Retour sur le déroulement de la campagne de la piste Kokoda, qui a sauvé l'Australie en 1942, en pleine guerre du Pacifique contre le Japon.

Welcome to the Alabama independent wrestling circuit! It's the middle of the summer -temperature 110 degrees. At the high school gym, to the sounds of hoots and screams from a very vocal and emotional audience, aging wrestling legends such as the Iron Sheik and Bullet Bob Armstrong battle with and against local professional competition. Behind the scenes you will meet these people and get the inside story on what and who make up this often unseen side of professional wrestling.

Egaro celebrates the centenary of the historical football match between Mohun Bagan and East Yorkshire Regiment for the IFA Shield where Bagan snatched the shield on 29 July 1911 during a time when India was under British rule.

Portraits of friends, women and men, the Polish Market on Potsdamer Platz, the Wall, a picknick in the Park, on the road in Italy, Turin in Winter, a poem by Cesare Pavese. The film was originally shot on Super8, was then transmitted to MiniDV and left without sound to be punctuated here and there with some short pieces of music.

L’histoire de trois hommes d'origine turque qui ont grandi en Suisse mais n’ont pas le passeport suisse. Comme ils ont commis des délits, ils ont été expulsés en Turquie, le pays de leurs parents. Le réalisateur pénètre dans un milieu secret et raconte des faits rattachés à des destins individuels qui se cachent derrière les débats politiques et juridiques sur la politique de renvoi.

Three lawyers, brought by friendship but separated by interests, Fathi Nofal, who turns from a committed lawyer to an opportunist, while Ali al-Zanati joins religious extremist groups to make financial gains , and the third Mohsen only works as a simple employee away from conflict.

Au décès de ses parents, Gérard Tovar, hérite de leur crématoire. Effrayé par le feu, il ne peut se résoudre à incinérer les corps de la morgue. Il décide de déverser une substance toxique sur les cadavres pour les dissoudre. Au lieu de disparaitre, les morts se réaniment et se transforment en zombies assoiffés de chair fraiche...

Dans ses locaux flambant neufs, la brigade de Saint-Tropez est chargée d'accueillir, de prendre soin et de former un contingent de quatre jeunes femmes en uniforme. Un spécialiste de l'espionnage informatique enlève, l'une après l'autre, les nouvelles recrues. L'existence de la brigade étant mise en danger par ces enlèvements dont la raison semble inexplicable, nos gendarmes déploieront au péril de leur vie, des trésors d'ingéniosité pour retrouver ces femmes dont ils avaient la garde.

John Cleese shows that, properly planned and organised, a meeting can achieve more in a short time than any other method of internal communication. Makes people aware of the damage that can be done by approaching a meeting without preparation. Demonstrates techniques and disciplines that can make meetings shorter and more productive.

Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk. II delivers with more tongue-in-cheek humor than the first series. In "The Rolling Colony Affair," a colony is hosting a cabaret show featuring the girls of Gundam. But the show turns disastrous when men and mobile suits go crazy over the girls, sending the colony rolling out of control. A parody of the videogame RPG genre, "Gundam Legend" has Amuro, Kamille and Judau sent on a perilous quest to rescue the princess of the Zeta Kingdom from Char Aznable and his vicious Zeon MS forces.

A band of thieves get together and begin planning the heist of a lifetime. Will they succeed or will their planning be in vain?

Selim is a paperboy who delivers the morning papers with his truck. He buys a walkie talkie to find find a friend. His codename is "The Handsome". After a while he meets the girl and they start a relationship. It is hard for them to get married.

When tragedy strikes a family on the verge of a new beginning, they are forced to face the demons of their past in order to still have a chance at a future.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.

In Baker City, London, the city of fog, the famous trademark Detective Holmes has a pipe as its trademark. Together with his assistant Watson, he uses his clear mind to solve difficult cases.

TV Special converting a Disney fan's house into their dream home.