Sofi-ren istorioa kontatzen digun filma. Madarikazio baten erruz, atso zahar baten itxura hartuko du neskatxak. Madarikazioa konpondu nahian, txorimalo baten laguntza aurkituko du, Gaztelu Ibiltarira eramango duena (airean mugitzeko gaitasuna duen jauregi/gailu bat). Hango nagusi Hauruk eta bere suzko deabrutxoak, Kaltziferrek, lagunduko diote Sofiri. Era berean, bi herrialderen arteko gerra arriskua ere kontatzen du filmak, nolabaiteko steam-punk estetika Miyazakiren estilo zoragarriarekin nahastuta.
Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo cutter and his wife, a tiny girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady. The mysterious young princess enthrals all who encounter her. But, ultimately, she must confront her fate.
Familia batek auzoz aldatu egiten da eta alabek, basoan barrena totoro deituriko basa-katu erraldoi bat ezagutuko dute. Haien abentura ikaragarriak gozatuko dute barre algaraz beteta.
A young boy and a girl with a magic crystal must race against pirates and foreign agents in a search for a legendary floating castle.
Upon being sent to live with relatives in the countryside due to an illness, an emotionally distant adolescent girl becomes obsessed with an abandoned mansion and infatuated with a girl who lives there - a girl who may or may not be real.
Shizuku lives a simple life, dominated by her love for stories and writing. One day she notices that all the library books she has have been previously checked out by the same person: 'Seiji Amasawa'.
Etorkizun urrunean, apokalispsiaren mila urte beranduago, Lurraren zati handi bat "Fukai" izeneko baso batez estalita dago. Baso horrek pozoia aireratzen du eta intsektu erraldoiez josia dago. Gizakia gainbeheran dago, herri asko izan dira irentsiak Fukaiarengatik eta bizirik jarraitzen direnek gogor lan egin behar dute bizirauteko. Nausicaä, Haize Haraneko printzesa da, erreinu oso txiki bat. Ontziak bikain pilotatzen dituen eta intsektuak etsaitzat hartzen ez dituen neska.
A young witch, on her mandatory year of independent life, finds fitting into a new community difficult while she supports herself by running an air courier service.
Gerra arteko denboran, Benito Mussolini Italian diktadore da. Marco Pagot piloto militar italiar aritua da, lagun bat gudan hiltzen ikusi ondoren, sorginkeri berezi baten biktima bihurtzen da, txerri itxura ematen diona. Honen ondorioz baita bere hidrohegazkina gorria dela eta, "Porco Rosso" ezizena hartzen du eta ordainsari ehiztari famatua bilakatzen da, Adriatiko itsasoan piraten lapurretak ezeztatzen dituena. Piratek, Porcotaz nazkaturik kontraerasotzea erabakitzen dute estatubatuar abenturazale bat kontratatzen.
Jiroren ametsa hegan egitea eta Caproni aeronautikako diseinatzaile italiarrak inspiratutako hegazkin ederrak diseinatzea da. Txikitatik ikusmen arazoak dituenez, ezin du hegan egin; horregatik, 1927an ingeniaritza-enpresa bateko aeronautika sailean sartzea erabakiko du.
Sosuke itsasora begira dagoen labar batean bizi da. Goiz batean, burua marmeladazko pote batean sartuta duen koloretako arrain batekin egingo du topo. Sosukek askatzen lagunduko dio eta elkarren arteko lilura sortuko da. Hala ere, arrainaren aitak, garai batean gizaki izan zen aztiak, berarekin itsasora itzultzera behartuko du. Ponyo koloretako arrainak haur izan nahi du eta ihes egingo du. Kaosa nagusituko da eta Ponyoren ahizpak maremoto erraldoi bihurtuko dira Sosukeren itzulera eragiteko. Ur azpiko munduaren eromenak Sosuke nahastuko du.
Yokohama, 1963. Japan is picking itself up from the devastation of World War II and preparing to host the 1964 Olympics—and the mood is one of both optimism and conflict as the young generation struggles to throw off the shackles of a troubled past. Against this backdrop of hope and change, a friendship begins to blossom between high school students Umi and Shun—but a buried secret from their past emerges to cast a shadow on the future and pull them apart.
The Raccoons of the Tama Hills are being forced from their homes by the rapid development of houses and shopping malls. As it becomes harder to find food and shelter, they decide to band together and fight back. The Raccoons practice and perfect the ancient art of transformation until they are even able to appear as humans in hilarious circumstances.
Mary Smith, a young girl who lives with her great-aunt in the countryside, follows a mysterious cat into the nearby forest where she finds a strange flower and an old broom, none of which is as ordinary as it seems.
Young Haru rescues a cat from being run over, but soon learns it's no ordinary feline; it happens to be the Prince of the Cats.
Mei has an adventure with a Kittenbus and her relatives. Totoro appears.
Seon-hee is a high school girl who used to tell lies to get her friends attention. She leaves Seoul guilt-ridden when her friend Jung-mi kills herself because of Seon-hee's lies. In the countryside where no one knows her, Seon-hee begins a new life as Seul-ki.
The Yamadas are a typical middle class Japanese family in urban Tokyo and this film shows us a variety of episodes of their lives. With tales that range from the humorous to the heartbreaking, we see this family cope with life's little conflicts, problems, and joys in their own way.
Something bizarre has come over the land. The kingdom is deteriorating. People are beginning to act strange... What's even more strange is that people are beginning to see dragons, which shouldn't enter the world of humans. Due to all these bizarre events, Ged, a wandering wizard, is investigating the cause. During his journey, he meets Prince Arren, a young distraught teenage boy. While Arren may look like a shy young teen, he has a severe dark side, which grants him strength, hatred, ruthlessness and has no mercy, especially when it comes to protecting Teru. For the witch Kumo this is a perfect opportunity. She can use the boy's "fears" against the very one who would help him, Ged.
It is 2046 when a mysterious alien force begins their annihilation of the human race. Leaving behind the one person she loves, Mikako joins the interstellar battle as a pilot. And so - while Mikako risks her life to save mankind - Noboru waits. The two lovers, worlds apart, desperately strive to remain connected as the gap between them widens at a frightening pace.