Movie inspired by life of saintly Elder Paisios (1924 1994) and other Orthodox monks. Severeal stories of young and old monk life. Sometimes funny, but all about true christian love.


An Irish cabby in the Bronx watches his wife go overboard planning their daughter's wedding.

Lizzie, a high-end event planner, lies awake nightly while her devoted fiancé Josh rests peacefully. When a sleep-deprived incident causes her to run into Billy, a low-key bartender who is just as sleepless and frustrated as she is, they discover that they can only fall asleep while next to each other.

The movie opens as the two protagonists, Rodrigo and Rocco join their families to hold a birthday party for their grandfather, Rodrigo Carnicero, which through most part of the movie is only referred to as "El abuelo" (Spanish for Grandpa). Rodrigo is a regular middle-class teenager, while Rocco (who, in fact, is also named Rodrigo but shortens his name to Rocco) is rather more unconventional, a marijuana user and indie magazine writer, and has deep conflicts with his father Luis.

特里·卡彭特和大卫·克拉布特里是SHC上最受欢迎的节目主持人,也就是家庭购物频道。他们的职业关系是对立的,因为他们对待工作的方式是 对立的。特里喜欢随时准备了解产品规格,大卫指责她在追求完美的过程中很无聊。大卫的态度很严肃,他的口头语甚至不是他自己写的,特丽觉得他想成为每个观众最好的朋友很做作。他们和SHC的其他工作人员发现,一直在该电视台流传的谣言是真的:SHC的创始人莎伦·圣克莱尔(Sharon St. Clair)即将退休,她仍然主持黄金时段的节目,包括《月度挑》(Monthly Pick),它的收视率是其他节目的四倍。她和董事会将决定她的继任者,既担任这些利润丰厚的时段的主持人,又担任公司的负责人。 两个敌对家庭购物主机被迫在一起而争取升职。在这个过程中,他们发现他们在直播中的化学反应点燃了场外的火花。

Embracing his belief that comedy is the last raw form of expression, Deon Cole explains the right time to thank Jesus and the wrong time to say "welp.".

Michael and Madison Roland planned to spend the rest of their lives together, but Michael's controlling ways turn their perfect marriage into an abusive roller-coaster ride that no woman could survive. With the help of her best friend, Madison fakes her death to escape and start a new life — but soon realizes it's impossible to outwit her obsessive husband.


When Lucy Cullins, a successful but cranky producer at a home shopping network hires an actor named Nick to play Santa Claus on the network, she gets more than she bargained for.



When Nina and her high school friends receive eerie text messages declaring that they will all die within three days, they dismiss it as a hokey prank - until one by one, the pals start turning up dead in the alpine countryside. With the cops stymied, Nina and her remaining friends must scour their past for clues to identify the madman before he kills them all.

又是一年足球赛季,成绩不甚良好的巴黎队即将前往卡布隆吉与当地球队进行对抗。巴黎队球星山姆·罗瑞特(奥尔本·勒努瓦 Alban Lenoir 饰)出生于卡布隆吉,他最近表现不太出色,因此备受媒体奚落。与此同时,众多球迷相继云集到球场,准备欣赏一场精彩的赛事。杰诺特(Sebastien Vandenberghe 饰)饰卡布隆吉的一名球员,他似乎和山姆有着不可化解的仇恨,因此不惜借助未知药物的帮忙。谁想到注射药物过后,杰诺特突然暴走,俨然变成了嗜血如命的僵尸,只是这一变故还没有什么人察觉。


安娜(丽贝卡·豪)和威尔(丹·史蒂文斯)是一对多年的情侣,他们是初恋情人、又都是对方的初吻和第一次,关系十分稳固,但又缺乏激情。 安娜三十岁生日派对上,威尔准备求婚,但被他们喝醉的朋友打断,朋友醉醺醺的建议他们先别急着结婚、安定下来,而是去外面看看其他的“风景”。说者无意,听者有心,安娜真的心动了,于是和威尔商议开始“实验”:即在一夫一妻框架下,自由与其他人发生性关系。

As World War Two rages on, the allies are about to push the Nazis out of North Africa. That's when the Nazis turn up the heat, unleashing their secret Weapon: DRAGONS!!! The allies quickly lose ground to the ancient monster, and are close to complete annihilation when the Allies put together a group of special fighter-pilots, specially trained to fight a beast everyone thought was a myth.

A mother and her young daughter move into a new house looking for a fresh start. But they soon realize they've just become part of a dark history.


露西(黛米·摩尔)是美国第一家提供食用餐具的“不可思议的编辑”公司(Incredible Edibles)的自负、自大狂的首席执行官。露西以她无穷的智慧,带领她的员工,包括长期受苦的助手,弗雷迪(卡兰·索尼)和杰西(杰西卡·威廉姆斯),在新墨西哥州的一个公司团队建设崩塌周末。当灾难来临时,即使是他们无用的向导,布兰登(埃德·赫尔姆斯)也救不了他们。这个不匹配和不满的群体被困在地下,为了生存,他们必须团结起来。   导演帕特里克·布赖斯召集了一群不太可能的角色,把他们锁在洞穴里,然后让他们离开。接下来是关于人类社会互动的噩梦般的研究,一直在问这样一个问题:当人们停止相互竞争,联合起来对抗压迫者时,会发生什么?Brice创造性地将每个角色的弧线编织成更大的主题,在他们成为他们本性的牺牲品时,扮演他们反抗动物性的人性。十二个人被困在山洞里,食物正在枯竭,真相被揭露,背叛和操纵被揭露,结成联盟——什么可能出错?