Čierna komédia sleduje chudobnú, ale prefíkanú štvorčlennú rodinu, ktorá sa rozhodne infiltrovať do bohatej domácnosti biznismena Parka. Čo sa môže stať, keď sa stretnú dva odlišné svety?

Akčná dráma z obdobia 2. svetovej vojny. Počas vylodenia v Normandii prídu o život dvaja bratia, ich tretí súrodenec zahynul už skôr na Novej Guinei. Keď sa kapitán John Miller dozvie o poslednom, štvrtom bratovi, chce ho za každú cenu zachrániť a dostať domov k matke. Na túto ťažkú úlohu sa podujem skupina ôsmich mužov.

Documentary looking back at Alan Partridge's journey from broadcaster caricature to the award-winning study of complexity and pathos that he has become.

Two musicians witness a mob hit and struggle to find a way out of the city before they are found by the gangsters. Their only opportunity is to join an all-girl band as they leave on a tour. To make their getaway they must first disguise themselves as women, then keep their identities secret and deal with the problems this brings - such as an attractive bandmate and a very determined suitor.

In this classic German thriller, Hans Beckert, a serial killer who preys on children, becomes the focus of a massive Berlin police manhunt. Beckert's heinous crimes are so repellant and disruptive to city life that he is even targeted by others in the seedy underworld network. With both cops and criminals in pursuit, the murderer soon realizes that people are on his trail, sending him into a tense, panicked attempt to escape justice.

Peter Quill je svojrázny dobrodruh, potulujúci sa z planéty na planétu. Potom, čo obávanému a vplyvnému Ronanovi ukradne tajomnú guľu, stáva sa stredobodom záujmu nájomných zabijakov. Aby im unikol, musí spojiť sily s prapodivnou štvoricou – prchkým a po zuby ozbrojeným mývalom Rocketom, Grootom – humanoidom, ktorý však pripomína skôr strom, záhadnou a vražednou Gamorou a pomstychtivou obludou Draxom Ničiteľom. Keď Quill odhalí skutočnú moc gule a hrozbu, ktorú predstavuje pre celý vesmír, musí za každú cenu držať pokope svojich nesúrodých spoločníkov a pokúsiť sa zachrániť celú Galaxiu...

Adaptácia rovnomenného románu Josepha Kessela z roku 1943. Inžiniera Philippa Gerbiera – vodcu skupiny odboja zatknú v roku 1942 a uväznia v tábore. Tu plánuje útek, no pošlú ho do Paríža, kde ho vypočúva Gestapo. Podarí sa mu utiecť a vedie skupinu odboja v Marseille... Melville do filmu dodal aj niekoľko vlastných skúseností z odboja.

Beautiful young housewife Séverine Serizy cannot reconcile her masochistic fantasies with her everyday life alongside dutiful husband Pierre. When her lovestruck friend Henri mentions a secretive high-class brothel run by Madame Anais, Séverine begins to work there during the day under the name Belle de Jour. But when one of her clients grows possessive, she must try to go back to her normal life.

As election time nears, current Triad chairman Lok faces competition from his godsons. At the same time, Jimmy looks to increase his business relations with mainland China.

Dráma Moneyball spoločnosti Columbia Pictures je natočená podľa skutočného príbehu Billyho Beana (Brad Pitt) - bývalého nádejného baseballového hráča, ktorý sa potom, čo nedokázal splniť sľubné očakávania, so svojou súťaživou povahou radšej zameral na manažérsku stránku tohto športu.

Angelika de Sancé de Monteloup prežíva radostné a nespútané detstvo na zámku svojho otca. Mnoho času trávi so svojím chudobným kamarátom Nicolasom. Keď však odhalí intrigy, ktorých cieľom je vražda kráľa Ľudovíta XIV., stáva sa pre vplyvných sprisahancov nebezpečným svedkom a musí odísť do kláštora! Odtiaľ Angeliku vyslobodí rozhodnutie otca vydať ju za bohatého grófa Jeoffreyho de Peyraca. Angelika sa vydaju bráni, pretože počula, že Peyrac je starý, škaredý a krívajúci! Navyše je vraj čudák, ktorý na svojom zámku robí čudné pokusy a experimenty. Joffrey je však predovšetkým vzdelaný, jemný a svojím spôsobom okúzľujúci muž. Dievča si pomaly získava, až sa medzi nimi zrodí veľká láska, patriaca k tým nesmrteľným. Šťastie, vrcholiace narodením synčeka, však nemá dlhé trvanie. Mladý „kráľ Slnko“ totiž Peyracovi závidí nielen bohatstvo, ale i krásnu manželku, a tak nechá grófa obviniť z čarodejníctva...

A fashion designer suffers from a mysterious illness that puzzles her doctors and frustrates her husband until help arrives in the form of a Filipino carer who uses traditional folk healing to reveal a horrifying truth.

When a beautiful model, Alison Parker, rents an apartment in a gloomy New York brownstone, little does she realize that an unspeakable horror awaits her behind its doors... a mysterious gateway to hell.

In the Oregon mountains, a pair of hunters encounter a machete-wielding killer in an abandoned church. Meanwhile, five campers arrive to examine some property one of them has inherited but are warned by the forest ranger not to venture forth. Soon after they set up camp, they begin hearing strange noises, encounter a mysterious singing girl and start disappearing one by one.

Johan and Saar make a final attempt to save their marriage by going on vacation to Buenos Aires. In keeping a promise to their daughter they will make a video of their activities there. When they accidentally witness (and videotape) a brutal murder they will have to run to stay alive.

Six people are lured into a small Deep South town for a Centennial celebration where the residents proceed to kill them one by one as revenge for the town's destruction during the Civil War.

To come to the aid of migrants he was hiding in Paris, Pierrot takes them to the South-West to Antoine, who himself is already welcoming Mimile, in the midst of reconquering love for Berthe. Expecting to find calm and voluptuousness in the countryside, the six refugees will taste above all the legendary hospitality of a French village. The perfect opportunity to shake up fears and prejudices for Sophie and our three Old Furnaces, promoted to unexpected consultants of an electoral campaign that Larquebuse, the mayor of Montcoeur is not about to forget.

When two American girls on a bike trip in a remote part of Argentina split up and one of them goes missing, the other must find her before her worst fears are realized.

A cop and his sexually frustrated wife are struggling to keep their failing marriage intact, when by chance she finds that he is at heart a voyeuristic peeping tom. To satisfy him and herself, his wife has numerous affairs, which her husband watches on closed-circuit televison. However, the pair soon learn that when you play with fire, you'll always get burned.