As the railroad builders advance unstoppably through the Arizona desert on their way to the sea, Jill arrives in the small town of Flagstone with the intention of starting a new life.

During the late 1980s, two detectives in a South Korean province attempt to solve the nation's first series of rape-and-murder cases.

Kāda trūcīga, bet saticīga ģimene pieņem Tokijas bargajā salā atrastu meitenīti. Viņu dienas aizrit itin laimīgi, līdz notiek negadījums, cits pēc cita atklājas daudz noslēpumu un izrādās, ka ciešās saites, kuras saista tuviniekus, sabiedrības acīs ir vien noziegums. Kore-eda Hirokadzu – viens no Japānas talantīgākajiem un starptautiski atzītākajiem filmu veidotājiem – ir bijis biežs viesis Kannu kinofestivālā, kur par šo filmu ieguva Zelta palmas zaru. Visi režisora uzņemtie darbi sniedz iespēju uz brīdi patverties no savas dzīves un vienlaikus saskatīt tajā patiesi būtisko. Pasaule kā sarežģīta, skumja un nāves apdvesta telpa, tomēr šķietami nenozīmīgi mirkļi savieno cilvēkus un iegulst atmiņā uz mūžu.

Despite being deposed as president of his condominium association, grumpy 59-year-old Ove continues to watch over his neighbourhood with an iron fist. When pregnant Parvaneh and her family move into the terraced house opposite Ove and she accidentally back into Ove’s mailbox, it sets off a series of unexpected changes in his life.

Takao, who is training to become a shoemaker, skipped school and is sketching shoes in a Japanese-style garden. He meets a mysterious woman, Yukino, who is older than him. Then, without arranging the times, the two start to see each other again and again, but only on rainy days. They deepen their relationship and open up to each other. But the end of the rainy season soon approaches.

Tough narcotics detective 'Popeye' Doyle is in hot pursuit of a suave French drug dealer who may be the key to a huge heroin-smuggling operation.

Sparks fly in all directions as marketing maven Kelly Jones, brought in to fix NASA's public image, wreaks havoc on Apollo 11 launch director Cole Davis' already difficult task of putting a man on the moon. When the White House deems the mission too important to fail, Jones is directed to stage a fake moon landing as backup, and the countdown truly begins.

Hedonist Frank Cotton finds a mysterious puzzle box that summons the Cenobites, who open the doors to a dominion where pain and pleasure are indivisible.

Bijusī ugunsdzēsēju brigādes vadītāja Hanna jau gadu nespēj pārdzīvot meža ugunsgrēkā bojāgājušo kolēģi un trīs zēnu nāvi. Tagad viņas darba vieta ir skatu tornis Montanas mežos. Savukārt kāds grāmatvedis, kas nesen uzzinājis būtisku kompromitējošu informāciju, sācis slēpties no slepkavām. Kopā ar dēlu viņš devies uz tiem pašiem Montanas mežiem, kur par šerifu strādā viņa mirušās sievas brālis.

Mazā zilonēna Dambo lielās ausis dara brīnumus – viņš spēj lidot un palīdz glābt cirku. Bet tad Dambo ar draugiem atklāj tumšus noslēpumus aiz cirka spožās ārienes.

Džons Rembo ir ASV īpašās vienības veterāns, karojis Vjetnamā. Džons saņem ziņu, ka bez vēsts pazudusi tuva drauga meita Gabriela (Iveta Monreāla). Rembo ir pārliecināts, ka vainojams pazīstams Meksikas kartelis, kas nodarbojas ar cilvēku un narkotiku tirdzniecību. Izmisušie tuvinieki lūdz Rembo palīdzību. Savācis visu pieejamo munīciju, viņš šķērso ASV un Meksikas robežu, skaidri apzinādamies, ka priekšā ir ārkārtīgi smaga cīņa ar tiem, kuri neatzīst nekādus noteikumus.

A human child raised by wolves, must face off against a menacing tiger named Shere Khan, as well as his own origins.

A New York University professor returns from a rescue mission to the Amazon rainforest with the footage shot by a lost team of documentarians who were making a film about the area's local cannibal tribes.

For a long time, Natalie, an Australian architect living in New York City, had always believed that what she had seen in rom-coms is all fantasy. But after thwarting a mugger at a subway station only to be knocked out while fleeing, Natalie wakes up and discovers that her life has suddenly become her worst nightmare—a romantic comedy—and she is the leading lady.

Nekas tā nekaitina temperamentīgo, par ātrumu sapņojošo gliemezi ar skanīgo vārdu Turbo, kā nesteidzīgā ikdienas dzīve, lēnās sarunas un bremzētie kaimiņi. Kaislība uz ātrumu padara Turbo par svešinieku savu lēnīgo sugas brāļu vidū, kuriem sapņi par ātrumu liekas pilnīgs neprāts.

In London for the Prime Minister's funeral, Mike Banning discovers a plot to assassinate all the attending world leaders.

American tourist Frank meets mysterious British woman Elise on the train to Venice. Romance seems to bud, but there's more to her than meets the eye.

A zombie outbreak has fallen upon the land in this reimagining of Jane Austen's classic tale of the tangled relationships between lovers from different social classes in 19th century England. Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet is a master of martial arts and weaponry and the handsome Mr. Darcy is a fierce zombie killer, yet the epitome of upper class prejudice. As the zombie outbreak intensifies, they must swallow their pride and join forces on the blood-soaked battlefield in order to conquer the undead once and for all.

After leaving the prison, the dwarf criminal Calvin Sims joins to his moron brother Percy to steal an expensive huge diamond in a jewelry for the mobster Walken. They are chased by the police, and Calvin hides the stone in the purse of the executive Vanessa Edwards, whose husband Darryl Edwards wants to have a baby. Percy convinces Calvin to dress like a baby and be left in front of the Edwards's house to get inside the house and retrieve the diamond. Darryl and Vanessa keep Calvin for the weekend and decide to adopt him, while Walken threatens Darryl to get the stone back.

When a professor develops a vaccine that eliminates human allergies to dogs, he unwittingly upsets the fragile balance of power between cats and dogs and touches off an epic battle for pet supremacy. The fur flies as the feline faction, led by Mr. Tinkles, squares off against wide-eyed puppy Lou and his canine cohorts.