Marty je povprečni gimnazijec. Njegov prijatelj, ekscentrični znanstvenik dr. Brown izumi časovni stroj, s katerim se Marty po naključju znajde v letu 1955. Da je stvar še hujša, tam naleti na svojega očeta v najstniških letih in na svojo mamo. Če Martyju ne bo uspelo stvari postaviti na svoje mesto, bo enostavno izginil. Naloga zanj ne bo pretežka, saj če sredi petdesetih obvladaš rolkanje, poznaš vse najnovejše hite, hkrati pa obvladaš kitarske rife prihodnosti, ne moreš biti drugega kot frajer.

Dictator Adenoid Hynkel tries to expand his empire while a poor Jewish barber tries to avoid persecution from Hynkel's regime.

An urban office worker finds that paper airplanes are instrumental in meeting a girl in ways he never expected.

Private eye Jake Gittes lives off of the murky moral climate of sunbaked, pre-World War II Southern California. Hired by a beautiful socialite to investigate her husband's extra-marital affair, Gittes is swept into a maelstrom of double dealings and deadly deceits, uncovering a web of personal and political scandals that come crashing together.

Luke Skywalker leads a mission to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt, while the Emperor seeks to destroy the Rebellion once and for all with a second dreaded Death Star.

Film režiserja Rona Howarda prinaša resnično zgodbo o matematičnem geniju Johnu Forbesu Nashu ml. Popelje nas v leto 1947, ko pride mladi Nash študirat na univerzo Princeton na podiplomski študij matematike. Kmalu razvije razpravo o teoriji tekmovanja, ki predrzno izpodbija uveljavljeno doktrino Adama Smitha, očeta sodobne ekonomije. V času hladne vojne s Sovjetsko zvezo mu skrivnostni William Parcher naloži strogo zaupno nalogo: dešifriranje sovražnikovih kod. Tako začne Nash delati za vlado, obenem pa spozna lepo in izjemno bistro študentko fizike Alicio Larde. Ko Nash zboli za paranoično shizofrenijo, ga Alicia spodbudi, naj se začne boriti z neozdravljivo boleznijo. Po letih boja je Nash v resnici premagal tragedijo in naposled prejel Nobelovo nagrado.

Brian Cohen is an average young Jewish man, but through a series of ridiculous events, he gains a reputation as the Messiah. When he's not dodging his followers or being scolded by his shrill mother, the hapless Brian has to contend with the pompous Pontius Pilate and acronym-obsessed members of a separatist movement. Rife with Monty Python's signature absurdity, the tale finds Brian's life paralleling Biblical lore, albeit with many more laughs.

Following the death of his employer and mentor, Bumpy Johnson, Frank Lucas establishes himself as the number one importer of heroin in the Harlem district of Manhattan. He does so by buying heroin directly from the source in South East Asia and he comes up with a unique way of importing the drugs into the United States. Partly based on a true story.

Polish immigrant Karol Karol finds himself out of a marriage, a job and a country when his French wife, Dominique, divorces him after six months due to his impotence. Forced to leave France after losing the business they jointly owned, Karol enlists fellow Polish expatriate Mikołaj to smuggle him back to their homeland.

When a beautiful first-grade teacher arrives at a prep school, she soon attracts the attention of an ambitious teenager named Max, who quickly falls in love with her. Max turns to the father of two of his schoolmates for advice on how to woo the teacher. However, the situation soon gets complicated when Max's new friend becomes involved with her, setting the two pals against one another in a war for her attention.

In lyrical switches between the present and the past, Taeko contemplates the arc of her life, and wonders if she has been true to the dreams of her childhood self.

The evil Darth Sidious enacts his final plan for unlimited power -- and the heroic Jedi Anakin Skywalker must choose a side.

Indiana Jones v nočnem klubu spozna pevko Willie Scott. Willie z Indyjevo pomočjo komaj ubeži smrti, nato pa ju pot zanese v Indijo, kjer ju čaka velika avantura. Najti morata magični kamen, ki so ga ukradli prebivalcem neke vasice. Obeta se jima vrsta nepozabnih in napetih pustolovščin, borb za življenje in tudi romantičnih trenutkov, čeprav je sprva videti, da se Willie in Indy ne prenašata najbolje.

Življenjepis večplastnega Howarda Hughesa, ki je nekaj očeta podedoval po očetovem podjetju, da se je preselil v Hollywood, kjer je zbral veliko bogastvo. Bil je eden najvidnejših producentov v ameriški kinematografiji v tridesetih in štiridesetih letih, ki je začel kariero, kot je Jean Harlow's in postal lastnik RKO Radio Pictures. Toda Hughes je bil poleg proizvajalca priznani industrialec in poslovnež, ki je imel svoj pomen tudi v svetu letalstva.

Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself.

A surprise visit from Spock's father provides a startling revelation: McCoy is harboring Spock's living essence.

Balto and his daughter Aleu embark on a journey of adventure and self discovery.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

Two hundred years after Lt. Ripley died, a group of scientists clone her, hoping to breed the ultimate weapon. But the new Ripley is full of surprises … as are the new aliens. Ripley must team with a band of smugglers to keep the creatures from reaching Earth.

Predrzna pustolovka in arheologinja Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) je prišla do morda največjega odkritja v zgodovini te vede: našla je skrivnostno kroglo, ki naj bi kot ključ vodila do mitološke Pandorine skrinjice. Krogla na žalost pade v roke zlobnemu znanstveniku Jonathanu Reissu (Ciarán Hinds), ki v laboratoriju izdeluje smrtonosne viruse in si obeta, da bo skrinjico bogato prodal najboljšemu ponudniku kot biološko orožje. Laro najame britanska obveščevalna služba, da bi kroglo izmaknila Reissu, za to nalogo pa bo potrebovala pomoč nekdanjega ljubimca, pripadnika britanskih posebnih enot Terryja Sheridana (Gerard Butler). Dvojica se odpravi na neverjetno pustolovščino po vsem svetu, da bi prišla do svojega cilja nekje v Afriki: prvobitnega kraja, ki mu pravijo Zibelka življenja.