A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Příběh nikdy neuskutečněné realizace jednoho z nejambicióznějších projektů Alejandra Jodorowskyho, autora kultovních snímků jako Krtek či Svatá hora.

With their most formidable foe vanquished, Inuyasha and his comrades begin returning to their everyday lives. But their peace is fleeting as another adversary emerges: Kaguya, the self-proclaimed princess from the Moon of Legend, hatches a plot to plunge the world into an eternal night of the full moon. Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango and Shippou must reunite to confront the new menace.

The mysterious island of Houraijima has reappeared after 50 years, and with its reappearance has brought the attack of four gods, the Shitoushin, who have their eyes set on the powers that protect and sustain the island. Now it's up to Inuyasha and his friends, along with Sesshoumaru, to find a way to defeat the powerful Shitoushin.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

Pining for a lavish life abroad, a lazy but lovable guy next door crafts a scam to avoid a career in nursing and find a wealthy spouse to secure a visa.

The four constables Emotionless, Iron Hands , Life Snatcher and ColdBlood are specially skilled in their own individual super powers. When the four constables of the Divine Constabulary investigate a murder in the suburbs, they unexpectedly stumble on clues to the murder of Emotionless's family 15 years ago.

Tintin falls into a dangerous trap after his friends are falsely arrested in a troubled South American country where a revolution is about to explode.

Tenhle dokument v syrových záběrech a rozhovorech odhaluje nové informace o průkopníkovi v oboru moderních technologií Johnu McAfeem, který strávil dlouhé roky na útěku.

Zakletý princ Romualdo, láska princezny Fantaghiro, nyní jako ošklivý Fiodor prosí Pána Temnot Darken, aby ji "probudil" z hlubokého spánku, do kterého ji uvrhl. I Tarabas je ochoten znovu sloužit Zlu, jen aby Fantaghiro ožila. Darken se nechá uprosit a probudí princeznu. No Tarabas navzdory snaze již nedokáže být znovu špatným. Princezny pomáhá při útěku Darken dozorce Fiodor, ale útěk se jim nezdaří. A tak další osudy Tarabase, Fantaghiro, Fiodora a Angeliky má v rukou i nadále hrozný Pán temnot Darken.

Stanley Ford (Jack Lemmon), úspěšný kreslíř comixů, vede příjemný život dobře situovaného starého mádence a v žádném případě by na tom nic neměnil. Jednoho rána se však probudí jako čerstvě oženěný manžel jisté rozkošné blondýny (Virna Lisi) a jen těžko si vzpomíná na to, jak k ní přišel. A protože mladá novomanželka nechce o rozvodu ani slyšet a život s ní je k nesnesení, nezbyde mu než připravit vražedný plán...

Two girls with the same name but very different personalities share an apartment in this sequel to Nana. The rising fame of Nana Osaki's band, the Black Stones, is beginning to take a toll on the best friends' relationship. Meanwhile, Nana Komatsu struggles to make sense of her love triangle with Black Stones' guitarist Nobu and rival group Trapnest's bassist Takumi.

Six models -- each in a separate segment -- strip, dance nude, and occasionally make comments. Despite the title, there is very little footage of hostess Julie Strain, whose participation is limited to a brief introduction to each segment. (AllMovie)

Insulted by Rosario, a rich businessman, Jai Kishen a Matchmaker teaches him a lesson by getting his daughter married to Raju, a Coolie, who poses to be a millionaire. They sense something fishy and Raju's deceptions are discovered. In an attempt to cover it up, he cooks up a story of having a filthy rich twin. One lie leads to another and things start to go awry culminating in a comedy of errors.

One evening, when they come home, Mr. and Mrs. Prioux are astounded to find that a certain Patrick has moved into their place. This strange young man has returned home to his parents in order to introduce his wife.

12, is a comic parody about an office's obsession with the television show 24 as the their obsessions kick into high gear with the shows season finale approaching. Part The Office part 24, the short film mash-up introduces a novel send-up of these pop culture staples.