Krzysztof, a semantics professor and computer hobbyist, is raising his young son, Paweł, to look to science for answers, while Irena, Paweł’s aunt, lives a life rooted in faith. Over the course of one day, both adults are forced to question their belief systems.

A teenage postal worker, Tomek, routinely spies on his older neighbor Magda, a sexually liberated artist who lives in the apartment across the courtyard from his. As their private worlds merge, fascination turns to obsession, and the line between love and curiosity becomes violently blurred.

Jerzy and Artur’s father dies, leaving behind a valuable stamp collection, which, they discover, is coveted by dealers of varying degrees of shadiness. The more involved the brothers get in their father’s world, the more dire and comical their situation becomes.

Roman and Hanka have a loving marriage, but his impotence has led to her having an affair. The unbearable situation drives Roman to extreme measures both physically and mentally, testing their love and his own will to live.

Illegal Civ Cinema made a documentary about the making of Tyler's latest album, Cherry Bomb.

Pulkininkas von Walheimas nori išvežti garsiausių menininkų paveikslus į Vokietiją iš Paryžiaus, prieš tai kai jį išlaisvins sąjungininkai. Jam pavyksta įkalbėti savo viršininkus duoti jam traukinį. Labiche'as, Prancūzijos geležinkelių pareigūnas, paprašytas muziejaus valdytojų sustabdyti šį traukinį ...

As a high school student, Majka bore a child, Ania, whom Majka’s mother, Ewa, has been raising as her own. Now that Majka is ready for motherhood, Ewa refuses to let go, leading Majka to kidnap her own daughter, with unexpected emotional consequences.

In a strange and isolated chateau, a man becomes acquainted with a woman and insists that they have met before.

1973 m., kai Frankas Bledsou ir jo 18-metė dukterėčia Beta išvyksta į kelionę iš Manhatano į Krykvilą, Pietų Karoliną, į šeimos patriarcho laidotuves, prie jų netikėtai prisijungia Franko mylimais Volidas.

In nineteenth-century Russia, a teenage boy in search of love is drawn to two very different women.

Borisas ir Ženia – jauna pora skyrybų įkarštyje. Ženia laisvalaikį leidžia su nauju vyru, pasiturinčiu verslininku. Borisas taip pat turi kitą moterį, besilaukiančią jo vaiko. Vienintelis abu vienijantis dalykas – bendras butas, dėl kurio pardavimo jie nuolat pykstasi. Tiesa, dar yra 12-metis sūnus Alioša. Netyčia išgirdęs, kad jį planuojama atiduoti į vaikų namus, kitą dieną berniukas dingsta. Tai negailestingas trileris, kur visuomenės egzistencinės krizės analizė susipina su šiuolaikinės Rusijos kritika. Kino teatruose nuo 2018 m. sausio 26 dienos.

It’s Christmas Eve, and Ewa has plotted to pass the hours until morning with her former lover Janusz, a family man, by making him believe her husband has gone missing. During this night of recklessness and lies, the pair grapple with choices made when their affair was discovered three years ago, and with the value of their present lives.

A young woman becomes entangled with a successful businessman, but her ex tries to win her back, provoking intense jealousy that leads her to reconsider her choice. Ultimately, one man's actions force a resolution to her dilemma.

Kompiuterių genijus Hannonas Fulleris sukūrė virtualios realybės simuliaciją, kurios pagalba bet kuriuo metu galima atsidurti 1937-ųjų Los Andžele. Viskas - žmonės, automobiliai, pasilinksminimai prabangiuose viešbučiuose - yra visiškai netikri, o sukurti kompiuterinėje laboratorijoje 13-tame aukšte. Sudėtinga technologija leidžia žmogui nukeliauti į 1937-uosius, įsikūnyti į kitą asmenį ir jame "patalpinti" savo mintis. Eilinį kartą patenkinęs savo aistras, Fulleris išsiaiškina kažką paslaptingo ir paprašo viešbučio tarnautojo Ashtono perduoti voką su svarbia informacija jaunesniajam kolegai Douglasui Hallui. Tačiau Ashtonas nusprendžia viską išsiaiškinti pats...

School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, practicing ballplay, and classical music, and having clean thoughts. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate the idea.(Linus adding that its like finding out that he was drafted.) The boys shove each other to get on the bus, while the girls line up in order. At camp, Charlie Brown is chosen captain of the boys camp. The boys and girls have a swim race which the girls win easily. Then they have a softball game, which the boys lose with only one run. Other competitions are just as lopsided. Afterwards, the boys sit around the campfire and reflect on how miserable they are. In one scene, the colors of the shirts of Schroder and Linus are mixed up during this scene.

Heli must try and protect his young family when his 12-year-old sister inadvertently involves them in the brutal drug world. He must battle against the drug cartel that have been angered as well as the corrupt police force.

Inspired by true events, a story of a blind grand piano genius. As a child Mietek loses his sight. His mother places him in the care of the nuns in Laski. At the centre for the blind the boy discovers that music may be his way of seeing the world again and of describing it. Mietek goes on to become a brilliant classical pianist. Once he discovers jazz music, though, he has only one goal left: to become the best jazz pianist in Poland. He is more and more successful, not only in Poland but around the world. He wins the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival. Unexpectedly, a charismatic vocalist, Zuza, walks into his life. This meeting will change it forever.

Vienas niekšelis peržengė visas padorumo ribas, atėjo laikas už tai atsiskaityti. Ir tam yra vienas žmogus, kuris yra pasiruošęs viską sutvarkyti…

Bari, a city caught in the relentless economic crisis. Ivo is an agronomist, but the lack of opportunities pushes him to accept a job in the fertile region of Banat in Romania. Clara has just ended a relationship and is about to lose her job at the Bari harbor. Ivo and Clara meet by chance and seem to immediately understand each other. They spend only one night together before Ivo's departure, but that is enough to create a bond and wanting to meet again. When Clara visits him in Romania, they fall in love. But is exile their only way to happiness?

A regeneration experiment on a severed arm goes awry, turning the limb into a murderous, reptilian creature.