmi milý a vtipný pán, občas však kvôli Alzheimerovej chorobe býva trošku dezorientovaný. On sa však odmieta vzdať svojho sna a rozhodne sa, že na finále do Paríža sa dostane za každú cenu, aj keď by tam mal ísť aj s dedkom.
The story revolves around Alain, a busy businessman who is always in a rush. In his life, there is no room for spare time or family. But one day, he suffers a stroke, which makes him lose his grasp of language and use one word in place of another.
A group under siege at an Army fort grapple with painful memories.
Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.
Agathe Langlois, Parisian until the end of the nails well varnishes, is delighted: she is going to be confirmed as a professor of English. The happiness of the good news will not last as she learns that she is deployed to the countryside.
Kwabéna 's arrival into Enguerrand family, that the little boy takes for his biological father, will lead the whole family to many adventures and reunify them like never before.
Nour is a pleasant and funny person who works as an accountant at a fitness center in Paris. Everybody likes her, but she has no luck in her romantic endeavours because she is overweight with atypical looks. Her close friends try to give her advice, but they are not particularly successful in the love department either. Her mother and brother are also close, but they are of no help, rather the contrary. One day she witnesses a pole dancing class at her workplace, something that she would never dream of doing herself, but she sees how much the women in the class and their teacher are enjoying themselves, so she is tempted. Finally the teacher starts giving her private lessons since she is too ashamed of her body to do anything in public. Slowly but surely she gains confidence in herself and many things change in her life.
Three dance crews – one Latin American, one European and one Canadian – prepare to battle at the International Beat the World competition in Detroit. Along the way, they struggle with gambling debt, bad break-ups and their own egos. In the final showdown to become world champions they find that their lifelong hopes, dreams and even lives, are at stake.
A man goes on an all-inclusive vacation to the Caribbean and finds out he must share his room with someone else.