Enrico Mattei helped change Italy’s future, first as freedom-fighter against the Nazis, then as an investor in methane gas through a public company, A.G.I.P., and ultimately as the head of ENI, a state body formed for the development of oil resources. On October 27, 1962, he died when his private airplane crashed during a flight to Milan. Officially, it is declared an accident, but many journalists explore other plausible reasons for Mattei's untimely death.

Hunters have disappeared from wildlands without a trace for hundreds of years. David Paulides presents the haunting true stories of hunters experiencing the unexplainable in the woods of North America.

Cast and crew reunite to film a spin-off, this time set in Hollywood, boasting more zealous zombies and beefed up with international characters.

After encountering a group of bandits with plans to rape and steal from her, a young widow ventures into the wilderness in search of justice.

When the Ronin Gang robs an armored car, three cops — Chan, Fong and Wai — go on the warpath. Each has a personal interest in bringing down Ronin leader Tien: he killed Chan's fiancée, humiliated Fong and kidnapped Wai's brother.

Jorge is a writer for a left-leaning Buenos Aires magazine that's at odds with the country's military dictatorship. He meets lovely and intelligent actress Laura and begins an on-and-off romance that will continue for the next two decades. Fearful of commitment, Jorge initially moves on from her and his fortunes suffer, but the situation changes when he and Laura renew their acquaintance. Meanwhile, the country undergoes a political transformation.

Massimo and Fabrizio are two 30-year-old Roman brethren living in Naples. Their life is about to change: they will become the Demolitions, who avenge those who have suffered wrongs.

A young woman move towards a house that holds a potentially dangerous spirit that has been tormenting her. The woman tries to fight against the film itself as it starts to cause the world to collapse.

Constance and her fiancé hope to one day take over, modernize and expand her father’s farm, on the verge of bankruptcy, to the large-scale farms that share the land and power. She gains the support of the influential and charismatic Sylvain, their fate quickly lying in his hands... When Sylvain's desire for her steps in the negotiations, Constance must face yet another kind of violence.

As a young boy, Xu-Xian is forced to free his pet, a small snake. Unbeknownst to him, the snake is actually a young snake goddess named Bai-Niang and she is in love with him. Many years later, when they are both adults, the princess is magically transformed into a human and sets out to find her love. But the local wizard believes her to be a vampire, and banishes Xu-Xian from the village in order to save him. Xu-Xian's pet pandas Panda and Mimi set out to save him and bring him, in the process becoming leaders of an animal gang.

After witnessing a murder in the gritty streets of 1950s Manhattan, newlyweds Suze and Arthur become the dangerous obsession of a greaser gang that awakens a sleeping quandary into the couple's sexual identity.

Съпругът на Марта умира мистериозно, прегазен от собствения си трактор, дни след като напуска опасна религиозна секта известна като хитите. Останала сама, в очакване на първото си дете в дълбоката провинция, Марта изпада в депресия. Много скоро две от най-добрите й приятелки пристигат, за да я отведат заедно с тях, но Марта не иска да ги последва. Много скоро и тя попада в полезрението на хитите, които са убедени, че в нея се е вселил зъл дух.

A young mother awakens in a mysterious cell and is forced to harness her telekinetic abilities in order to escape and save her daughter.

Полицаят от малко селце Крус е натоварен с разследването на случая с обезглавеното тяло на жена, открито в отдалечено кътче на Андите. Съпругът на любовницата на Крус Франсиска е основният заподозрян в убийството и скоро е въдворен в местната психиатрична клиника. Давид обвинява за извършеното от него жестоко престъпление , неочакваната и необяснима поява на „Чудовището“.

A man descends into paranoia after trapping what he believes to be the devil in his basement, but things take a dark turn when his family unexpectedly arrive for Christmas.

Zack Connors and Rachel Meadows were born with incredible psychokinetic capabilities. When word of their supernatural talents gets out, they find themselves the prisoners of Michael Slovak, a deranged doctor intent on harvesting their powers.

Four guys from a Paris housing project fabricate a documentary about drug dealers working in the City of Lights. When a television network falls hook, line, and sinker for the prank video, the foursome are given a free three-week vacation in the upscale resort community of Biarritz. As they interact with both locals and fellow tourists, they learn about love, friendship, racism, and the differences between the rich and the poor.

Koгaтo Джaĸ, шимпaнзeтo, гoвopeщo c eзиĸa нa жecтoвeтe, e пpoдaдeн нa изcлeдoвaтeлcĸa лaбopaтopия, тoй ycпявa дa избягa нa cвoбoдa и пoпaдa в мpaзoвит гpaд нa ceвep. C пoмoщтa нa мoмчe и мoмичe тийнeйджъpи, тaлaнтът нa Джaĸ в пъpзaлянeтo c ĸънĸи cĸopo гo пpeвpъщa в тaйнoтo opъжиe нa мecтния oтбop пo xoĸeй. Πлeйoфитe ca в paзгapa cи, a cлyжитeли oт лaбopaтopиятa ca вce пo-близo. Ceгa нa Джaĸ мy ocтaвa caмo eдин шaнc дa дoĸaжe, чe ĸoгaтo ce cтигнe дo изпъpзaлвaнe c пoдĸpeпaтa и oбичтa нa цял eдин гpaд, зa нeгo нямa мaймyнджилъци.

A school kid commits suicide after a humiliating incident at school. All hell breaks loose as his brute businessman dad gets obsessed with finishing off all responsible for the same.

Two self-obsessed businessmen discover they're long-lost identical twins and come together to plot the reunion of their eccentric divorced parents.