Thirty years after the Chernobyl disaster, which occurred on the night of April 26, 1986, its causes and consequences are examined. In addition, a report on efforts to strengthen the structures covering the core of the nuclear plant in order to better protect the population and the environment is offered.
While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured to death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student at her college...
Un frizer sentimental ajută o femeie să-și reia viața după ce un accident la salonul ei de coafură o face să realizeze că nu trăiește viața la maxim.
Lara, o fată în vârstă de 15 ani, este hotărâtă să devină o balerină profesionistă. Sprijinită de tatăl ei, este acceptată la o școală nouă și începe să lucreze din greu. Frustrările și nerăbdarea adolescentei sunt amplificate când își dă seama că trupul ei nu se supune ușor disciplinei stricte deoarece s-a născut băiat.
After a tragic accident, six friends reunite for a caving expedition. Their adventure soon goes horribly wrong when a collapse traps them deep underground and they find themselves pursued by bloodthirsty creatures. As their friendships deteriorate, they find themselves in a desperate struggle to survive the creatures and each other.
After a heroic job of successfully landing his storm-damaged aircraft in a war zone, a fearless pilot finds himself between the agendas of multiple militias planning to take the plane and its passengers hostage.
When his SUV breaks down on a remote Southwestern road, Jeff Taylor lets his wife, Amy, hitch a ride with a trucker to get help. When she doesn't return, Jeff fixes his SUV and tracks down the trucker -- who tells the police he's never seen Amy. Johnathan Mostow's tense thriller then follows Jeff's desperate search for his wife, which eventually uncovers a small town's murderous secret.
Seo-jin is a widower still grieving his wife's death. Then he receives the news that his long-lost younger sister, Yoo-jin, who went missing 25 years ago, has turned up. Unlike the rest of his family, who welcome her into their arms, Seo-jin feels that Yoo-jin is a stranger.
În 1969, arheologul și aventurierul american Indiana Jones s-a opus Cursei Spațiale din cauza faptului că Statele Unite au recrutat foști naziști pentru a învinge Uniunea Sovietică în această competiție. În această luptă îl însoțește fiica sa Helena. Între timp, Jürgen Voller, un angajat NASA și fost nazist implicat în programul lunar, încearcă să facă din lume un loc mai bun pentru el. Arheologul Indiana Jones pornește într-o cursă contracronometru pentru a recupera relicva legendară care ar putea schimba cursul istoriei.
The story of the credit bubble that caused the financial crash. Through interviews with some of the world's leading economists, including housing expert Robert Shiller, Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, and economic historian Louis Hyman, as well as Wall Street insiders and victims of the crash including Ed Andrews - a former economics correspondent for The New York Times who found himself facing foreclosure - and Andrew Luan, once a bond trader at Deutsche Bank now running his own Wall Street tour guide business, the film presents an original and compelling account of the toxic combination of forces that nearly destroyed the world economy.
For siblings Brie, Daniel, Crew, and Jess, family has always come first. But when Crew (Daniel DiTomasso) invites his girlfriend Sara (Kate French) into the family, distrust begins to bubble between the siblings. Seeing Sara as a threat, Brie (Fiona Dourif) grows spiteful and increasingly suspicious that she is being replaced. That is, until the night Crew attempts to murder her in their family house. Traumatized, Brie is sent to a mental facility where she is tormented by hallucinations of Crew from the night of the attack. But when the visions begin to bleed into reality, Brie starts to fear that it’s not just her sanity that’s in danger, and she flees the facility. In a frantic attempt to return to her remaining siblings and warn them, Brie begins to uncover a trail of gory, sinister secrets that lead her to believe that she might not know her family as well as she thought.
Kristen și James se așteaptă la un sfârșit de săptămână relaxant într-o casă de vacanță de familie, dar șederea lor se dovedește a fi ceva mai puțin liniștită. Mai întâi, o femeie misterioasă și periculoasă ajunge la ușă în timp ce James este plecat să rezolve o treabă. Când se întoarce, își ucide din greșeală prietenul Mike, confundându-l cu un intrus. Și atunci apare un pericol real -- sub forma a trei torturatori mascați, lăsându-i pe Kristen și James să se chinuie să supraviețuiască.
Eroicul semizeu Perseu se avântă în Infern pentru a înfrunta Titanii, dușmanii zeilor care au pus la cale întemnițarea lui Zeus în lumea iadului.
În Linia morţii, cinci studenţi la medicină, obsedaţi de misterele care se află dincolo de limita vieţii, se implică într-un experiment pe cât de temerar pe atât de periculos: oprindu-şi inima pentru o scurtă perioadă de timp, fiecare dintre ei trăieşte o experienţă la limita morţii, care le arată ceea ce se poate întâmpla în lumea de dincolo. Dar pe măsură ce experimentele lor devin tot mai riscante, ei încep să fie hăituiţi de propriile păcate din trecut, care sunt reînviate de efectele paranormale ale trecerii dincolo de moarte.
A lone fisherman on his daily run finds himself lost in a thick fog which proves impossible to navigate. The worst is yet to come when his encounter with a seemingly abandoned sailboat becomes a fight for survival against an enemy unknown.
The monsters have made it into a small neighboring town in the middle of nowhere and the locals have to band with the survivors of the bar' slaughter to figure out how to survive.
After an earthquake uncovers an abandoned goldmine, a hiker falls in and is trapped, forcing friends to grapple with a moral dilemma that spirals into madness.
A wealthy teen and his friends attending an elite private school uncover a dark conspiracy while looking into a series of strange supernatural events.
A young woman tries to cover up a deadly hit and run accident, only to have the supposedly dead victim come back to terrorize her.
A quiet town is jumpstarted by the arrival of an enigmatic family; a statuesque mother named Louisa and her gorgeous teenage sons. Sixteen Year-Old Hilary is working hard to get good grades, hoping to escape the small town life a long line of relatives lived before her. With the arrival of the mysterious family just weeks before school is to let out, life suddenly becomes appealing. Hilary's father is instantly charmed by Louisa, while she herself finds a strong connection to middle son Kadin, ignoring her dubious instincts. As the town falls under the hypnotic spell of the young men, no one but Hilary sees the peculiar loyalty that holds them together and the lengths they will go to give their mother what she needs until it's far too late.