"The Witch: Part 1 - The Subversion" este un film sud-coreean de acțiune, thriller și supranatural care urmărește povestea unei adolescente pe nume Ja-yoon, care a scăpat dintr-un laborator guvernamental secret unde era supusă unor experimente pentru a-i spori abilitățile. După ce își pierde memoria, ea este găsită și crescută de o familie de fermieri. Ani mai târziu, pentru a ajuta financiar familia, Ja-yoon participă la o competiție TV, atrăgând astfel atenția unor forțe periculoase care sunt hotărâte să o captureze. În curând, trecutul ei violent și abilitațile extraordinare sunt dezvăluite, iar Ja-yoon se găsește prinsă într-o luptă pentru supraviețuire.

Povestea a doi dansatori talentați, Luke și Natalie, se desfășoară pe fundalul scenei underground de dans din New York. Când un nou membru se alătură echipei lor, Moose, cei trei se pregătesc pentru o competiție crucială împotriva unor dansatori hip-hop de elită. Rezultatul competiției va avea un impact semnificativ asupra vieților lor, indiferent dacă vor câștiga sau vor pierde.

În această continuare, o dansatoare își pierde locul de la o școală de prestigiu și pune totul în joc pentru a organiza un spectacol hip-hop „Romeo și Julieta”.

After the death of her mother, Sara moves to the South Side of Chicago to live with her father and gets transferred to a majority-black school. Her life takes a turn for the better when befriends Chenille and her brother Derek, who helps her with her dancing skills.

Pentru a scăpa de stresul celebrității, popstarul Jordan merge incognito într-un orășel, unde începe o relație specială cu Emily, elevă la un liceu de arte.

I Feel Pretty urmărește povestea unei femei obișnuite, Renee Bennett, care se confruntă zilnic cu sentimente de nesiguranță și inadecvare. Într-o zi, după ce cade de pe bicicletă și suferă o lovitură la cap, ea se trezește crezând că este cea mai frumoasă și capabilă femeie din lume.

14-year-old basketball phenom Terron Forte has to navigate the under-the-table world of amateur athletics when he is recruited to an elite NCAA prep school.

Honey Daniels dreams of making a name for herself as a hip-hop choreographer. When she's not busy hitting downtown clubs with her friends, she teaches dance classes at a nearby community center in Harlem, N.Y., as a way to keep kids off the streets. Honey thinks she's hit the jackpot when she meets a hotshot director casts her in one of his music videos. But, when he starts demanding sexual favors from her, Honey makes a decision that will change her life.

Liceanul Zack Siler, președintele clasei, face un pariu cu prietenii că o poate transforma pe artista ochelaristă Laney Boggs în regina balului.

After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself.

Everybody has one—the sibling who is always just a little bit behind the curve when it comes to getting his life together. For sisters Liz, Miranda and Natalie, that person is their perennially upbeat brother, Ned. But as each of their lives begins to unravel, Ned's family comes to realise that Ned isn't such an idiot after all.

A doctor returns home for Christmas to find that her father has decided to retire from his own practice. After reuniting with her high school sweetheart, she wonders if she should stay and take over her father's practice.

Haunted by the memory of her deceased mother, Dana leaves Malibu behind and heads to South Africa to fulfill her mother's dream of surfing Jefferys Bay.

Fresh out of prison, Pat Tate steps right back into his Essex nightclub. But still disgruntled, he soon sets out to Marbelle to revenge those that put him away for five years. While in Spain, Pat cannot turn away from the opportunity to score the biggest drug deal of his life. All he needs is for his Essex pals Tony and Craig to deliver the cash to Marbella to close the deal. But Craig, useless as ever, turns a simple plane trip to a massive road trip packed with trickery and danger. And Tony is more worried about making it back to England as he has promised to support his best friend Nigel Benn at the boxing match of his life. While waiting in Marbella, Pat proceeds with the violent revenge he has craved for years. Revenges are made and Tony and Carlton walk Nigel Benn out to what turns out to be one of the most tragic fights in history. But the drugs they bring back seems to be a bad batch and cause them more trouble than they have ever anticipated before.

A pampered Beverly Hills chihuahua named Chloe who, while on vacation in Mexico with her owner Viv's niece, Rachel, gets lost and must rely on her friends to help her get back home before she is caught by a dognapper who wants to ransom her.

A desperate father tries to return home to his pregnant wife after a mysterious apocalyptic event turns everything to chaos.

Davey Stone, a 33-year old party animal, finds himself in trouble with the law after his wild ways go too far.

Un miliardar crează cinci rechini-taur modificați genetic, ce urmează să producă haos pentru un grup de oameni de știință ce se află într-un laborator izolat.

An aspiring actress makes a pact with her fiancé to take a job as an exotic dancer to care for her cancer stricken father. Once the pact the couple made is broken, their lives are changed forever.

Paulina, the reigning queen bee at Ghana’s most exclusive boarding school, has her sights set on the Miss Universe pageant. But the arrival of Ericka, a new student with undeniable talent and beauty, captures the attention of the pageant recruiter—and Paulina’s hive-minded friends.