Rarity's friendship with Applejack is tested when Vignette Valencia hires her as her new designer for a theme park parade.

Noriko is perfectly happy living at home with her widowed father, Shukichi, and has no plans to marry -- that is, until her aunt Masa convinces Shukichi that unless he marries off his 27-year-old daughter soon, she will likely remain alone for the rest of her life. When Noriko resists Masa's matchmaking, Shukichi is forced to deceive his daughter and sacrifice his own happiness to do what he believes is right.

A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.

An uncompromising look into urban life from the eyes of a voyeuristic photographer, a rebellious teenager, and a married couple teetering on the edge of adultery.

Machisu is a painter. He never had the success he thinks he is entitled to. Regardless of this, he always remains trying to be successful. His wife Sachiko keeps supporting him, despite all setbacks.

Explore the myths and legends that inhabit the real world of Harry Potter. Follow award-winning documentary filmmakers as they offer insights to witches, wizards, Greek gods, ancient Celts, ghosts, magical creatures, alchemy, and ancient spells. Narrated by British actor Hugh Laurie, this fascinating documentary brings new dimensions to the historical and scientific world behind the Harry Potter series.

Twenty-year-old Matsuri Takabayashi learns that she only has ten years to live due to an incurable disease. She decides to not dwell on her life and not to fall in love – until she meets a man named Kazuto Manabe at a school reunion.

Mažieji burundukai dirba atrakcionų parke. Jie nė nenutuokia, kad jų bendradarbis - tikrasis daktaras Frankenšteinas. Vieną vakarą burundukai užsibūna darbe. Mažylius užrakina atrakcionų parke. Daktaras Frankenšteinas trokšta, kad jo atrakcionas būtų dar baisesnis ir įspūdingesnis, todėl nusprendžia sukurti pabaisą. Burundukai ją sutinka. O čia ir prasideda keisčiausi nuotykiai...

The story is based on Elenita, the younger of four sisters, young, timid and romantic. To try to change her character and give her an illusion, his father sends her weekly a bouquet of orchids making her believe they are from a secret admirer.

Mickey seeks shelter from a storm in a house that turns out to be haunted. The skeletons command him to play the organ; they dance and play along.

After killing her husband, Peggy Gravel and her murderous maid Grizelda, wind up in the crazy town of Mortville, where Queen Carlotta presides over a sleazy collection of misfits.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

When a beautiful model, Alison Parker, rents an apartment in a gloomy New York brownstone, little does she realize that an unspeakable horror awaits her behind its doors... a mysterious gateway to hell.

An all-new Disney holiday classic is born - Santa Paws 2: The Santa Pups. Starring a brand-new litter of the cutest talking pups ever - Hope, Jingle, Charity, and Noble - it's perfect for the whole family. When Mrs. Claus travels to Pineville, the playful Santa Pups stow away on her sled. Taking mischief to a whole new level, they begin granting joyful wishes to Pineville's boys and girls, but something goes terribly wrong - the Christmas spirit begins to disappear. Now the Santa Pups and Mrs. Claus must race to save Christmas around the world. From the creators of Disney Buddies, this magical, heartwarming tale is brimming with hope, cheer, and Christmas spirit.

A young psychiatrist applies for a job at a mental asylum, and must pass a test by interviewing four patients. He must figure out which of the patients, is in fact, the doctor that he would be replacing if hired.

Jie buvo sukurti ir užauginti mėgintuvėliuose specialiai šiai misijai. Jų biologiniai tėvai – pažangiausi pasaulio mokslininkai. Nuo šių žmonių priklauso žmonijos likimas. Į tolimąją planetą keliaujantys jaunuoliai lyg saitas tarp praeities ir ateities kartų. Kelionė truks 86-erius metus. Kosminiame laive trisdešimt jaunuolių sulaukia septyniolikos metų. Jie auginami visiškoje izoliacijoje, kad būtų prisitaikę išgyventi kosmose. Įgulos nariai labai protingi, tačiau visiškai bejausmiai. Kasdien jie priversti gerti vaistus, kurie slopina visas žmogiškas emocijas. Paveikti medikamentų jaunuoliai tampa besąlygiškai paklusnūs ir lengvai kontroliuojami. Netikėtai žuvus vieninteliam jų prižiūrėtojui, jaunuolių likimas tampa nevaldomas. Jie nebegeria vaistų ir į laisvę išsiveržia niekada anksčiau nepatirti jausmai ir norai - pajusti tai, ko niekada nejuto – meilę, aistrą, bet kartu su jais atsiskleidžia ir tamsioji jų pusė - pyktis, maištas ir valdžios troškimas.

Haris Krambas turi plieno tvirtumo nervus, geležinį kūną, akmens kietumo smegenis. Jis - tyrėjas, norintis tapti detektyvu - ekspertu. Jo didžiausia bėda – nežino, kad jis nežino, ko jam imtis, kad įgyvendintų savi svajonę. Jo didžiausias privalumas - jis velniškai savimi pasitiki. Jis imasi įvairiausių užduočių, stengiasi jas kuo geriau atlikti, tačiau... jis dažnai dešinės ausies siekia kairia ranka.. Platus spektras spacialiųjų efektų ir komiškos situacijos...

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage.

As a lone spaceship proceeds on its long voyage across space, the crew are surprised to encounter a strange pyramid form. Surprise turns to horror as one by one, they discover that their darkest nightmares are all starting to become real. The pyramid has to be behind it all somehow, but how can they save themselves from its influence?