In the year 180, the death of emperor Marcus Aurelius throws the Roman Empire into chaos. Maximus is one of the Roman army's most capable and trusted generals and a key advisor to the emperor. As Marcus' devious son Commodus ascends to the throne, Maximus is set to be executed. He escapes, but is captured by slave traders. Renamed Spaniard and forced to become a gladiator, Maximus must battle to the death with other men for the amusement of paying audiences.

2700. gads. Robots VALL-E (saīsināts no Visuma Atkritumu Laukā Lādētājs - Efektīvais) aizvada savas dienas veicot vienu un to pašu vienmuļo darbu, kuram viņš bija konstruēts un ieprogrammēts. Tas turpinās līdz tam brīdim, kad uz Zemes ierodas neparasts robots IEVA, kurai VALL-E seko līdzi aizraujošā kosmiskā ceļojumā pāri visai galaktikai, lai atrastu savas dzīves īsto aicinājumu.

Stāsts balstīts uz reāliem faktiem par Džordanu Belfortu – sākot ar kļūšanu par bagātu akciju brokeri līdz pat viņa norietam, kas saistīts ar noziedzību, korupciju un federālo valdību.

Pēc tam, kad vētra izjauc kosmosa kuģa komandas Marsa misiju, astronauta Marka Vatnija (Mets Deimons) komandas biedri nodomā, ka viņš ir gājis bojā, un atstāj viņu uz Marsa. Viņš ir pilnīgi viens un ir zaudējis visus komunikācijas kanālus saziņai ar savu komandu un Zemi. Marks pielieto zināšanas botānikā, lai izveidotu vidi, kurā būtu iespējams izaudzēt pārtiku, un tajā pašā laikā arī meklē veidu, kā atgriezties mājās. Tikmēr kosmosa misijas komanda uz Zemes ļoti cer, ka Marks vēl ir dzīvs, taču prāto, kā ar viņu sazināties. Vēl svarīgāks jautājums ir tas, vai viņi spēs nogādāt Marku mājās, pirms izbeigsies viņa pārtikas krājumi.

Tells the story of Sadie and Bessie Delany, two African-American (they preferred "colored") sisters who both lived past the age of 100. They grew up on a North Carolina college campus, the daughters of the first African-American Episcopal bishop, who was born a slave, and a woman with an inter-racial background. With the support of each other and their family, they survived encounters with racism and sexism in their own different ways. Sadie quietly and sweetly broke barriers to become the first African-American home-ec teacher in New York City, while Bessie, with her own brand of outspokenness, became the second African-American dentist in New York City. At the ages of 103 and 101, they told their story to Amy Hill Hearth, a white New York Times reporter who published an article about them. The overwhelming response launched a bestselling book, a Broadway play, and this film.

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born in the stench of 18th century Paris, develops a superior olfactory sense, which he uses to create the world's finest perfumes. However, his work takes a dark turn as he tries to preserve scents in the search for the ultimate perfume.

Viņu sauc Kevins un viņā mīt vismaz 23 personības. Kevins nolaupa trīs pusaudzes, un kamēr viņas atrodas ieslodzījumā, pamazām sāk materializēties viņa galvenā personība - Zvērs...

Loving but irresponsible dad Daniel Hillard, estranged from his exasperated spouse, is crushed by a court order allowing only weekly visits with his kids. When Daniel learns his ex needs a housekeeper, he gets the job -- disguised as a British nanny. Soon he becomes not only his children's best pal but the kind of parent he should have been from the start.

Agent 007 is back in the second installment of the James Bond series, this time battling a secret crime organization known as SPECTRE. Russians Rosa Klebb and Kronsteen are out to snatch a decoding device known as the Lektor, using the ravishing Tatiana to lure Bond into helping them. Bond willingly travels to meet Tatiana in Istanbul, where he must rely on his wits to escape with his life in a series of deadly encounters with the enemy.

Cilvēka prāts ir lēns, tas nespēj fokusēties uz vairākām lietām vienlaikus. Atliek vien novērst upura uzmanību un tad veikli viņu aptīrīt... Šo ļaužu vājību savā labā izmanto rūdītais mahinators Nikijs, kurš krāpnieka aroda smalkumus māca arī savai draudzenei Džesai. Tomēr, kad viņu romantiskās attiecības kļūst pārāk ciešas, Niks Džesu pēkšņi pamet. Pēc trīs gadiem bijusī mīļākā - tagad satriecoša "liktenīgā sieviete" - uzrodas Buenosairesā, kur Nikijs izplānojis kārtējo afēru.

Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

Three escaped criminals from the planet Krypton test the Man of Steel's mettle. Led by General Zod, the Kryptonians take control of the White House and partner with Lex Luthor to destroy Superman and rule the world. But Superman, who attempts to make himself human in order to get closer to Lois, realizes he has a responsibility to save the planet.

A group of self-absorbed actors set out to make the most expensive war film ever. After ballooning costs force the studio to cancel the movie, the frustrated director refuses to stop shooting, leading his cast into the jungles of Southeast Asia, where they encounter real bad guys.

A talented photographer stuck in a dead-end job inherits an antique Advent calendar that may be predicting the future -- and pointing her toward love.

Turpinājums “Ātrajiem un negantajiem”. Brian O'Connor, apkaunots policists, bija ātruma ķēms un tagad par to maksā cenu. Kā to redz viņa bijušie priekšnieki un FBI galvenais misiņš, šis slepenais aģents uzskrēja vienu no vissvarīgākajām izmeklēšanām, ko viņi jebkad ir veikuši.

After moving to Pasadena, Texas, country boy Bud Davis starts hanging around a bar called Gilley's, where he falls in love with Sissy, a cowgirl who believes the sexes are equal. They eventually marry, but their relationship is turbulent due to Bud's traditional view of gender roles. Jealousy over his rival leads to their separation, but Bud attempts to win Sissy back by triumphing at Gilley's mechanical bull-riding competition.

A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don't apply.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

An ad agency copywriter, ordered to push a new brand of beer to black ghetto kids, resigns from her job and goes searching for her racial identity.

In this affecting urban drama, down-and-out single dad Derek finds himself torn between his son's mother, Tasha, and former high school classmate Amour. Life spins out of control for Derek after he loses his job, but everything changes when he bumps into pretty Amour -- and ends up in love. Will the secret that she's harboring destroy their relationship and send Derek back to Tasha?