Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, Earthlings chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.

A love story situated in the Himalayas. A Buddhist monk can't choose between life and the way of the Buddha.

Juliuszo Machulskio komedija, kurioje susitiksime su pažįstamais personažais. Šįkart Jurekas Kileris priverstas gaudyti sukčius, kurie ne tik sumanė pasisavinti labdaros auksą, bet net ir išdrįso pasikėsinti į jį patį. Šiame filme, kaip ir pirmajame "Kileryje", gausu užuominų, susijusių su šių dienų Lenkijos veikėjais, ir, žinoma, žvaigždžių.

When a man is diagnosed with terminal cancer, he takes custody of his misanthropic teenage son, for whom quality time means getting high, engaging in small-time prostitution, and avoiding his father.

As a result of nuclear testing, gigantic, ferocious mutant ants appear in the American desert southwest, and a father-daughter team of entomologists join forces with the state police officer who first discovers their existence, an FBI agent and, eventually, the US Army to eradicate the menace, before it spreads across the continent — and the world.

The ambitious punk rocker Max and the eco-activist Inge cannot stand each other, ever since Max publicly exposed her by singing the offensive song "When Inge is Dancing" in front of the whole school. But for Max and his classmates Fabio, Joscha and Lukas this song in particular has become a real hit at school as well as in the regional music scene: Their band called Systemfehler is on the verge of a breakthrough. But just before the important gig, which could get them a record deal, guitarist Josha is injured and can't play. Inge happens to be an excellent guitarist, and the only person who can fill in at such short notice. But when Max asks for her help, she imposes one non-negotiable condition: If she decides to play with the band, they will not perform the song "Wenn Inge tanzt".

'Pleasantly plump' teenager Tracy Turnblad achieves her dream of becoming a regular on the Corny Collins Dance Show. Now a teen hero, she starts using her fame to speak out for the causes she believes in, most of all integration. In doing so, she earns the wrath of the show's former star, Amber Von Tussle, as well as Amber's manipulative, pro-segregation parents. The rivalry comes to a head as Amber and Tracy vie for the title of Miss Auto Show 1963.

Adele is suffering from a terrifying recurring dream; a dream that often borders on reality, and even enters it in the form of horrible visions which climax during an evening stroll in the center of Rome. The medical findings don't reveal anything noteworthy and her brother, who was with her that evening, is diagnosed with a simple seizure. Faced with a general skepticism, Adele has no other choice but to turn to the unconventional, so she decides to seek out Dylan Dog - a paranormal investigator

A mockumentary that chronicles the prevalence of doping in the world of professional cycling.

Story of a schoolteacher's struggle to teach violin to inner-city Harlem kids.

The Sheffield family reveal and go through some home truths as their middle child inherits the Foxworth mansion. The family's ghosts looming over, and more tragedies are in store as the curse lives on.

Frank Allen, a professional speaker who lectures on time management has a perfectly ordered and scheduled life, down to the minute. When his wife sets his clock forward 10 minutes as a joke, his day is thrown off. Deciding that his strictly ordered life has done him little good, he begins to make multiple choice index cards, choosing one at random and doing what is written on the card.

David, a struggling comedy writer fresh off from breaking up with his boyfriend, moves from New York City to Sacramento to help his sick mother. Living with his conservative father and much-younger sisters for the first time in ten years, he feels like a stranger in his childhood home. As his mother’s health declines, David frantically tries to extract meaning from this horrible experience and convince everyone (including himself) that he's "doing okay.”

Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man, so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most posh hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living.

For many years, four teenage orphans at an Australian outback convent have watched their younger comrades find new parents, and realize that they may never be adopted. The Reverend Mother sends the four boys away on a seaside vacation, where they meet Teresa and Fearless, a couple who would make perfect parents. The youths compete with one another to be the one Teresa and Fearless decide to adopt.

A New Yorker moves to Los Angeles in order to figure out his life while he housesits for his brother, and he soon sparks with his brother's assistant.

A young newspaper writer returns to her hometown in the English countryside, where her childhood home is being prepped for sale.

Artėjant prezidento rinkimams populiarumo nestokojantis charizmatiškasis laidos vedėjas Tomas Dobsas ironiškai perfrazuoja pažadais perpildytas kandidatų kalbas. Tiesioginiame eteryje metu vienas žiūrovas sušunka, kad būtent Dobsas turėtų persikraustyti į Baltuosius rūmus. Tokiu būdu paslaptinga organizacija pradeda reklaminę kampaniją, kurios dėka garsaus komiko vardas atspausdinamas net 13-os valstijų biuleteniuose.

Kristoferio Rivo istorija, pasakojanti apie linksmus Jankio Irvingo ir jo įdomių draugų, aštriapročio kamuolio Skriu ir įžūlios lazdos Brangutės nuotykius. Jie visi keliauja iš Niu Jorko į puikiąją Čikagą, papuldami į visokias juokingas ir linksmas situacijas. Draugystė ir optimizmas padeda Jankiui Irvingui atvesti savo mėgstamą komandą į pergalę!

After losing the woman of his dreams, Anderson is convinced he'll never fall in love again. But at the urging of his best friend, he spontaneously proposes to a dissatisfied waitress named Katie and an innocent dare evolves into the kind of love that both have been looking for all along.