Théo is given up for adoption by his biological mother on the very day he is born. After this anonymous birth, the mother has two months to change her mind… Or not. The child welfare services and adoption service spring into action… The former have to take care of the baby and support it during this limbo-like time, this period of uncertainty, while the latter must find a woman to become his adoptive mother. She is called Alice, and she has spent the last ten years fighting to have a child.

South Korea, 1993. An agent of the National Intelligence Service is sent to Beijing to infiltrate a group of North Korean officials with the ultimate goal of obtaining information about their nuclear program.

Jongsu je preprost fant, ki opravlja službo kurirja. Nekega dne po dolgem času sreča Haemi, dekle, ki je nekoč živelo v njegovi soseski. Dekle Jongsuja zadolži, naj pazi na njeno mačko, medtem ko bo ona na potovanju v Afriki. Ko se Haemi vrne domov, s seboj pripelje novega fanta, skrivnostnega Bena, ki ga je spoznala med potovanjem. Ben je mlad in bogat, naokoli se vozi s porschejem in v marsičem spominja na Velikega Gatsbyja. Jongsuju postane očitno, da Haemi ne bo kar tako pustila svojega bogatega fanta. Ko začne ljubosumje v Jongsuju dosegati vrelišče, pa tok dogodkov nenadoma spremeni spoznanje, da ima Ben tudi sila nenavaden konjiček ..

Wreck-It Ralph is the 9-foot-tall, 643-pound villain of an arcade video game named Fix-It Felix Jr., in which the game's titular hero fixes buildings that Ralph destroys. Wanting to prove he can be a good guy and not just a villain, Ralph escapes his game and lands in Hero's Duty, a first-person shooter where he helps the game's hero battle against alien invaders. He later enters Sugar Rush, a kart racing game set on tracks made of candies, cookies and other sweets. There, Ralph meets Vanellope von Schweetz who has learned that her game is faced with a dire threat that could affect the entire arcade, and one that Ralph may have inadvertently started.

During the Iraq War, a Sergeant recently assigned to an army bomb squad is put at odds with his squad mates due to his maverick way of handling his work.

When a dance troupe is lured to an empty school, a bowl of drug-laced sangria causes their jubilant rehearsal to descend into a dark and explosive nightmare as they try to survive the night—and find who's responsible—before it's too late.

Jared, the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, is outed to his parents at age 19. Jared is faced with an ultimatum: attend a gay conversion therapy program – or be permanently exiled and shunned by his family, friends, and faith.

In danger of losing his business, Anthony Roca, an ordinary man, develops a scam that will become the heist of the century. Overtaken by the crime, he will have to deal with betrayal, murder and settling.

Stephanie, a dedicated mother and popular vlogger, befriends Emily, a mysterious upper-class woman whose son Nicky attends the same school as Miles, Stephanie's son. When Emily asks her to pick Nicky up from school and then disappears, Stephanie undertakes an investigation that will dive deep into Emily's cloudy past.

Potem ko je pred sedmimi leti izgubil ženo, se ekscentrični doktor John Dolittle, slavni zdravnik in veterinar kraljice Viktorije Britanske, umakne pred svetom za visoke zidove graščine Dolittle, družbo pa mu delajo le eksotične živali. Ko pa mlada kraljica hudo zboli, se mora Dolittle, čeprav nerad, odpraviti na epsko pustolovščino na mitičen otok, da bi našel zdravilo, pri tem pa si povrne duhovitost in pogum, ko naleti na stare nasprotnike in odkrije čudežna bitja.

Aging pals Billy, Paddy, Archie, and Sam have been best friends since childhood. When Billy finally proposes to his much-younger girlfriend, all four friends go to Las Vegas to celebrate the end of Billy's longtime bachelorhood and relive their glory days. However, the four quickly realize that the intervening decades have changed Sin City and tested their friendship in ways they had not imagined.

Locked up in prison and awaiting execution, bored young vagabonds Bernardino and Mammone pass their time competing in a vulgar storytelling competition, relating indecent accounts about castration, unsavory testicles and an atypical threesome. Not intended for the faint of heart, this audacious piece of moviemaking focuses on tales of jealousy, murder and uncontrollable desires.

Ostareli agent 007 James Bond (Sean Connery) med rutinskim urjenjem naredi banalno napako in njegov šef M (Edward Fox) sumi, da britanski vohun ni več na višku svojih zmožnosti, zato ga za nedoločen čas razreši iz službe. Zločinska organizacija SPECTRE pod vodstvom Ernsta Blofelda ukrade dve ameriški jedrski konici in zagrozi z napadom. Blofeldovega dolgoletnega sovražnika Jamesa Bonda, ki medtem okreva na kliniki, spet čaka zahtevna naloga, da se sooči z nepridipravi in reši svet. Pot ga iz Anglije popelje na Bahame in nato v južno Francijo. Pri tem mu je ves čas na sledi smrtonosna lepotica Fatima Blush (Barbara Carrera), nato Bondu pot prekrižata še zlobni bogataš Largo in njegova skrivnostna ljubica Domino.

Ko si mlada nuna v odmaknjenem romunskem samostanu vzame življenje, Vatikan tja pošlje duhovnika, ki ga trpinči njegova mučna preteklost, in mlado redovnico tik pred zaobljubo, da bi raziskala nedoumljivi dogodek. Pajdaša po sili razmer odkrijeta nekatere grozljive skrivnosti nesvetega kraja in pri tem tvegata ne le življenje, temveč tudi svojo vero in nesmrtno dušo. Soočita se s starodavno zlonamerno silo v obliki demonske nune, ki je gledalce strašila v filmu "Priklicano zlo 2", samostan pa se spremeni v grozljivo bojišče med silami dobrega in zla, med živimi in prekletimi.

Alain, a successful Parisian publisher struggling to adapt to the digital revolution, has major doubts about the new manuscript of Léonard, one of his long-time authors — another work of auto-fiction recycling his love affair with a minor celebrity. Selena, Alain’s wife, a famous stage actress, is of the opposite opinion.

Vincent and Nefeli just moved in together. They're best friends and swore to never fall in love again. That is until Vincent meets Julie.

Delphine and Yvan divorce. While his financial situation does not allow him to find a home, Yvan remembers that he owns 20% of his ex-wife's house. He then returned to live with Delphine, in his 20%. The two ex will discover the joys of forced housemates.

Arnaud, a 25-year-old man, enters the campaign team of a candidate for the French presidential election as assistant to the Director of communication. While discovering the techniques, intricacies and rivalries of the electoral campaign, he will feel fascination for this world, as well as for its attractive director, Agnès.

In 1922, a young novelist goes to the countryside to write her latest book and falls victim to terrifying hallucinations and nightmares.