Dinesh and Maneesha fall in love and, soon after, get married. However, things get complicated for the newly-wed couple as Poonam, Dinesh's colleague files an attempted rape case against him.

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

As the Twelfth Doctor nears regeneration, he stumbles on his first incarnation, also refusing to change. It takes a captain, a glass avatar and a familiar face to convince the Doctors the universe still needs them.

Harry Potter csak vonakodva hajlandó még egy nyarat rémes rokonainál, a Dursley családnál tölteni. Minden igyekezetével megpróbál "viselkedni", ám Vernon bácsi testvére, Marge néni annyira kiborítja, hogy a hölgyet elvarázsolja. Ám megmagyarázhatatlan módon Harryt nem büntetik meg a tiltott varázslatért. Kiderül, azért nem csapták ki a Boszorkány- és Varázslóképző Szakiskolából, mert a veszélyes és titokzatos varázsló, Sirius Black megszökött az azkabani börtönből, és most Roxfort felé tart, hogy leszámoljon Harry Potterrel.

Last days of the great catalan president Lluis Companys.

This film was produced in 1969 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the United States Atomic Energy Commission to inform the public regarding the history, technology, and milestones of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Molten Salt Reactor Experiment was designed to assess the viability of liquid fuel reactor technologies for use in commercial power generation. It operated from January 1965 through December 1969, logging more than 13,000 hours at full power during its four-year run. The MSRE was designated a nuclear historic landmark in 1994.

John Wick, a visszavonult bérgyilkos sosem nyugszik. Miután a magányos harcos New Yorkot totális csatatérré változtatta, és bosszúhadjárata során egy sereg gyilkost iktatott ki, újra ringbe száll. Wick egykori társa, egy titokzatos nemzetközi bérgyilkos szervezet irányítását akarja megkaparintani magának, így ráveszi cimboráját, hogy ismét csatasorba álljon. Wicket kötelezi az eskü, így vonakodva, de Rómába utazik, ahol a világ legveszélyesebb gyilkosaival kell szembenéznie. És a legenda egy még durvább, még brutálisabb háborúban találja magát.

Founded in 1966 in California by a former organist and lion tamer named Anton Szandor LaVey, the Church of Satan has often been surrounded by mysteries, scandals and moral panics. An immersive journey into one the most fascinating phenomena of American religious pluralism.

When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.

The boss of the Hung Hing gang, Tian Sang, has died. Ho Nam and Hon Bun find Sangs younger brother, Yang to lead the gang. Meanwhile, Hon Bun receives news that his younger brother, a leader of the Tuen Mun gang has been assasinated. They travel to Hong Kong to settle the matter.

A light explodes and becomes a snail.

Short film made for the SCI-FI-LONDON 48 hour film challenge 2008 in association with the SciFi Channel.

Egy pénzzel teli táska hullik alá az égből, és a lábad előtt landol. Mi lehet ez? Szerencse? Válasz az imáidra? Egy előre elrendeltetett terv része? Vagy talán mindez egyszerre? Isztambul kaotikus utcáin játszódik ez a magával ragadó és feszült dráma, melyben három idegen próbál nyomára akadni ugyanannak a táskának. A három történetet párhuzamosan elmesélő, dokumentarista stílusban forgatott film nem csupán egy 12 milliós város forgatagába tesz izgalmas utazást, hanem az emberi lélek mélyére is, és olyan alapvető kérdéseket jár körbe, mint a szerelem, a szerencse, a hit és a végzet.

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.

Joaquin, an unassuming fisherman, is forced to confront his homosexuality when his sex-starved wife Cynthia returns from her overseas job eager to get pregnant. His young and impulsive lover, Waldo, flees to Manila in disgust. After a month of hesitation, Joaquin leaves his wife to follow Waldo. His search takes him on a seamy yet colorful trip through Manila's gay underbelly. He discovers Waldo's dangerous flirtation with Rufo, a bisexual rogue cop who holds the clue to Waldo's disappearance. Rufo lures Joaquin into his home and introduces him to his submissive wife, Beng. A sadist who beats up Beng regularly, Rufo turns Joaquin into a prisoner and sex slave as he did to Waldo. When Joaquin is finally reunited with Waldo, he discovers that Rufo is about to sell them like fish to an international sex trafficking ring, along with his personal harem of male and female captives.

A group of people inside an underground complex which possesses high tech computers which tracks world events consider all options as nuclear war is at hand, air supplies may last only eight days and Biblical prophesy unfolds.