Posebnost filma je, da je posnet v enem neprekinjenem posnetku, kar gledalcu da občutek, da se vedno nahaja v sredi vojnega območja, nad njim pa so navdušeni ne samo kritiki in poznavalci temveč tudi vsi gledalci zgodnjih posebnih projekcij po svetu. Leta 1917, ob vrhuncu Velike vojne, ko nobena stran ne popušča in je lahko vsak preboj skozi bojno linijo usoden za zmago ali poraz enega najbolj krvavih konfliktov 20. stoletja. Dva Britanska vojaka, Schofield in Blake dobita na pogled nemogočo nalogo. V bitki s časom morata prečkati sovražni teritorij in prenesti sporočilo, ki bo ustavilo napad, ki bi pomenil smrt 1600 vojakov, med njimi tudi brata vojaka Blakea. Prvo kar opazimo je, kako mlada sta vojaka, komaj iz fantovskih let. To sicer velja za večino vojnih filmov, a v 1. svetovni vojni je bilo še bolj izrazito. Življenja mladih fantov niso veliko štela in na sto tisoče jih je končalo pod rafali strojnic in topovskimi granatami krvavih front.

Zabaven in inteligenten film je posnet po resničnih dogodkih, ki so leta 2006 dodobra razburili Argentino. Pri njegovem nastajanju je kot scenarist sodeloval tudi eden od takratnih glavnih udeležencev. Film natančno opisuje priprave in izvedbo enega najbolj razvpitih bančnih ropov v zgodovini Argentine. Skupina storilcev je z lažnim orožjem vdrla v banko v manjšem kraju v bližini Buenos Airesa, se v njej zabarikadirala z več talci in začela prazniti sefe. Med pogajanji s policijo so roparji uspešno zavlačevali, nagrabili več kot 15 mio ameriških dolarjev in pobegnili neznano kam. Ampak kot vsak skoraj popoln zločin je imel tudi ta šibko točko.

When the popular, restless Landon Carter is forced to participate in the school drama production, he falls in love with Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of the town's minister. Jamie has a "to-do" list for her life, as well as a very big secret she must keep from Landon.

Z oskarji nagrajeni režiser filmov Čudoviti um in Da Vincijeva šifra predstavlja biografski film o legendarnem rivalstvu med voznikoma Formule 1 Nikijem Laudo in Jamesom Huntom. Med tem ko James uživa v slavi in denarju, se zadržani Niki posveča predvsem dirkanju in tako se med njima razvname divji boj različnih načel in idealov. Ko Niki na dirki v Nemčiji doživi grozljivo nesrečo, se v Jamesu prebudijo občutki krivde. Kljub obsežnim opeklinam se Niki že čez nekaj tednov vrne, da bi se s tekmecem pomerila za naslov svetovnega prvaka.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

Film je zgodba o nekdanjem zvezdniku televizijskih vesternov in njegovem dolgoletnem dvojniku, ki se v času umorov zloglasnega serijskega morilca Charlesa Mansona in vladavine terorja Helterja Skelterja leta 1969 v Los Angelesu odpravita na pot, da bi se uveljavila v filmski industriji. Glavna junaka filma, Rick Dalton, nekdanja zvezda kavbojske TV-serije, in njegov dolgoletni dvojnik Cliff Booth, se v obdobju zadnjih vzdihljajev zlatega Hollywooda borita za uspeh v svetovni prestolnici filmske industrije, ki je sploh ne prepoznata več. Toda Rick ima slavno sosedo, Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie).

A mother of two inherits a home from her aunt. On the first night in the new home she is confronted with murderous intruders and fights for her daughters’ lives. Sixteen years later the daughters reunite at the house, and that is when things get strange...

A laborer moves to Shanghai in the hope of becoming rich. But ends up using his kung fu skills to survive. Remake of The Boxer From Shantung.

A charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime. Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win.

Oborožen z zgolj eno besedo – TENET – ter z borbo za preživetje celega sveta, se glavni junak zgodbe prebija skozi mračen svet mednarodnega vohunjenja na misiji, ki se dogaja v nečem izven realnega časa in prostora. To ni potovanje skozi čas. To je inverzija.

Irish Commandant Pat Quinlan leads a stand off with troops against French and Belgian Mercenaries in the Congo during the early 1960s.

While participating in a rehabilitation program training wild mustangs, a convict at first struggles to connect with the horses and his fellow inmates, but he learns to confront his violent past as he soothes an especially feisty horse.

Dame, pripravite se, saj prihaja slavna, neponovljiva in nepredvidljiva Harley Quinn Tokrat brez Jokerja Zgodba se odvija okoli skupine superjunakinj in negativk DC vesolja glavna zvezda pa je Margot Robbie kot slavna Harley Quinn katero smo že videli v filmu Odred odpisanih (Suicide Squad). Po razhodu z Jokerjem Harley Quinn združi junakinje Black Canary Huntress in Renee Montoyo da bi skupaj rešile mlado dekle pred zlobnim vladarjem kriminala.

Nobleman crusader Robin of Locksley breaks out of a Jerusalem prison with the help of Moorish fellow prisoner Azeem and travels back home to England. But upon arrival he discovers his dead father in the ruins of his family estate, killed by the vicious sheriff of Nottingham, Robin and Azeem join forces with outlaws Little John and Will Scarlett to save the kingdom from the sheriff's villainy.

Yang Zirong disguises himself as a bandit to infiltrate and destroy a bandit group. He joins hands with a hostage, and together, they fight against the warlord, Hawk.

Malasaña neighborhood, Madrid, Spain, 1976. While political turmoil ravages the streets all over the country, the Olmedo family arrives in the big city and settles into their new apartment. They soon discover that they are not the only ones roaming its corridors.

A group of cold-blooded killers find themselves trapped on an alien planet to be hunted by extraterrestrial Predators.

A couple off for a romantic weekend in the mountains are accosted by a biker gang. Alone in the mountains, Brea and John must defend themselves against the gang, who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets.

Old-school magic meets the modern world when young Alex stumbles upon the mythical sword Excalibur. He soon unites his friends and enemies, and they become knights who join forces with the legendary wizard Merlin. Together, they must save mankind from the wicked enchantress Morgana and her army of supernatural warriors.

Set in a near future, technology-reliant society that pits man against killing machines. Against this backdrop an elite army unit is helicoptered to a remote, off-the-grid island training facility. What starts out as a simple training exercise for Captain Bukes and his tight-knit unit, descends into a terrifying battle to the death, as the marines discover the island is overrun by an enemy that transcends the human concept of evil.