Adam Sandler takes his comical musical musings back out on the road, from comedy clubs to concert halls to one very unsuspecting subway station.
An Irish cabby in the Bronx watches his wife go overboard planning their daughter's wedding.
Lizzie, a high-end event planner, lies awake nightly while her devoted fiancé Josh rests peacefully. When a sleep-deprived incident causes her to run into Billy, a low-key bartender who is just as sleepless and frustrated as she is, they discover that they can only fall asleep while next to each other.
The movie opens as the two protagonists, Rodrigo and Rocco join their families to hold a birthday party for their grandfather, Rodrigo Carnicero, which through most part of the movie is only referred to as "El abuelo" (Spanish for Grandpa). Rodrigo is a regular middle-class teenager, while Rocco (who, in fact, is also named Rodrigo but shortens his name to Rocco) is rather more unconventional, a marijuana user and indie magazine writer, and has deep conflicts with his father Luis.
Embracing his belief that comedy is the last raw form of expression, Deon Cole explains the right time to thank Jesus and the wrong time to say "welp.".
Michael and Madison Roland planned to spend the rest of their lives together, but Michael's controlling ways turn their perfect marriage into an abusive roller-coaster ride that no woman could survive. With the help of her best friend, Madison fakes her death to escape and start a new life — but soon realizes it's impossible to outwit her obsessive husband.
Some college students manage to persuade the town's big businessman, A. J. Arno, to donate a computer to their college. When the problem- student, Dexter Riley, tries to fix the computer, he gets an electric shock and his brain turns to a computer; now he remembers everything he reads. Unfortunately, he also remembers information which was in the computer's memory, like Arno's illegal businesses..
When Lucy Cullins, a successful but cranky producer at a home shopping network hires an actor named Nick to play Santa Claus on the network, she gets more than she bargained for.
Four married couples find out their marriage is invalid because it was officiated by a fraudulent priest and have to decide what to do next.
Dr. Jack Hammond has best chances to become medical superintendent in the clinic. So he's completely absorbed in his work and has no understanding for his teenage son Chris' problems with school. By accident one of them drinks a brain-exchanging serum, and it switches their identities. This leads of course to extraordinary complications in school and at work, but also to insight in the problems and feelings of each other.
When Nina and her high school friends receive eerie text messages declaring that they will all die within three days, they dismiss it as a hokey prank - until one by one, the pals start turning up dead in the alpine countryside. With the cops stymied, Nina and her remaining friends must scour their past for clues to identify the madman before he kills them all.
Kaksi yliopistosta valmistunutta nuorta palaa kotikyläänsä, ja hypoteettinen kysymys - kumman isä voittaisi tappelussa - johtaa massiiviseen sekasortoon.
Martinón is the last inhabitant of Auzal, a village in the mountains where he lives in communion with nature. He only goes down to the valleys twice a year to trade and to buy provisions. But one day he’s convinced to take a wife, a decision intended to soften his calloused soul—but in some ways his real struggle is only just beginning.
Hollywood, 1969 - myyttien, kauneuden ja hirviöiden valtakunta. Elokuvantekijän urasta haaveileva Vikar, jolla on suuria unelmia, saapuu Los Angelesiin ja herättää murhatutkija Slimin huomion.
Hitusen maanisdepressiivinen ja lapsenmielinen Ben saa uutisen isänsä kuolemasta ja päättää matkata kotiseuduilleen parhaan lapsuudenkaverinsa, ikuisen poikamiehen, meteorologi Steven kanssa. Perillä Benille selviää, että hänen kovin etäiseksi jääneellä isällään olikin suuria suunnitelmia poikansa pään menoksi. Rahakirstun mukana Benille luovutetaankin joukko raastavia velvollisuuksia ja ongelmia, omituisen kunnianhimoinen sisko sekä isän leski, kuuma ja nuori Angela, johon Steve tietenkin iskee rasvaiset näppinsä.
Anna ja Will eivät ole koskaan olleet kenenkään muun kanssa. Vaikka he rakastavat toisiansa, Anna tulee ystävänsä ylipuhumaksi, kun hänen ystävänsä ehdottaa, että hänen ja Willin tulisi harrastaa seksiä myös muidenkin kanssa, ennen kuin he päättävät tosissaan pysyä yhdessä.
Just as Simone works up the courage to tell her conservative Jewish family she's a lesbian, she finds herself attracted to a male Senegalese chef.
Äiti ja tytär muuttavat uuteen asuntoon uuden alun toivossa. Naapurissa asuu herttainen mummo, joka auttaa heitä sopeutumaan. Omituisia asioita alkaa kuitenkin tapahtua ja talon synkkä menneisyys alkaa selvitä heille pikkuhiljaa.
As World War Two rages on, the allies are about to push the Nazis out of North Africa. That's when the Nazis turn up the heat, unleashing their secret Weapon: DRAGONS!!! The allies quickly lose ground to the ancient monster, and are close to complete annihilation when the Allies put together a group of special fighter-pilots, specially trained to fight a beast everyone thought was a myth.
Pidätkö toimistotyötäsi rankkana? Sitten et ole työskennellyt Lucyn alaisena. Lucy on egoistinen ja suuruudenhullu toimitusjohtaja Incredible Edibles -yhtiössä, joka on USA:n johtava syötävien aterimien tuottaja.