Fires are raging in the Moscow region, and the forest protection airbase is on a rotation. However, experienced firefighters are in short supply and team leader Andrey Pavlovich has to take on a new recruit, Roman.

Rita, an underrated lawyer working for a large law firm more interested in getting criminals out of jail than bringing them to justice, is hired by the leader of a criminal organization.

Ayuha Samaru is a high school student. She is honest and works hard at everything, no matter what. One day, she has trouble at a gyudon restaurant due to money. A man at the restaurant, Yoshitaka Hiromitsu, helps her out. The next day, she finds that Yoshitaka Hiromitsu has come to her school as a substitute teacher for her ill homeroom teacher. Ayuha Samaru now believes that Yoshitaka Hiromitsu is her fate in love. She keeps expressing her feelings to him.

Three friends seek a more entertaining and fiery sex-life with their partners.

A young rock band, half from England and half from the US, drop out of college and move to the Sunset Strip to chase their dreams.

After months of exhausting trench warfare, most of Major Belyaev's battalion was destroyed. The area is ruled by German aces snipers. Hope for replenishment collapses when the convoy, in which the Soviet snipers were traveling, falls under a German airstrike. A handful of soldiers and a young hunter from Yakutia, Yegor Cheerin, survive.

Praėjus dviem metams intensyvių, tačiau bevaisių paieškų, Gerdai į rankas patenka senovinis trolių lobis: paslaptingas Ledo ir Ugnies akmuo, galintis pildyti savo šeimininko norus. Mergina nedvejodama išsako norą surasti savo tėvus. Tačiau dėl kažin kokių priežasčių akmens magija suveikia ne taip, kaip turėtų ir sukelia katastrofiškus pakitimus visame aplinkiniame pasaulyje: stebuklingajai pasakų karalystei ima grėsti pražūtis. Spaudžiami laiko, seni bičiuliai vėl susiburia draugėn ir iškeliauja į tolimą kraštą, siekdami išsiaiškinti galingojo akmens paslaptį, išgelbėti žmonių, trolių ir kitų gyventojų karalystę bei pabandyti surasti Gerdos ir Kajaus tėvus.

A regular hike turns into a nightmare when suddenly Marie breaks her leg.

A down-on-his-luck coach is hired to prepare a team of the best American dancers for an international tournament that attracts all the best crews from around the world, but the Americans haven't won in fifteen years.

Military cadets take extreme measures to ensure the future of their academy when its existence is threatened by local condo developers.

1968 metų gimtadienio vakarėlyje Niujorke, netikėtas svečias ir gėrimo žaidimas priverčia septynis gėjus draugus atverti neišsakytus jausmus ir nutylėtas paslaptis.

A young woman working her first night shift at a remote motel begins to suspect that she is being followed by a dangerous character from her past. As the night progresses and increasingly supernatural events occur, she quickly finds out that nothing is what it appears to be.

Shy seventh-grader Spencer Griffith's life changes when the meteor falls into local junkyard and he finds a Cybersuit - the wise and strong robot from another galaxy. Spencer puts Cybersuit on and becomes a different kind of guy

One clear summer day in a Baltimore suburb, a baby goes missing from her front porch. Two young girls serve seven years for the crime and are released into a town that hasn't fully forgiven or forgotten. Soon, another child is missing, and two detectives are called in to investigate the mystery in a community where everyone seems to have a secret.

Įstrigusi Londono metro stotyje, moteris, persekiojama potencialaus žudiko, pasuka į nepažįstamą tunelių labirintą, esančiu po miestu.

Shane O'Shea, a Jersey boy with big dreams, crosses the river in hopes of finding another, more exciting life at Studio 54. When Steve Rubell, the mastermind behind the infamous disco plucks Shane from the sea of faces clamoring to get inside his club, Shane not only gets his foot in the door, but lands a coveted job behind the bar - and a front-row ticket to the most legendary party on the planet.

A group of Americans travel to Siberia where a friend died stabbed. Soon, they will discover their hosts are involved in the occult.

As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters.

Miego sutrikimų gydytoja bando apsaugoti šeimą nuo demono, kuris maitinasi žmonėmis, jiems sapnuojant košmarus.

There is an ancient ritual known to humankind for more than a hundred years...According to the legend, an ominous entity known as The Queen of Spades can be summoned by drawing a door and staircase on a mirror in the darkness, and by saying her name three times. The Queen of Spades gets her energy from reflective objects; she cuts locks of hair from those asleep, and those that see her go mad or die. Four teenagers decide to call The Queen of Spades as a joke. But when one of them dies of a sudden heart attack, the group realizes they are up against something inexplicable and deadly dangerous.